L10N/Choices_and_Consequences/1.31/Books/cobLorLostProphecy の変更点

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**原文 [#text_en]
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<font face=1><div align="center">The Lost Prophecy<br>
[from the Apographa of the Dissident Priests, annotated by Gilvas Barelo, Abbot of Holamayan]<br>
<div align="left">From seventh sign of eleventh generation,<br>
Neither Hound nor Guar, nor Seed nor Harrow,<br>
But Dragon-born and far-star-marked,<br>
Outlander Incarnate beneath Red Mountain,<br>
Blessed Guest counters seven curses,<br>
Star-blessed hand wields thrice-cursed blade,<br>
To reap the harvest of the unmourned house.<br>
Lines 1-3: 'Of ancient family, but not of the four great Ashlander clans. Born under foreign stars and the sign of the Dragon -- the Imperial sign.'<br>
Line 4-5: 'Outlander Incarnate' appears as a formal epithet, stressing the linkage between the words. The Outlander Incarnate is a 'blessed guest', one not born of the tribes but accepted as a guest with rights of hearth and hospitality. Under Red Mountain he will confront and balance against seven curses. See the 'Seven Curses' prophecy; also, Dagoth Ur is served by his seven kin, once great wizard-lords, called 'ash vampires' by the Ashlanders.<br>
Line 6-7: 'Star-blessed' suggests Azura, the Daedra Lord and patron of magic, fate, and prophecy. 'Thrice-cursed blade' may refer to a weapon called Keening, associated in certain legends with the Battle of Red Mountain and Dwemer craftlord Kagrenac. 'Reap the harvest' is a reference to the proverb, "You harvest from the seeds you plant," which means you get what your labors deserve, in both a positive sense of reward and negative sense of punishment. The 'unmourned house' could be either or both of the lost Great Houses of the Dunmer -- House Dwemer and House Dagoth.<br>


**訳文 [#text_ja]
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