L10N/Choices_and_Consequences/1.31/QuestStages/MS38_OW の変更点

FormID: 00028D83	MS38	5	0	I met a mysterious Wood Elf named Glarthir in Skingrad who asked me to meet him behind the Great Chapel at midnight tonight.  He wouldn't tell me what it was about, but promised to make it worth my while.
__SkingradでGlarthirという名の謎めいたWood Elfに出会った。彼は真夜中に大聖堂の裏で会うことを求めた。詳しいことは言えないが、やる価値はある、と約束してくれた。
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	8	0	Dion, Captain of the Skingrad guard, warned me to not get involved with Glarthir, saying that he was crazy and possibly dangerous.  He also asked me to contact him if Glarthir ever asked me to do anything strange.
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	9	0	I met Glarthir behind the Great Chapel as he had asked.  He wanted me to help uncover evidence of a conspiracy against him, but I decided not to get involved.
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	10	0	Glarthir claims that there is a conspiracy against him among the people of Skingrad.  He wouldn't say why, but implied that he knows secrets which powerful people want to keep quiet. I have agreed to help him determine whether he is being followed or watched, and he has promised to pay me 150 gold for my services.
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	10	1	Glarthir believes that Bernadette Peneles is following him. I need to be outside his house at 6am and see what she does. He will then meet me behind the Great Chapel at midnight to get my report.
__GlarthirはBernadette Penelesに尾行されていると考えている。6時に彼が家の外に出たときから、彼女の行動を監視する必要がある。そして真夜中にまた大聖堂の裏で結果を報告するために落ち合うことになっている。
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	20	0	I told Glarthir that Bernadette Peneles was watching him, as he suspected.
__Glarthirに疑い通りBernadette Penelesは彼を監視していると伝えた。
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	20	1	I told Glarthir that Bernadette Peneles was not watching or following him.  He was surprised but seemed to accept it as true.
__GlarthirにBernadette Penelesは監視も尾行もしていないと伝えた。驚いたようだが事実を受け入れたようだ。
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	20	2	Glarthir now wants me to observe the behavior of Toutius Sextius, another suspected member of the conspiracy against him. Glarthir said that if I waited outside Toutius Sextius's house this morning, I would see Toutius following him, and then could find out who Toutius was reporting to.  At midnight I am to meet Glarthir in our usual spot behind the Great Chapel and tell him what I learned.
__Glarthirは陰謀に関わってると思われる次の人物であるToutius Sextiusの行動を監視してもらいたいという。Glarthirは、朝にToutius Sextiusの家の外で待ち、Toutiusが彼を尾行しているか見てもらいたい。そうすればもしかして、Toutiusが誰かに報告しているのを見つけられるかもしれない。真夜中になったら大聖堂のいつもの場所でGlarthirに会い、確認したことを彼に伝えることになっている。
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	30	0	I reported to Glarthir that Toutius Sextius was watching him, just as he had thought.
__予想通りToutius Sextiusは監視を行っている、とGlarthirに報告した。
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	30	1	I told Glarthir that Toutius Sextius was not watching or following him.  He was harder to convince this time, and seems to be starting to mistrust me now.
__GlarthirにToutius Sextiusは監視も尾行もしていないと伝えた。今回はなかなか納得できないようで、こちらを疑いだしているようだ。
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	30	2	I told Glarthir that Toutius Sextius was not watching or following him.  He was surprised but seemed to accept it as true.
__GlarthirにToutius Sextiusは監視も尾行もしていないと伝えた。驚いたようだが事実を受け入れたようだ。
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	30	3	Glarthir has one final person for me to investigate. He believes that Davide Surilie is spying on his house.  I should observe him for a day and then report back to Glarthir at midnight at our usual spot behind the Great Chapel.
__Glarthirは調査を行う最後の人物を伝えた。Davide Surilieが家を見張ってると思っているらしい。彼を一日監視し、真夜中に大聖堂裏のいつもの場所でGlarthirのもとへ報告に戻らなければならない。
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	40	0	I told Glarthir that Davide Surilie was not spying on him.  
