L10N/Choices_and_Consequences/1.31/Books/cobInfoConsole の変更点

// Format_ver:0.0.1 (2008-01-01)
// 【解説】
// ・この部分は書物翻訳時に自動的に読み込まれるテンプレート記載のヘッダです。
// ・翻訳ページ作成時も削除しない事を推奨します
// 【記述ガイド】
// ・#preの後の中括弧({と})のセット間に原文/訳文をタグが付いたまま
//  コピペすると編集上も表示上も便利です
// 【注意】
// ・本文部分を囲む#pre記述ですが、原文と訳文を囲む中括弧は
//  『原文は3つづつ、訳文は4つづつ』
//  になっている事に注意して下さい。これはMod作成時に
//  正規表現で本文(訳文)を抽出するのに便利故です。
// ・訳文で半角スペースを表現したいときはアンダースコア(_)に置き換える事が
//  基本でしたが、最近の日本語化パッチではこれを行なわなくても大抵は上手く行くように
//  改良されているようです。よって無理に置換する必要は無いです
// ・新しい訳を行う場合は古い訳の下に同じ書式で加えていくようにして下さい
// ・翻訳未完時は、 【訳文記述エリア】 という文字列を残して置いて下さい(プログラム処理用)




**原文 [#text_en]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が3つづつ。
^^==Console Commands==

This is a general review of console commands. It covers the basics and many useful commands. See UESP and CS Wiki for a more complete list of commands.

The console is invoked by pressing the "~" key. This is the key below "Esc", to the left of the "1" key. Different keyboard configurations may have different symbols on that key. 

Once in the console you can type in commands and select objects to use commands on. To select a visible object, just click on it. Clicking once selects the object, clicking again deselects the object. The formid of the selected object will be shown at the top of the screen. Note that some commands will behave differently if no objects are selected.

==Editor Ids and Formids==
An editor id (aka eid) is the id of any object as used in the construction set. E.g. "Volanaro" is the eid of a type of NPC. But the eid of the Volanaro that is actually placed in the game (i.e. the instance) is "VolanaroRef". And the eid of the script that runs on Volanaro is "VolanaroScript". (Note that none of these needed to be called "Volanaro".

Each of these things also has a formid, which is a unique eight digit hexadecimal number that identifies the item. For Volanaro, the NPC record has formid of 0002D01F, the placed ref is 00026162, and the script is 00083601.

Formid are actually more fundamental than the editor id -- everything in Oblivion has a formid, but not everything has an editor id. (Most references do not have editor ids. Also objects created in-game do not have editor ids.) Also, formids are guaranteed to be unique, while editor ids are not. Just think of editor ids as convenient, but not always reliable nicknames.

The first two digits in the FormID are the ModIndex, while the remaining six digits are the ObjectIndex. The ObjectIndex numbers are unique within each mod -- i.e., no two data objects belonging to a mod will have the same ObjectIndex (otherwise, you get bashing error messages). 

The ModIndex reflects the load order of the source mod of the object. Oblivion.esm always loads first, so formids that come from Oblivion always start with 00. After that, the next mod gets modindex of 01, the next is 02, etc. An easy way to determine modindex is to look at the mod list in Wrye Bash -- the second column of the list is the modindex.

Note that editor ids are mostly unavailable in the console. However, editor ids for globals, quests, game settings and the player are available. (By the way, 'player' when used in the console and in scripts actually refers to the player reference (formid 00000014), not the player NPC (00000007) -- this is an exception that applies ONLY to the player, and NOT to any other base/reference pairs.)

==Toggle Commands==
__TB:__ Toggle Border. Shows borders in exterior cells. Crossing cell lines usually triggers loading of additional data. TB can be useful for determining if CTDs happen immediatly after you cross a cell border.

__TCL:__ Toggle Collision. Will toggle collision detection off for the selected object, or __if not object is selected__ for the player. Can be useful for getting out of stuck spots, or just generally walking through the wall of the cave to see what's on the other side. Since gravity is ignored, is also useful for "flying" to to otherwise inaccessible places.

__TDT:__ Toggle Debug Text.

__TFC:__ Toggle freeflying camera. Useful for getting a look around without moving the player character itself.

__TFOW:__ Toggles hidding of unvisited parts of local cell(s).

__TGM:__ Toggle God Mode. Make player invulnerable, and also removes encumbrance limits. Useful for testing and moving lots of objects around (since encumbrance is ignored).

__TM:__ Toggle Menus. Useful for taking screenshots.

__TPG:__ Toggle path grid. NPCs tend to use the path grid to travel around. If they're walking into walls and tables, it may because the pathgrid. If you TPG and see the pathgrid going right through a table, then that's why NPCs are trying to walk through it.

__TWF:__ Toggle wire frame view. Can be useful for seeing through walls and finding things that have been lost in the grass, or that have fallen through cell floors/walls.

==Targeted Commands==
__COC eid:__ Center on cell eid. Useful for transporting to test cells.

__GETGS eid:__ Show value of specified game setting.

__PRID formid:__ Selects specified refence. Useful for using commands on references that aren't currently visible. But requires that you know the formid.

__SHOW variable:__ Shows value of variable, where variable is a global or a quest variable.

__SQV eid:__ Show quest variables for quest eid. Useful for debugging quests.

__SV:__ Show vars on selected object. Useful for debugging scripts on objects.

__SETGS eid value:__ Sets specified game setting to value.

__moveTo player:__ Will move selected reference to the player.

__player.disable:__ Guaranteed instant CTD. Useful for guaranteeing a semi-quick exit. However, any changes to ini files won't be saved.

__resurrect:__ Will resurrect the selected actor.

**訳文 [#text_ja]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。



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