L10N/Companion_Julienne/6.2/Names/ALCH-01 の変更点

FormID: 010023A0	a00pACPotion	ALCH	 	00
FormID: 010023A1	a00pACPoison	ALCH	 	00
FormID: 010023A3	a00pACPoisonFireLv01	ALCH	 	Flaming Liquid S
FormID: 010023A5	a00pACPoisonFireLv02	ALCH	 	Flaming Liquid M
FormID: 010023A7	a00pACPoisonFireLv03	ALCH	 	Flaming Liquid L
FormID: 010023A9	a00pACPoisonFrostLv01	ALCH	 	Freezing Liquid S
FormID: 010023AB	a00pACPoisonFrostLv03	ALCH	 	Freezing Liquid L
FormID: 010023AD	a00pACPoisonFrostLv02	ALCH	 	Freezing Liquid M
FormID: 010023AF	a00pACPoisonShockLv02	ALCH	 	Electric Liquid M
FormID: 010023B1	a00pACPoisonShockLv01	ALCH	 	Electric Liquid S
FormID: 010023B3	a00pACPoisonShockLv03	ALCH	 	Electric Liquid L
FormID: 010023B5	a00pACPoisonParalyzeLv01	ALCH	 	Paralyzing Liquid S
FormID: 010023B7	a00pACPoisonParalyzeLv02	ALCH	 	Paralyzing Liquid M
FormID: 010023B9	a00pACPoisonParalyzeLv03	ALCH	 	Paralyzing Liquid L
FormID: 010023BB	a00pACPoisonNeurolysisLv02	ALCH	 	Neurolysis M
FormID: 010023BD	a00pACPoisonNecrosisLv01	ALCH	 	Advancing Necrosis S
FormID: 010023BF	a00pACPoisonFatalLv01	ALCH	 	Fatal Liquid S
FormID: 010023C1	a00pACPoisonWeaknessAllLv01	ALCH	 	Weakness to Magic S
FormID: 010023C3	a00pACPoisonWeaknessAllLv02	ALCH	 	Weakness to Magic M
FormID: 010023C5	a00pACPoisonWeaknessAllLv03	ALCH	 	Weakness to Magic L
FormID: 010023C7	a00pACPotionCureAll	ALCH	 	Illness Remover
FormID: 010023C9	a00pACPotionCureDamagedAttributes	ALCH	 	Attributes Restorer
FormID: 010023CB	a00pACPotionRestoreHealthLv01	ALCH	 	Health Medicine S
FormID: 010023CD	a00pACPotionRestoreHealthLv02	ALCH	 	Health Medicine M
FormID: 010023CF	a00pACPotionRestoreHealthLv03	ALCH	 	Health Medicine L
FormID: 010023D1	a00pACPotionDispelLv01	ALCH	 	Dispeling Liquid
FormID: 010023D3	a00pACPotionFeatherLv02	ALCH	 	Feathering Potion M
FormID: 010023D5	a00pACPotionFeatherLv03	ALCH	 	Feathering Potion L
FormID: 010023D7	a00pACPotionFeatherLv01	ALCH	 	Feathering Potion S
FormID: 010023D9	a00pACPotionShiledLv01	ALCH	 	Shield S
FormID: 010023DB	a00pACPotionShiledLv03	ALCH	 	Shield L
FormID: 010023DD	a00pACPotionShiledLv02	ALCH	 	Shield M
FormID: 010023DF	a00pACPotionMagicShieldLv01	ALCH	 	Shield to Magic S
FormID: 010023E1	a00pACPotionMagicShieldLv02	ALCH	 	Shield to Magic M
FormID: 010023E3	a00pACPotionMagicShieldLv03	ALCH	 	Shield to Magic L
FormID: 010023E5	a00pACPotionLightLv01	ALCH	 	Shining Liquid S
FormID: 010023E7	a00pACPotionLightLv02	ALCH	 	Shining Liquid M
FormID: 010023E9	a00pACPotionLightLv03	ALCH	 	Shining Liquid L
FormID: 010023EB	a00pACPotionNightEye	ALCH	 	Night Vision
FormID: 010023ED	a00pACPotionWaterWalking	ALCH	 	Ninja's Medicine
FormID: 010023EF	a00pACPotionWaterBreathing	ALCH	 	Oxygenic Liquid
FormID: 010023F1	a00pACPotionRestoreMagickaLv01	ALCH	 	Magicka Medicine S
FormID: 010023F3	a00pACPotionRestoreMagickaLv02	ALCH	 	Magicka Medicine M
FormID: 010023F5	a00pACPotionRestoreMagickaLv03	ALCH	 	Magicka Medicine L
FormID: 010023F7	a00pACPotionInvisibilityLv01	ALCH	 	Invisibility S