__GlarthirにDavide Surilieは彼を見張っていないと伝えた。
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	40	1	I reported to Glarthir that Davide Surilie was spying on him, just as he had suspected.
__Glarthirに、疑いのとおりDavide Surilieは彼を見張っていたと伝えた。
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	45	0	Glarthir seems pleased with my efforts in investigating the people he believed were conspiring against him. He paid me well for my work.
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	50	1	Glarthir wants me to kill Davide Surilie, who I said was spying on him. He told me to meet him behind the Great Chapel at midnight after Davide was dead, and he would pay me 1000 septims.
__Glarthirは彼の監視をしている、と言っておいたDavide Surilieを殺してもらいたい、といってきた。Davideが死んだあと、真夜中に大聖堂の裏で落ち合うように言われた。彼は1000septim支払うだろう。
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	50	2	Glarthir wants me to kill Toutius Sextius, who I said was spying on him. He told me to meet him behind the Great Chapel at midnight after Toutius was dead, and he would pay me 1000 septims.
__Glarthirは彼の監視をしている、と言っておいたToutius Sextiusを殺してもらいたいという。Toutiusが死んだあと、真夜中に大聖堂の裏で落ち合うように言われた。彼は1000septim支払うだろう。
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	50	3	Glarthir wants me to kill Bernadette Peneles, who I said was spying on him. He told me to meet him behind the Great Chapel at midnight after she was dead, and he would pay me 1000 septims.
__Glarthirは彼の監視をしている、と言っておいたBernadette Penelesを殺してもらいたいという。Bernadetteが死んだあと、真夜中に大聖堂の裏で落ち合うように言われた。彼は1000septim支払うだろう。
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	50	4	Glarthir has given me a list of people he wants me to kill. Everyone on the list was someone I told him was spying on him. He told me to meet him behind the Great Chapel at midnight after they were all dead, and he would pay me 1000 septims.
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	51	0	I have killed Bernadette Peneles, as Glarthir requested.
__Glarthirの依頼により、Bernadette Penelesを殺した。
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	51	1	I should meet Glarthir at midnight tonight behind the Great Chapel to collect my final payment.
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	51	2	When I have killed everyone on Glarthir's list, I should meet him at midnight behind the Great Chapel for my payment.
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	52	0	I have killed Davide Surilie, as Glarthir requested.
__Glarthirの依頼により、Davide Surilieを殺した。
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	52	1	I should meet Glarthir at midnight tonight behind the Great Chapel to collect my final payment.
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	52	2	When I have killed everyone on Glarthir's list, I should meet him at midnight behind the Great Chapel for my payment.
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	53	0	I have killed Toutius Sextius, as Glarthir requested.
__Glarthirの依頼により、Toutius Sextiusを殺した。
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	53	1	I should meet Glarthir at midnight tonight behind the Great Chapel to collect my final payment.
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	53	2	When I have killed everyone on Glarthir's list, I should meet him at midnight behind the Great Chapel for my payment.
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	54	1	Glarthir was overjoyed to learn that his enemy is dead, and paid me as promised.
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	54	2	Glarthir was overjoyed to learn that his enemies were dead, and paid me as promised.
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	60	0	I told Glarthir that I would not kill anyone for him. He took it badly, and now seems determined to take matters into his own hands. I fear he may become violent.
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	65	0	Glarthir has gone on a rampage in Skingrad. It seems since I wouldn't help him, he decided to kill those whom he believed were conspiring against him.
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	70	0	I showed Glarthir's note to a town guard, who told me they would handle the matter from here.
__Glarthir's noteを街の衛兵に見せた。ここからは彼らの管轄だ。
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	80	0	Glarthir now believes that I am part of the conspiracy against him, and is trying to kill me! I have no choice but to defend myself.
__Glarthirは陰謀の一味であると思い、こっちに向かって殺そうとしてきている! 自己防衛をするしかない!
__Glarthirはこちらを陰謀の一味であると信じ、殺そうと向かってきた! 自己防衛をするしかない!
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	81	0	Glarthir is dead. My attempts to convince him that there was no conspiracy against him have ended in tragedy.
FormID: 00028D83	MS38	82	0	I have killed Glarthir.

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