L10N/Choices_and_Consequences/1.31/QuestStages/LingDBRunsintheMudQuest の変更点

FormID: 02007663	LingDBRunsintheMudQuest	10	0	Runs in the Mud has asked me to assassinate a former slaver and Camonna Tong member from Morrowind by the name of Saler Darethi. The slaver used to own Runs-in-the-Mud and escaped justice in Morrowind by fleeing to Cyrodiil. While Runs-in-the-Mud is not sure of where Saler Darethi is staying he suggests asking the Camonna Tong thugs who reside at Walker Camp.
FormID: 02007663	LingDBRunsintheMudQuest	10	1	Walker Camp can be found by taking the small unmarked path from the eastern gate of Cheydinhal up to the north and to am estate house. From the estate I follow the road north and off to the right. If I take the right road then I will eventually come to a fork. Walker Camp lies at the top of the path leading left from the fork. I may need to bring some skooma supplies to convince the Camonna Tong thugs to tell me where I can find Saler Darethi.
FormID: 02007663	LingDBRunsintheMudQuest	10	2	Once I have had Saler Darethi killed I will need to take the gold from his body and bring it back to Runs-in-the-Mud. He wants it as compensation for his years as a slave. Since he has nothing to offer me I agreed to this to help him out. However perhaps I should see if Saler Darethi offers me anything for his safety and life.
FormID: 02007663	LingDBRunsintheMudQuest	100	0	I had Saler Darethi killed and brought the money back to Runs-in-the-Mud. I can now buy some unique items from Keel in the Novaroma store in Bruma.
FormID: 02007663	LingDBRunsintheMudQuest	150	0	I had Saler Darethi killed and brought the money back to the Camonna Tong. I can now sell skooma to Neram Beg at the premium price of 100 gold per bottle.
FormID: 02007663	LingDBRunsintheMudQuest	190	0	Now that I have escorted Saler Darethi to Anvil he will take a boat to Summerset Isle. I'll need to head back to Runs-in-the-Mud and tell him that I was unable to kill Saler Darethi. I can now purchase some unique items from Nortbert Lelles in Anvil.
FormID: 02007663	LingDBRunsintheMudQuest	20	0	Saler Darethi can be found in the Newlands Lodge in Cheydinhal. The Camonna Tong thug who told me this also asked me to bring back the money that is to be found on his body to them. They promised something nice if I did.
FormID: 02007663	LingDBRunsintheMudQuest	200	0	I told Runs-in-the-Mud that I was unable to kill Saler Darethi.
FormID: 02007663	LingDBRunsintheMudQuest	250	0	Runs-in-the-Mud asked me to assassinate a former slave trader and Camonna Tong member. However I declined to help him.
FormID: 02007663	LingDBRunsintheMudQuest	30	0	I agreed to help escort Saler Darethi to the Flowing Bowl in Anvil. If I escort him all the way there then he says that he will reward me as well as introduce me to his merchant friend. I could however also use the chance to kill him, or get him killed.
FormID: 02007663	LingDBRunsintheMudQuest	50	0	With Saler Darethi dead I can now take the money from his body and choose to give it either to Runs-in-the-Mud or the Camonna Tong.

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