L10N/Choices_and_Consequences/1.31/Books/cobLofGezAzraNightweilder の変更点


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**原文 [#text_en]
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<font face=1><div align="center">Azra Nightwielder<br>
<div align="left">Redguards as a whole have never liked magic; they are a race of warriors, first and foremost. Strength of body is for them a greater virtue than strength of spirit. As a result, Redguard spellcasters must isolate themselves from civilization, leading them to resentment against the mundane and disrespect for society. It is only natural, then, that many spellcasters turn to dark magic, sinister witcheries or necromantic practices. Of course, this only reinforces the common folk's prejudice against magic.<br>
One of the most interesting Redguard mages preferred to alter existing magicks. In doing so, he discovered a new type of magic. Azra started his career as an illusionist, manipulating light and darkness, altering his perceptions in order to better understand the Mundus. One night when both moons were full, Azra decided to walk on the rocky paths of the mountains where he lived. During this stroll, he noticed a very mundane detail: while it was dark, it was still bright enough to see shadows. And, he saw he had not one, but three shadows--one from Masser, one from Secunda, and one from the torch he was carrying. This in itself is perfectly normal, and nobody would expect shadows to behave otherwise, but for Azra this was an epiphany.<br>
The qualities of a shadow are dictated by the qualities of the light source, the obstacle, and their meeting point, thereby making all shadows completely unique. Having chosen to explore this relation of world to shadow, Azra was the first to realize that shadows were not a mere absence of light, but a reflection of possible worlds created by forces in conflict. A light strikes a rock, and the shadow is a record of their clash--past, present and future. Other conflicting forces produced less obvious shadows--fire and water, wind and rock, or nations at war. With skill and patience, all shadows could be read and patterns teased out, emphasized or eradicated. Manipulating a shadow could, through contagion, manipulate the object or force which cast it. Azra was an eminent master of this nearly imperceptible magic.<br>
Through his experiments with the quasi-element of shadows, Azra discovered it was possible to summon forth shadows of potential selves. Since shadows are the reflections of possible worlds and possibilities are endless, Azra was able to surround himself with the shadows of possible Azras, reading them to learn the results of various courses of actions and to progress further in the art of shadow magic by watching the shadows corresponding to an Azra that had studied more than he. While Azra was secretive, he still had to search for supplies from time to time, and the spectacle of that man surrounded by the dark mass of shadow-shapes gave him the surname of Nightwielder.<br>
Eventually, dissatisfied by the slow pace of progress he made by spying on himself, Azra attempted what had never been done before, manipulating his own shadow to such an extent that he gave substance to and melded all possible Azras at the same time, crossing over from this singular existence into Shadow. Ignorant Redguard soldiers, fearing his power should he succeed, confronted Azra. The battle did not go well for the wizard. The hole blasted when he lost control of his magicks can still be seen at the village that bears his name, Azra's Crossing. The science of shadow lost a great man that day, although others, such as Pergan Asuul or Skelos Undriel, strove to take his place.<br>


**訳文 [#text_ja]
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