L10N/Choices_and_Consequences/1.31/Dialogue/FGC08Prison_OW の変更点

FormID: 00009C2D	FGC08Prison	Fugitives	0	I can tell you about them. Murderers, all four of them. Intelligence tells us they've been holing up in Bloodmayne Cave. Watch for traps.	
__奴等の事を教えてあげるよ。殺人犯で、全部で四人組だ。情報では Bloodmayne Cave に身を潜めているそうだ。罠に気を付けるんだね。	
FormID: 00009C2F	FGC08Prison	Fugitives	0	Sure, I know about them. Look, you didn't hear it from me, but rumor is they're hiding out in Bloodmayne Cave. Four of them. Bad news.	
__いいよ、奴等のことだよね。いいかい、これは私が言ったんじゃないよ、噂では奴等は Bloodmayne Cave に隠れているそうなんだ。四人組の危ない連中さ。	
__知ってますよ。どうか、私が教えたことは秘密で。噂によると、Bloodmayne Caveに潜伏中だそうです。数は4人。危険な連中です。
FormID: 00009C37	FGC08Prison	Fugitives	0	Apparently, there are three or four of them. Real nasty, from what I hear. You take care of them. Maybe you'll get lucky and they'll surrender.	

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