L10N/Choices_and_Consequences/1.31/Books/cobLofXuiAnnalsVanishing の変更点


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**原文 [#text_en]
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<font face=1><div align="center">The Annals of the Vanishing, Incomplete<br>
<div align="left">"? happened in the Iliac Bay, the Vanishing seems to be continent wide, rather than restricted to a single province. Only theories exist as to what happened on the 23th of First Seed, but they are as boundless as the rumors that created them. While the exact details of what transpired are unknown, effects are visible continent wide?"<br>
"A small branch of the unified blade legions engaged a large group of Nordic raiders, and the fighting was fierce for several hours. It appeared that the legion was simply too small to fight such a savage force, but the tide of battle had suddenly turned, when apparently the Nordic axes had become blunt."<br>
"? no province was as affected as Cyrodiil. As the world shrank, cities and fortresses that had stood for millennia vanished. A seeming air of xenophobia had spread over the Imperial Province, as all border stations and roads to other provinces were swallowed up. Where once the grand Shadowgate and Septim?s Gate passes into Morrowind once stood, only the gently sloping Valus mountains now stand in their place. Due to the lack of safe routes, overland trade has almost completely stopped."<br>
"Just as disturbingly, several cities have vanished as well. Sutch, an important Colovian city and important trading partner of Rihad inexplicably vanished, leaving only the decrepit ruins of the ancient Fort Sutch in place."<br>
"The only non-continental holdings of Cyrodiil, Stirk and Topal Isle are subsequently gone as well. A rumor persists that Stirk only suffered damage and has been rebuilt, but Topal Isle has vanished."<br>
"?is changed as well. Hogithum Hall, the famous location of the Trial of Vivec, the Imperial Library, and the majority the City?s religious districts no longer exist on this plane. Rumors spread from Palace attendants that sections of the White-gold Tower are missing, but the Elder Council was not able to comment on that at this time."<br>
"Providing a near collapse for the economy and infrastructure systems of Tamriel, the entire banking, commerce and construction systems are gone. While the truth of where these vast financial holdings have gone, it is reported that brigands are suddenly equipped in valuable glass, ebony and Daedric armor. One cannot help but wonder if there is a connection between?"<br>
"Most curiously, the entire warehouse containing The Imperial Census of Daedra Lords nearly ready for distribution was found empty, and when a courier went to inform Natalia Dravarol at the Imperial Geographical Society, he became hopelessly lost trying to find a building and woman that no longer existed."<br>
"Hunger promises to be as diabolical an enemy as the forces of Oblivion. With few farms remaining along the fertile Niben and even fewer in Colovia, food production has come to a near halt as terror washes across the landscape. Although the threat of the Crisis seems to be rather static, food can no longer be brought in via the Niben due to new and uncharted shallows, as well as a bridge that has inexplicable appeared near where the Upper Niben joins Lake Rumare. Due to the shortage of engineers?"<br>
"Fortunately, the majority of the poor population of Cyrodiil went the way of so much that we had come to expect in our everyday lives, leaving only dull nobles that have nothing to do but stand around and gossip about similar topics all day."<br>


**訳文 [#text_ja]
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