L10N/Choices_and_Consequences/1.31/QuestStages/LingDBMythicDawn の変更点

FormID: 02004EAB	LingDBMythicDawn	10	0	I've been told to speak with Gothmar gro-Hangrog in the Bruma Sanctuary about retribution to be carried out upon the Mythic Dawn. I can find the entrance to the Bruma Sanctuary located within the Bruma Caverns. The Bruma Caverns can be found through an entrance just outside the city walls.
FormID: 02004EAB	LingDBMythicDawn	100	0	I've completed all of the contracts that target members of the Mythic Dawn.
FormID: 02004EAB	LingDBMythicDawn	20	0	I have a contract to kill Else God-Hater. She can be found in Skingrad's West Weald Inn.
FormID: 02004EAB	LingDBMythicDawn	30	0	I have a contract to kill Eugal Belette. He can be found living in Chorrol. His house is to the right of the Chapel.
FormID: 02004EAB	LingDBMythicDawn	40	0	I have a contract to kill Hans Black-Nail. He is the smith in Castle Bravil.
FormID: 02004EAB	LingDBMythicDawn	50	0	I have a contract to kill Isolde. She is staying at Anvil in an inn called The Fo'c'sle.
FormID: 02004EAB	LingDBMythicDawn	60	0	I have a contract to kill Ranaline. She lives in Bravil and works as a cook at the Lonely Suitor Lodge.
FormID: 02004EAB	LingDBMythicDawn	70	0	I have a contract to kill Ulen Athram. He has a house in the Talos Plaza District in the Imperial City but he moves around a lot as well. In the Imperial City I might find him in either the Tiber Septim Hotel, the Arboretum, or the Market District, and on the 6th of each month he travels to the Oak and Crosier in Chorrol.
FormID: 02004EAB	LingDBMythicDawn	80	0	I have a contract to kill both Tanasa Arano and Tolisi Girith. They can both be found living in the house in Cheydinhal called Riverview.
FormID: 02004EAB	LingDBMythicDawn	90	0	I have a contract to kill both Marguerite Diel and Styrbjorn. They can both be found staying at the All Saints Inn in the Imperial City's Temple District.

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