L10N/Chapter_1_The_Dwarves_Of_The_Mountain/1.7/ScriptMessages/Data の変更点

FormID: 0101FC0A	DMM0008ClosedBag2			Messagebox	2	0	This bag is tied so tight I can't undo it...
FormID: 01020320	DMM0008SolidifiedHeavenDoor			Messagebox	3	0	Hmm, the door is jammed tight. I wonder why?
FormID: 01020AB4	DMM0001Stardust2			Messagebox	2	0	Not yet...
FormID: 0102204C	DMM0008EmeraldOrbDUPLICATE000			Messagebox	7	0	I feel lighter on my feet...
FormID: 0102204C	DMM0008EmeraldOrbDUPLICATE000			Messagebox	16	0	My legs begin to feel oddly heavy...
FormID: 01022053	DMM0008MagicOrb			Messagebox	4	0	The Darkness within me prevents me from picking up this object...
FormID: 01022053	DMM0008MagicOrb			Messagebox	15	0	I feel a Warm Light enter my very spirit...
FormID: 01022053	DMM0008MagicOrb			Messagebox	26	0	I can feel the Warm Light leaving my being...
FormID: 0102205A	DMM0008NecroOrb			Messagebox	4	0	The Light within me prevents me from picking up this object...
FormID: 0102205A	DMM0008NecroOrb			Messagebox	15	0	I feel a Dark Power begin to flow through my very soul...
FormID: 0102205A	DMM0008NecroOrb			Messagebox	26	0	I can feel the Dark Power leaving my being...
FormID: 0102205B	DMM0008RubyOrbDUPLICATE001			Messagebox	7	0	I feel my muscles taughten...
FormID: 0102205B	DMM0008RubyOrbDUPLICATE001			Messagebox	16	0	My arms feel weakened...
FormID: 0102205D	DMM0008SaphireOrbDUPLICATE000			Messagebox	7	0	I feel my mind expanding...
FormID: 0102205D	DMM0008SaphireOrbDUPLICATE000			Messagebox	16	0	My thoughts begin to slow...
FormID: 01022061	DMM0008TopazOrbDUPLICATE000			Messagebox	7	0	I feel my chances are high today...
FormID: 01022061	DMM0008TopazOrbDUPLICATE000			Messagebox	16	0	My wit and charm begin to leave me...
FormID: 0102353B	DMM0010RentABedScript			Messagebox	3	0	It's too early to go to sleep. I should come back at curfew...
FormID: 01026D7B	DMM0010DustyScript			Messagebox	4	0	It sure is dark and dusty up here...
FormID: 0102829B	DMM0010RewardChoice			Messagebox	5	0	What should I do?
FormID: 0102829B	DMM0010RewardChoice			Messagebox	5	1	Keep the room to myself...
FormID: 0102829B	DMM0010RewardChoice			Messagebox	5	2	Confront the Inntaker about this...
FormID: 0102829B	DMM0010RewardChoice			Messagebox	5	3	Inform the City Guard immediately...
__City Guardにただちにこの部屋のことを伝える…
FormID: 0102ACEE	DMM0001AGeomancersDelightDUPLICATE000			Messagebox	2	0	A Geomancer's Delight - For All Your Magical Needs - Open From 8p.m To 6a.m
__A Geomancer's Delight、魔法のことなら何でもご用命を、PM8:00からAM6:00まで営業。
FormID: 0102B3C2	DMM0001BangAndClangDUPLICATE000			Messagebox	2	0	Bang And Clang - Everyone Needs A Strong Weapon - Open From 8a.m To 10p.m
__Bang And Clang、誰しも強力な武器が必要、AM8:00からPM10:00まで営業。
FormID: 0102B3EF	DMM0001ATougherSkinDUPLICATE000			Messagebox	2	0	A Tougher Skin - When Your Own Isn't Strong Enough - Open From 8a.m To 10p.m
__A Tougher Skin、鎧の強度が足りないときに是非、AM8:00からPM10:00まで営業。
FormID: 0102BAD0	DMM0001SolidifiedHeavenDUPLICATE000			Messagebox	2	0	Solidified Heaven - Jewellery And Gemstones Of The Finest Cut - Open From 8a.m To 10p.m
__Solidified Heaven、最高の宝飾品と宝石を、AM8:00からPM10:00まで営業。
FormID: 0102BB11	DMM0001BurningKnowledgeDUPLICATE000			Messagebox	2	0	Burning Knowledge - All Of Our Books Are Hot Sellers - Open From 8a.m To 4p.m
__Burning Knowledge、我々の扱う本はベストセラーだけです、AM8:00からPM4:00まで営業。
FormID: 0102C8FE	DMM0001GuardStationDUPLICATE000			Messagebox	2	0	Dwarven City Guard Station - Keeping Our Fair City Crime Free - Open All Hours
__Dwarven City Guard Station、24時間体制で、私達の公正な街を犯罪から守ります。
FormID: 0102CFFA	DMM0001TheSleepyMeadInnDUPLICATE000			Messagebox	2	0	The Sleepy Mead Inn - Where The Mead Is Cold And The Beds Are Warm - Open From 8a.m To 8p.m
__The Sleepy Mead Inn、冷えたMeadに暖かいベッドを提供します、AM8:00からPM8:00まで営業。
FormID: 0103DC8F	DMM0011BlizzardPeakWarning			Messagebox	2	0	WARNING - Hazardous blizzard ahead
FormID: 0103FFB2	DMM0011HotChocolatePot			Messagebox	2	0	You carefully ladel a mug of Hot Chocolate...
