L10N/Choices_and_Consequences/1.31/Books/cobLofXuiKhajiitTrophyHunting の変更点


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**原文 [#text_en]
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<font face=1><div align="center">Khajiit: Trophy Hunting <br>
Anonymous <br>
In reality, anyone can tan an animal hide provided that the hide is in suitable condition. Since Khajiit are nothing more than animals, it makes sense that they should decorate the halls as trophies of successful Imperials. While many a seasoned veteran may have a preserved skull or two, few people have Khajiit tapestries, coats, blankets, or rugs. The advantage of Khajiit fur is that there is more to be gained from the slaying of one of these vicious beasts than that of a simple lion, wolf, or tiger. First, a simpleminded, cruel beast has been removed from Mundus to go to whatever hellish plane of Oblivion that spawned it; and second, there is a greater quantity of fur available. <br>
The hunting of the Khajiit is the most difficult part. Since the beasts have infiltrated our government due to the misguided direction of 'enlightened thinkers,' they have succeeded in passing laws to prevent the hunting of their own kind, and because of this the Khajiit must be hunted clandestinely. It will have to be that way until righteous Imperials finally realize the danger that they are putting themselves in by consorting with such animals. Traveling to Elsweyr is dangerous, and the primitive cats travel in groups, and can be exceptionally dangerous to the lone hunter. <br>
Nevertheless, once the Khajiit has be dealt with the hide needs to be removed immediately and cooled. Remaining flesh and fat need to be removed as well, to ensure the hide's quality. To cool, place the hide in the shade, lying flat. Upon cooling, you need to cover it with a substantial quantity of salt. Use several pounds if necessary, as putting an insufficient amount can damage the hide. Keep the hide somewhere flat for some time and observe whether or not the salt draws any liquid from the skin. If it does, more salt may need to be added to replace the dissolved salts. It may take days to weeks, so it?s best to have returned to civilization so that the process can be undisturbed. <br>
Once this time has passed, prepare some water, more salt, and a stiff brush. The skin now needs to be soaked for several hours. This soaking process is essential for removing the foul odour of the beast, as no virtuous person should have to contend with such a stench. After soaking, and with some difficulty, you should be able to peel off the hides inner skin. Put the hide back in the water, and mix the water around. If the water appears dirty, change it. Finally, the wet hide can be removed from the water and placed on the stretching rack, a place where the Khajiit should have been to begin with. Place only slight tension on the skin and allow to dry. Once the hide has dried, remove it from the rack and go over the skin with a stiff brush, to soften the skin and lighten the color. Once that has been completed, the hide is ready for use and can be taken to a tailor to prepare into whatever form you desire. <br>
That?s all that is needed to decorate your house with valuable, beautiful Khajiit skins, and help the good people of the Empire while doing it. In the spring, look for the new volume on the use of Argonian skin, once the trip to Black Marsh is over. Good hunting! <br>


**訳文 [#text_ja]
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