L10N/Choices_and_Consequences/1.31/Dialogue/MG00General_OW の変更点

FormID: 0003ABF9	MG00General	Advancement	0	You become more valuable to the guild with each passing day. The guild wishes to reward that, and so you are raised to the rank of Conjurer.	
FormID: 0003ABF9	MG00General	Advancement	1	Accept these robes, and wear them with pride.	
FormID: 000836D0	MG00General	Advancement	0	In accordance with guild rules, you now qualify for the rank of Journeyman. May you wear your rank well.	
FormID: 000836D2	MG00General	Advancement	0	You do not yet qualify for further advancement in the guild.	
FormID: 00084B4A	MG00General	Advancement	0	Your services to the guild have not gone unnoticed. As of this moment, you have gained the rank of Evoker.	
FormID: 00084B4A	MG00General	Advancement	1	Along with your new rank, please take this amulet. May it help keep you safe in times of danger.	
FormID: 00188F3E	MG00General	Advancement	0	I can truly consider you an equal, and so grant you the rank of Master-Wizard. There is no higher rank which I can bestow upon you.	
FormID: 00188F3E	MG00General	Advancement	1	You have my congratulations, and my thanks.	
FormID: 00188F3F	MG00General	Advancement	0	Truly, you are an asset to the guild. I reward you with the rank of Wizard, and teach you a most powerful spell.	
FormID: 00188F40	MG00General	Advancement	0	Your role within the guild becomes ever more essential. You have now attained the rank of Warlock, and are freely able to access the Council Chamber.	
__ギルドにおける君の役職は、さらに重要なものとなった。今から君のランクはWarlockとなり、Council Chamberへの自由な出入りが許可される。
FormID: 00188F41	MG00General	Advancement	0	You are Conjurer no more. Guild members shall now address you as Magician. Congratulations.	

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