L10N/Choices_and_Consequences/1.31/Books/cobLofXuiMastersAlchemy1 の変更点


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**原文 [#text_en]
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<font face=1><div align="center">The Masters Guide to Alchemy, Volume I<br>
The following text is purely utilitarian, due to its nature as an advanced alchemy book. There are no tutorials on how to find the reagents or how to mix them for maximum effectiveness. The combinations listed here are simply some of the most potent of all mixtures and can have dangerous effects in the wrong hands. Only expert master alchemists should be attempting these combinations. <br>
Ice?s Embrace: <br>
Mix equal parts of Harrada, Spiddal Stick, Frost Salts and Milk Thistle seeds. This powerful poison will render your enemy paralyzed, silenced, and will ravage their body with magickal and elemental energies over a short period of time. Only a minute amount is needed for the full effect, which is one of the properties that make this potion so valuable. A high conjuration skill is a must, for obtaining Frost Salts, Harrada and Spiddal Stick are not for the faint of heart or the unskilled. If you chance a venture into Oblivion, be sure to acquire as much of these ingredients as possible. <br>
Lesser Ice?s Embrace: <br>
Essentially, Lesser Ice?s Embrace is the poor man?s substitute for Ice?s Embrace. Even though it is lacking in the power of the previous concoction, it has the advantage of being made from substantially more common elements. Only Dryad's Saddle Polypore, Milk Thistle seeds and Fennel seeds are needed, circumventing the dangerous and expensive Daedric reagents needed for the more powerful version of this potion. Make sure that the Fennel seeds are thoroughly cooked to ensure maximum potency and top with thin slices of Saddly Polypore. This poison will only paralyze and freeze the enemy, and not with the same potency, but for the cost it is a very effective poison, which anyone can create with ease. <br>
Alchemist?s Savior: <br>
For a potion to bring you through a tough situation, combine Aloe Vera Leaves, Bog Beacon Asco Cap, Flax seeds and Sweetcake into a mixture which will restore your health and magicka, shield you from dangers and make those heavy items that you?re carrying seem a little bit lighter. Cook the Aloe Vera leaves until they turn a golden brown, then sprinkle in large slices of Bog Beacon Asco Cap. Be sure to cook the Bog Beacon until it begins to sizzle, as less cooking will not bring out the desired effects of this potion. If you do need to go to Oblivion to obtain the necessary reagents for Ice?s Embrace, be sure to stock up on Alchemist?s Savior potions first. <br>
Wizard?s Shield: <br>
The time will eventually come when you must oppose another wizard, and when that time comes, it is essential that you make preparations to ensure victory. Merging Glow Dust, Cinnabar Polypore Yellow Cap, Flour and Strawberries will provide the protection that you need with a generous reflect spell. However this powerful potion has the drawback of damaging the drinker. Be sure to use the highest quality alembic available to minimize this unfortunate side effect. <br>


**訳文 [#text_ja]
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