FormID: 010023F9	a00pACPotionInvisibilityLv02	ALCH	 	Invisibility M
FormID: 010023FB	a00pACPotionInvisibilityLv03	ALCH	 	Invisibility L
FormID: 010023FD	a00pACPotionFortifyStreangthLv01	ALCH	 	Enhancing Strength S
FormID: 010023FF	a00pACPotionFortifySpeedLv01	ALCH	 	Enhancing Speed S
FormID: 01002401	a00pACPotionFortifyAgilityLv01	ALCH	 	Enhancing Agility S
FormID: 01002403	a00pACPotionFortifyEnduranceLv01	ALCH	 	Enhancing Endurance S
FormID: 01002405	a00pACPotionFortifyIntelligenceLv01	ALCH	 	Enhancing Intelligence S
FormID: 01002407	a00pACPotionFortifyPersonalityLv01	ALCH	 	Enhancing Personality S
FormID: 01002409	a00pACPotionFortifyWillpowerLv01	ALCH	 	Enhancing Willpower S
FormID: 0100240B	a00pACPotionResistNegativeStatsLv01	ALCH	 	Resisting All S
FormID: 0100240D	a00pACPotionReflectDamageLv01	ALCH	 	Physical Reflect S
FormID: 0100240F	a00pACPotionReflectDamageLv02	ALCH	 	Physical Reflect M
FormID: 01002AE4	a00pACPotionReflectDamageLv03	ALCH	 	Physical Reflect L
FormID: 01002AE5	a00pACPotionReflectSpellLv01	ALCH	 	Spell Reflect S
FormID: 01002AE7	a00pACPotionReflectSpellLv02	ALCH	 	Spell Reflect M
FormID: 01002AE9	a00pACPotionReflectSpellLv03	ALCH	 	Spell Reflect L
FormID: 01002AEE	a00pACPotionResistNegativeStatsLv02	ALCH	 	Resisting All M
FormID: 01002AEF	a00pACPotionResistNegativeStatsLv03	ALCH	 	Resisting All L
FormID: 01002AF1	a00pACPotionRestoreAllLv01	ALCH	 	Almighty Medicine S
FormID: 01002AF3	a00pACPotionRestoreAllLv02	ALCH	 	Almighty Medicine M
FormID: 01002AF5	a00pACPotionRestoreAllLv03	ALCH	 	Almighty Medicine L
FormID: 01005413	a00pACPoisonNecrosisLv02	ALCH	 	Advancing Necrosis M
FormID: 01005414	a00pACPoisonNecrosisLv03	ALCH	 	Advancing Necrosis L
FormID: 01005416	a00pACPoisonNeurolysisLv01	ALCH	 	Neurolysis S
FormID: 01005418	a00pACPoisonNeurolysisLv03	ALCH	 	Neurolysis L
FormID: 0100541A	a00pACPoisonFatalLv02	ALCH	 	Fatal Liquid M
FormID: 0100541C	a00pACPoisonFatalLv03	ALCH	 	Fatal Liquid L
FormID: 0100541E	a00pACPoisonWizardLiquidLv01	ALCH	 	Wizard's Liquid S
FormID: 01005420	a00pACPoisonWizardLiquidLv02	ALCH	 	Wizard's Liquid M
FormID: 01005422	a00pACPoisonWizardLiquidLv03	ALCH	 	Wizard's Liquid L
FormID: 01005424	a00pACPoisonAcidLv01	ALCH	 	Acid S
FormID: 01005426	a00pACPoisonAcidLv02	ALCH	 	Acid M
FormID: 01005428	a00pACPoisonAcidLv03	ALCH	 	Acid L
FormID: 0100542A	a00pACPoisonSilenceLv01	ALCH	 	Throat Breaker S
FormID: 0100542C	a00pACPoisonSilenceLv02	ALCH	 	Throat Breaker M
FormID: 0100542E	a00pACPoisonSilenceLv03	ALCH	 	Throat Breaker L
FormID: 01005430	a00pACPotionSummonSkeleton	ALCH	 	Creature Pot (Skeleton Hero)
FormID: 01005432	a00pACPotionSummonSpider	ALCH	 	Creature Pot (Spider Daedra)
FormID: 01005434	a00pACPotionSummonBear	ALCH	 	Creature Pot (Bear)
FormID: 01005436	a00pACPotionSummonClannfear	ALCH	 	Creature Pot (Clannfear)
FormID: 01005438	a00pACPotionSummonDaedroth	ALCH	 	Creature Pot (Daedroth)
FormID: 0100543A	a00pACPotionSummonDremoraLord	ALCH	 	Creature Pot (Dremora Lord)