__慎重にHot Chocolateをマグカップに汲んだ…
FormID: 01040ED2	DMM0011EquipmentScript			Messagebox	4	0	A few of my rations and equipment is left here...but what about a weapon?
FormID: 01041DDB	DMM0011IceWeaponScript			Messagebox	4	0	What in the world is that?
FormID: 01042536	DMM0011BlockingIceWall			Messagebox	2	0	It's frozen solid, I can't pass through here...
FormID: 0104528E	DMM0011RemoveIceWeaponScript			Message 	4	0	All of my Ice Weapon's have melted in the intense heat...
FormID: 0105224A	DMM0012GeomancerMessageScript			Messagebox	4	0	A Celestial voice enters your mind: 'I await you upstairs Adventurer...'
FormID: 010529C9	DMM0012DwarvenHerosBootsDUPLICATE000			Messagebox	7	0	The armor fits on your body like a second skin...
FormID: 010529CA	DMM0012DwarvenHerosCuirassDUPLICATE000			Messagebox	7	0	The armor fits on your body like a second skin...
FormID: 010529CB	DMM0012DwarvenHerosGauntletsDUPLICATE000			Messagebox	7	0	The armor fits on your body like a second skin...
FormID: 010529CC	DMM0012DwarvenHerosGreavesDUPLICATE000			Messagebox	7	0	The armor fits on your body like a second skin...
FormID: 010529CD	DMM0012DwarvenHerosHelmetDUPLICATE000			Messagebox	7	0	The armor fits on your body like a second skin...
FormID: 010529CE	DMM0012DwarvenHerosShieldDUPLICATE000			Messagebox	7	0	The shield feels strong yet light...
FormID: 010529CF	DMM0012DwarvenHerosLongswordDUPLICATE000			Messagebox	7	0	The blade is light yet deathly sharp...
FormID: 010529CF	DMM0012DwarvenHerosLongswordDUPLICATE000			Messagebox	10	0	I...I can't seem to put the blade down...
FormID: 010529D0	DMM0012DwarvenHerosMaceDUPLICATE000			Messagebox	7	0	The mace is light yet swings with a deadly force...
FormID: 010529D0	DMM0012DwarvenHerosMaceDUPLICATE000			Messagebox	10	0	I...I can't seem to put the mace down...
FormID: 01055EBE	DMM0012CelestialTombScript			Message 	4	0	Please don't touch that...
FormID: 0105EFEA	DMM0013CellarCandle			Messagebox	2	0	It looks like it's already been activated...
FormID: 010615DC	DMM0013CrystalGobletSpike			Messagebox	5	0	Which fungus should I add to his glass?
FormID: 010615DC	DMM0013CrystalGobletSpike			Messagebox	5	1	The Red Fungus
FormID: 010615DC	DMM0013CrystalGobletSpike			Messagebox	5	2	The Yellow Fungus
FormID: 010615DC	DMM0013CrystalGobletSpike			Messagebox	5	3	The Green Fungus
FormID: 01071B31	DMM0012GeomancerIceDUPLICATE000			Messagebox	2	0	I think I can see something inside, but I can't break through the thick ice...
