L10N/Choices_and_Consequences/1.31/Books/DarkLachanceOrders3 の変更点

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**原文 [#text_en]
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Alval Uvani is dead, just like all the others. You continue to impress me, Silencer, and I am only too eager to indulge your homicidal instincts.<br>
Your next target is a savage Nord barbarian, living alone and exposed at a small campsite on the summit of Gnoll Mountain. This barbarian, Havilstein Hoar-Blood by name, savagely butchered the chieftain of a mead hall on the island of Solstheim. The chieftain's sister has forgone the Nord custom of extracting the monetary retribution of wergild, and instead wants Hoar-Blood to pay with his life. You, dear Silencer, will help put her family at peace.<br>
You are to go to Gnoll Mountain, locate Havilstein Hoar-Blood, and send his soul to Sithis.<br>
Gnoll Mountain lies directly east of the fork in the road to the east of the city of Bruma. To reach it you should find the signpost pointing to the Imperial City. From there head in as easterly a direction as you can. Gnoll Mountain is at the top of a very steep mountain, so you may need to head north somewhat to find a way up.
When Hoar-Blood has been executed, journey to the Ayleid ruin of Nornal. In the flooded section of that ruin you will find a chest, submerged in the water. As you may have guessed, the chest contains your reward for killing Havilstein Hoar-Blood, and your next contract. Nornal can be found in the Nibenay Basin. Head to where the Red Ring Road meet the Yellow Road. A short way north of there is an Ayleid well. From the Ayleid well head directly east. You should first pass by Fort Sejanus, and then find Nornal.<br>

**訳文 [#text_ja]
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