FormID: 0100543C	a00pACPotionSummonLich	ALCH	 	Creature Pot (Lich)
FormID: 0100543E	a00pACPotionSummonScamp	ALCH	 	Creature Pot (Scamp)
FormID: 01005440	a00pACPotionDopeFighterLv01	ALCH	 	Dope S (Fighter)
FormID: 01005442	a00pACPotionDopeFighterLv02	ALCH	 	Dope M (Fighter)
FormID: 01005444	a00pACPotionDopeFighterLv03	ALCH	 	Dope L (Fighter)
FormID: 01005446	a00pACPotionDopeSniperLv02	ALCH	 	Dope M (Sniper)
FormID: 01005448	a00pACPotionDopeSniperLv01	ALCH	 	Dope S (Sniper)
FormID: 0100544A	a00pACPotionDopeSniperLv03	ALCH	 	Dope L (Sniper)
FormID: 0100544C	a00pACPotionDopeSorcererLv01	ALCH	 	Dope S (Sorcerer)
FormID: 0100544E	a00pACPotionDopeSorcererLv02	ALCH	 	Dope M (Sorcerer)
FormID: 01005450	a00pACPotionDopeSorcererLv03	ALCH	 	Dope L (Sorcerer)
FormID: 01005452	a00pACPotionFortifyAgilityLv03	ALCH	 	Enhancing Agility L
FormID: 01005454	a00pACPotionFortifyAgilityLv02	ALCH	 	Enhancing Agility M
FormID: 01005456	a00pACPotionFortifyEnduranceLv02	ALCH	 	Enhancing Endurance M
FormID: 01005458	a00pACPotionFortifyEnduranceLv03	ALCH	 	Enhancing Endurance L
FormID: 0100545A	a00pACPotionFortifyIntelligenceLv02	ALCH	 	Enhancing Intelligence M
FormID: 0100545C	a00pACPotionFortifyIntelligenceLv03	ALCH	 	Enhancing Intelligence L
FormID: 0100545E	a00pACPotionFortifyPersonalityLv02	ALCH	 	Enhancing Personality M
FormID: 01005460	a00pACPotionFortifyPersonalityLv03	ALCH	 	Enhancing Personality L
FormID: 01005462	a00pACPotionFortifySpeedLv02	ALCH	 	Enhancing Speed M
FormID: 01005464	a00pACPotionFortifySpeedLv03	ALCH	 	Enhancing Speed L
FormID: 01005466	a00pACPotionFortifyStreangthLv02	ALCH	 	Enhancing Strength M
FormID: 01005468	a00pACPotionFortifyStreangthLv03	ALCH	 	Enhancing Strength L
FormID: 0100546A	a00pACPotionFortifyWillpowerLv02	ALCH	 	Enhancing Willpower M
FormID: 0100546C	a00pACPotionFortifyWillpowerLv03	ALCH	 	Enhancing Willpower L
FormID: 0100546E	a00pACPotionSummonAtronachFlame	ALCH	 	Creature Pot (Flame Atronach)
FormID: 01005470	a00pACPotionSummonAtronachStrom	ALCH	 	Creature Pot (Storm Atronach)
FormID: 01005472	a00pACPotionSummonAtronachFrost	ALCH	 	Creature Pot (Frost Atronach)
FormID: 0100547A	a00pACPoisonPortableAcidLv01	ALCH	 	Acid S
FormID: 0100547B	a00pACPoisonPortableAcidLv02	ALCH	 	Acid M
FormID: 0100547D	a00pACPoisonPortableAcidLv03	ALCH	 	Acid L
FormID: 0100547F	a00pACPoisonPortableFatalLv01	ALCH	 	Fatal Liquid S
FormID: 01005481	a00pACPoisonPortableFatalLv02	ALCH	 	Fatal Liquid M
FormID: 01005483	a00pACPoisonPortableFatalLv03	ALCH	 	Fatal Liquid L
FormID: 01005485	a00pACPoisonPortableFireLv01	ALCH	 	Flaming Liquid S
FormID: 01005487	a00pACPoisonPortableFireLv02	ALCH	 	Flaming Liquid M
FormID: 01005489	a00pACPoisonPortableFireLv03	ALCH	 	Flaming Liquid L
FormID: 0100548B	a00pACPoisonPortableFrostLv01	ALCH	 	Freezing Liquid S
FormID: 0100548D	a00pACPoisonPortableFrostLv02	ALCH	 	Freezing Liquid M
FormID: 0100548F	a00pACPoisonPortableFrostLv03	ALCH	 	Freezing Liquid L

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