FormID: 01076054	DMM0014UndergroundLakeDoorHeat			Messagebox	4	0	I can feel great heat emanating from this door...
FormID: 01076062	DMM0014PassOutMessage1			Messagebox	4	0	Wow...the heat in this place...is really intense...
FormID: 01076066	DMM0014PassOutMessage2			Messagebox	4	0	My goodness...if only I didn't have this damn armor...I'm sweating so much...
FormID: 01076067	DMM0014PassOutMessage3			Messagebox	4	0	All of a sudden...I...I don't feel so well...I...I think...I'm going to...
FormID: 01084712	DMM0014BridgeOutMessage			Messagebox	4	0	Damn! The bridge was destroyed...I'll have to make a leap for the elevator!
FormID: 0109353C	DMM0001ArrowsmithShopDoor			Messagebox	2	0	Due to Strogg's (more commonly known as 'The Arrowsmith'), the owner of 'Straight And Sure', outstanding warrant for desertion, this shop has been claimed by the King and is off-limits to civilians until further notice...
__Staright And Sureの店主であるStrogg(The Arrowsmithとして一般には知られる)には逃亡の科に関する未執行の逮捕状が出ている。この建物は、王が差し押さえており、追って通告があるまで市民の立ち入りは禁ずる…
FormID: 010943EA	DMM0001BorgakHome			Messagebox	2	0	Due to Borgak's, the resident of this home's, outstanding warrant for desertion, this building has been claimed by the King and is off-limits to all civilians until further notice...
FormID: 010943F0	DMM0001SickleHome			Messagebox	2	0	Due to Bargden's (more commonly known as 'Sickle'), the resident of this home's, outstanding warrant for desertion, this building has been claimed by the King and is off-limits to all civilians until further notice...
FormID: 01095A29	DMM0001GrunkHome			Messagebox	2	0	Due to Grunk's, the resident of this home's, outstanding warrant for desertion, this building has been claimed by the King and is off-limits to all civilians until further notice...
FormID: 01095A2B	DMM0001TorganHome			Messagebox	2	0	Due to Torgan's, the resident of this home's, outstanding warrant for desertion, this building has been claimed by the King and is off-limits to all civilians until further notice...
FormID: 01095A2D	DMM0001MorgalHome			Messagebox	2	0	Due to Morgal's, the resident of this home's, outstanding warrant for desertion, this building has been claimed by the King and is off-limits to all civilians until further notice...
FormID: 01095A2F	DMM0001PorggHome			Messagebox	2	0	Due to Porgg's, the resident of this home's, outstanding warrant for desertion, this building has been claimed by the King and is off-limits to all civilians until further notice...
FormID: 01095A31	DMM0001AgogHome			Messagebox	2	0	Due to Agog's, the resident of this home's, outstanding warrant for desertion, this building has been claimed by the King and is off-limits to all civilians until further notice...
FormID: 01095A33	DMM0001GorkHome			Messagebox	2	0	Due to Gork's, the resident of this home's, outstanding warrant for desertion, this building has been claimed by the King and is off-limits to all civilians until further notice...
FormID: 01095A35	DMM0001GartekHome			Messagebox	2	0	Due to Gartek's (more commonly known as 'The Seacaptain'), the resident of this home's, outstanding warrant for desertion, this building has been claimed by the King and is off-limits to all civilians until further notice...
__この住居の住人であるGartek(The Seacaptainとして一般には知られる)には、逃亡の科に関する未執行の逮捕状が出ている。この建物は、王が差し押さえており、追って通告があるまで市民の立ち入りは禁ずる…
FormID: 010982E9	DMM0018EscapeMountain			Messagebox	101	0	I bet the Mines have settled enough for me to go get my things...
__Dwarven Mineの崩落は落ち着いただろう。今なら、Dwarven Mineの入り口付近のチェストに入れた持ち物を取りに行っても大丈夫だ。
FormID: 0101A07A	DMM0000TownSpeech5			Message 	1	0	Fee to get rid of bounty: %.0f gold
__賞金を解除するのに必要な額: %.0f gold
FormID: 01053FE2	DMM0013	68	0	Essentialdeathreload	0	0	Oh no! I've used the wrong one and I've killed the King! There is now no way to discover what happened to him, and because of this, it may happen again in the future...as for me, I can hear the Guards approaching...I'll be arrested for assassination and rot in an underground cell for the rest of my life...I can hear the Guards coming...it's all over...

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