L10N/Choices_and_Consequences/1.31/Books/cobLorSevenVisions の変更点

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**原文 [#text_en]
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<font face=1><div align="center">Seven Visions of Seven Trials of the Incarnate<br>
<div align="left">[These are the words of the prophecy called "Seven Visions of Seven Trials of the Incarnate." I wrote them down as she spoke them to me.]<br>
seven trials<br>
What he puts his hand to, that shall be done.<br>
What is left undone, that shall be done.<br>
first trial<br>
On a certain day to uncertain parents<br>
Incarnate moon and star reborn.<br>
second trial<br>
Neither blight nor age can harm him.<br>
The Curse-of-Flesh before him flies.<br>
third trial<br>
In caverns dark Azura's eye sees<br>
And makes to shine the moon and star.<br>
fourth trial<br>
A stranger's voice unites the Houses.<br>
Three Halls call him Hortator.<br>
fifth trial<br>
A stranger's hand unites the Velothi.<br>
Four Tribes call him Nerevarine.<br>
sixth trial<br>
He honors blood of the tribe unmourned.<br>
He eats their sin, and is reborn.<br>
seventh trial<br>
His mercy frees the cursed false gods,<br>
Binds the broken, redeems the mad.<br>
one destiny<br>
He speaks the law for Veloth's people.<br>
He speaks for their land, and names them great.<br>


**訳文 [#text_ja]
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