L10N/Chapter_1_The_Dwarves_Of_The_Mountain/1.7/QuestStages/DMM0009 の変更点

FormID: 010142AB	DMM0009	10	0	I have met the underling of the Dwarven Botanist in the Dwarven City, tending to the Botanist's original garden. He appears to be struggling with the work load by himself, and he asked me if I could help with the harvesting of the two unusual plants. Unfortunately, the Firebrush Stems only produce Petals during Summer and Spring, and the Frostchill Blooms only produce Petals during Winter and Autumn, except under extreme circumstances. This could take a while, seeing as he wants 20 of each...
__Dwarven CityでDrarfの植物学者の元で働く男に出会った。彼は植物学者の庭園の世話をしていた。彼は自らの仕事の忙しさに悪戦苦闘していた。そして、彼は私に2つの珍しい植物の採取を手伝ってくれないかと、依頼した。あいにく、Firebrush Stemsは夏と春、そしてFrostchill Bloomsは冬と秋にしか花をつけない。極端に温暖だったり寒冷だったりする環境を除けば。彼がそれぞれ20輪を必要としていることを鑑みると、この依頼をこなすにはしばらく時間がかかりそうだ…
FormID: 010142AB	DMM0009	100	0	With the Mine destroyed, there is no means of continuing this quest any further...
__Dwarven Mineが崩れ去った今、このクエストをこれ以上続ける理由はなくなってしまった…
FormID: 010142AB	DMM0009	20	0	I have finally collected 20 Firebrush Petals. I should return them to the Dwarven Gardener along with the 20 Frostchill Petals I promised him...
FormID: 010142AB	DMM0009	30	0	I have finally collected 20 Frostchill Petals. I should return them to the Dwarven Gardener along with the 20 Firebrush Petals I promised him...
FormID: 010142AB	DMM0009	40	0	I have returned the Petals to the Gardener and he has rewarded me handsomely; a large quantity of gold coins, and his thanks...

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