L10N/Choices_and_Consequences/1.31/QuestStages/Dark14Honor_OW の変更点

FormID: 0002FF22	Dark14Honor	10	0	I have picked up my next contract from the dead drop in the coffin outside Fort Redman. I have been ordered to kill Alval Uvani, a Dark Elf merchant who spends his time traveling around Cyrodiil. I should consult the schedule that has been left for me to determine where and when I should strike. Uvani is a master in the Destruction school of magicka, and has killed before, but he does have a weakness: if Alval Uvani drinks Mead, he will be rendered immobile, due to a rare allergy to honey.
__Fort Redmanの外にある棺に用意された指令書の隠し場所から報酬と次の指令を手に入れた。Cyrodiilを行商しているDark Elfの商人、Alval Uvaniを殺害せよとの命令を受けた。置いてあった予定表を調べ、襲撃の時間と場所を決めるべきだろう。Uvaniは破壊系の魔法の達人であり、人を殺したこともある。だが彼には弱点がある: Alval UvaniはMeadを飲むと、世にも珍しい蜂蜜アレルギーが出て体が動かなくなる症状がでる。
FormID: 0002FF22	Dark14Honor	20	0	I have killed Alval Uvani. I must pick up my reward and next contract at the dead drop located in the Market District of the Imperial City, in a hollowed-out tree stump behind Stonewall Shields.
__Alval Uvaniを殺害した。Imperial CityのMarket Districtへ行くと、Stonewall Shieldsの背後にくり貫かれた切株がある。そこに用意された隠し場所から報酬と次の指令を受け取らなければならない。
FormID: 0002FF22	Dark14Honor	100	0	I have picked up my reward and received my next contract.

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