L10N/Chapter_2_The_Society_Of_The_Atronach/1.0/QuestStages/aaaSOTAQuest12 の変更点

FormID: 0108DB9B	aaaSOTAQuest12	10	0	It's time to take on the Geomancer, and finally defeat him for good this time. With Cinder dead, I'm going to have to go on alone, but with her spirit with me, I guess I won't be completely alone. I should get all the supplies I need together, and then head back into the Eclipse Realm, where the Geomancer is most probably waiting for me...
__Geomancerとの対決の時だ、そしていよいよ奴のことを永遠に葬り去る時だ。Cinderが命を落とした今、私は一人でその場へ向かわねばならない、しかし彼女の精霊は私と共にある、決戦の時にまったくの一人ということはなさそうだ。必要な全ての必需品を揃え、Eclipse Realmへと戻らねば。そこではGeomancerはきっと私のことを待ち構えているだろう…
FormID: 0108DB9B	aaaSOTAQuest12	15	0	The Geomancer is fleeing again! Damn it, I will not let him get away again! But he has activated his Dwarven Mechanoids to attack me while he makes his escape; I'll have to take care of them first before I can catch up to him...
__Geomancerはまたしても遁走した!畜生、奴を二度と逃がすものか!しかし、奴は、逃亡の時間を稼ぐため、お手製のDwarven Mechanoidたちを私にけしかけるべく、そのスイッチを入れた。まず、こいつらの相手をしなければ、そしてGeomancerの後を追うのだ…
FormID: 0108DB9B	aaaSOTAQuest12	30	0	Okay, that's the mechanoids taken care of, but I really don't like the idea of the Infinity Orb leaving the Eclipse Realm, which relies on it's power to keep it [QUOTE]existing[QUOTE]; I should get out of this place before it collapses in on itself with me inside. Once I'm out, I need to find where the Geomancer has fled to...
__よし、Dwarven Mechanoidたちの相手は済んだ。しかし、嫌な予感がする。Infnity OrbがEclipse Realmから持ち去られた。Eclipse Realmはその[QUOTE]存在[QUOTE]をInfinity Orbの力によって維持されていた。Eclipse Realmが私を飲み込み崩壊する前に、この場所から離れなければ。脱出後はGeomancerがどこへ逃走したか見つけなければ…
FormID: 0108DB9B	aaaSOTAQuest12	45	0	In my hunt for the Geomancer, I have come across an ancient ruin, of style I have never laid eyes upon before. The floor is made of metal, and I can hear load noises coming from within the walls; telling from the amount of decay and dust around the entrance, I can easily say I am one of few who have ever come across this ruin. I should tread carefully...
FormID: 0108DB9B	aaaSOTAQuest12	75	0	I have confronted the ancient Dwemer magecraft Lord Kagrenac, and I have discovered that the Geomancer is just a machine created by him; the Geomancer now knows, and has begun repenting for his foul deeds by helping me rise up against the evil Dwemer warlord. While the Dwemer are still locked away in another realm, many have gotten through to our realm again, and I fear they have been waiting for a good fight for too long; this is the fight for the freedom of reality!
__古代のDwemerの魔導技術者たるLord Kagrenacと対面した。そして、Geomancerは彼の手により生み出された機械に過ぎないことを知った。この事実は、今やGeomancerも知るところとなった。Geomancerは、自らの悪行を悔い改めんと、私がこの邪悪なDwemerの将に立ち向かうのに、協力を申し出てきた。Dwemerたちは、依然、別の次元に閉じ込められているのだが、その多くはこの次元へと帰還を果たしている。恐らく、彼らは挑みがいのある戦いを待ち望んでいただろう。これは自由と実存を賭けた戦いだ!
FormID: 0108DB9B	aaaSOTAQuest12	80	0	After defeating Lord Kagrenac, he has fled, but not before saying that no matter how long it takes, the Dwemer will return to this world, and bring death and destruction with them. But, for now, he will have to tend to his wounds, where ever he may be. I should speak with the Geomancer now; I have a feeling his plans may have changed...
__Lord Kagrenacを退けた後、彼は遁走した。幾ら時間がかかろうとも、Dwemerの種族は皆、この世界へと帰還を果たし、その手で死と破壊をもたらさんとの、言葉を残して。しかし、当面は、彼は自らの傷を癒す必要があるだろう、彼がどこへ向かったのであれ。さて、Geomancerと話さなければ。彼のプランには変更が生じた気がする…
FormID: 0108DB9B	aaaSOTAQuest12	85	0	After talking with the Geomancer, even though I'd rather he stayed and faced the Imperial Council for his crimes, he has left for the unknown, to somehow understand his existence, other than to destroy. Before he did, though, he has given the Infinity Orb to me; with it, I will be able to release the Seven Atronach Spirits, but I can also use the remaining energy to wield several powerful weapons it can take the shape of. I should find the Emperor and tell of my success...
__Geomancerと話した。彼にはこの地に留まり、自らの罪に関して、Imperial Councilに正対してほしかった。しかし彼は、死よりも、自らの存在意義を探し求めることを選び、どこかへと立ち去った。彼は立ち去る前に、私に対しInfinity Orbを手渡した。これを用いれば、七種のAtronachの精霊を解き放つことができる。また、そこに残存するパワーを用い、幾通りかの強力な武器(オーブが取ることのできる形状に応じた)としてこの手で振るうことも可能だ。皇帝に会い、成功を収めたことを報告しなければ…
FormID: 0108DB9B	aaaSOTAQuest12	90	0	After speaking with the Emperor, it seems he, and all residents of Spectrum, have been freed from the bonds held by the Geomancer while he was using the Infinity Orb. He has thanked me dearly, and has given me his helmet, so he may never again know what it feels like not to know his own face. After all this excitement, I've suddenly realized how tired I am, and the Emperor has graciously allowed me access to his own personal bed, so I can finally get some sleep...

__皇帝と話した。どうやら、彼、そしてSpectrumの全ての住人は、拘束―GeomancerがInfinity Orbの力を用いて彼らに行っていた―から解き放たれたようだ。皇帝は私に対して心からの感謝の意を表した、また、私に対し自らの兜を手渡した。彼はもう二度と、自らの顔がわからない、などという思いを味わうことはないだろう。興奮状態から醒め、私は自らがいかに疲れているか気づいた。皇帝は寛大にも、自室にある自らのベッドを使うことを私に許してくれた。やっと眠ることができる…

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