L10N/Choices_and_Consequences/1.31/Books/LingMGCertificationBooklet の変更点


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**原文 [#text_en]
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<DIV align="center">Mages Guild Certification Information<br>
<DIV align="left">Overview<br>
The Mages Guild has instituted a system in order to ensure that members who wish to progress in rank are capable spell casters. For this reason members seeking advancement will be required to undertake Certification Exams, administered by the head of each guildhall throughout Cyrodiil. The Mages Guild values members skilled in the schools of Alchemy, Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Illusion, Mysticism, and Restoration. Basic knowledge of all schools is required to rise in the lower ranks while a member may focus upon two individual skills to improve upon in the later ranks.
I have my certificates but I cannot advance?<br>
The Guild requires you to hand your certificate in to the Magister of Records, currently Boderi Farano. Once you have handed your certificate in it will be added to your guild record of achievement. Furthermore a encouragement award will be given to each member who hands in an appropriate level of award. If all seven certificates of a particular skill level have been handed in then the member is eligible for a special bonus award.
The guild has divided each school into five levels of mastery based upon the strength of each spell. Listed here are the number of certificates that a member needs to have obtained to be eligible for advancement.<br>
Associate - None<br>
Apprentice - Five Apprentice Certificates.<br>
Journeyman - Six Apprentice Certificates.<br>
Evoker - Seven Apprentice Certificates.<br>
Conjurer - Seven Apprentice Certificates, One Journeyman Certificate.<br>
Magician - Seven Apprentice Certificates, Two Journeyman Certificates.<br>
Warlock - Seven Apprentice Certificates, Two Journeyman Certificates, One Expert Certificate.<Br>
Wizard - Seven Apprentice Certificates, Two Journeyman Certificates, Two Expert Certificates.<br>
Master Wizard - Seven Apprentice Certificates, Two Journeyman Certificates, Two Expert Certificates, One Master Certificate.<br>
Archmage - Seven Apprentice Certificates, Two Journeyman Certificates, Two Expert Certificates, Two Master Certificates.
Each Guildhall throughout Cyrodiil has been given responsibility of administering the certification exam. Speak with the head of the guildhall to begin your exam.<br>
Anvil - Restoration.<br>
Bravil - Illusion.<br>
Bruma - Alchemy.<br>
Cheydinhal - Alteration.<br>
Chorrol - Conjuration.<br>
Kvatch - Enchanting.<br>
Leyawiin - Mysticism.<br>
Skingrad - Destruction.

**訳文 [#text_ja]
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