L10N/Choices_and_Consequences/1.31/Books/DarkLachanceOrdersFirst の変更点


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**原文 [#text_en]
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<font face=1>Silencer,<br>
You are now reading your first dead drop note, here on Hero Hill, which proves to me you were well-appointed to the tasks that lie ahead.<br>
Journey now to Leafrot Cave. There you will encounter an ancient Necromancer who is attempting to escape death by transforming himself into a lich. This Necromancer, Celedaen, has not yet completed his metamorphosis, but is still immensely powerful, possibly too powerful to destroy if confronted directly. Search Leafrot Cave. Necromancers are wizards after all, and wizards are prolific by nature. Celedaen surely has written records, and these records may contain evidence of some kind of weakness. Perhaps there is some other way to destroy Celedaen besides a direct confrontation. But destroy him you must!<br>
When the Necromancer lies dead, journey to the city of Chorrol for your next dead drop. At the foot of the Great Oak, hidden in the bushes, is an old sack. Inside you will find your reward for killing the Necromancer, as well as information regarding your next contract.<br>
To find Leafrot Cave you must travel to the Panther River. Follow the river along its northern side until you reach the end of the second tributary stream. At the end of the second tributary there is a large stone. From there head north until you reach a small pool. Leafrot Cave is next to that pool.
Serve me well, Silencer, and there's no telling just how far you might advance.<br>

**訳文 [#text_ja]
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