L10N/Blood_and_Mud_Dirt_Deluxe_Anglais/1.0/Books/BravilSevenSeven の変更点

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<div align="center"><FONT color="060710">Auril's<br>
Magic Riddle Rhymes<p>
<FONT face=5><FONT color="101010">dedicated to a friend
<div align="left"><FONT face=1><FONT color="212232">Seven by Seven rhymes<br>
<FONT color="060710">
Seven by seven riddle rhymes,<br> 
embeding one answer,<br>
all the time; <br>
Read them!<br>
Count them!<br>
Here one is done an'<br>
fools you on an' on an' on<P>
Over an' over,<br>
riddles it by;<br>
inhabits six, SIX in<br>
seven by seven riddle rhymes. <br>
Look! Here is another,<br>
an' its passing by;<br>
now you count? Or read?<br>
seven by seven riddle rhymes?<p>
Take this also with you!<br>
Oh, see it! Don't you see?<br>
must mind the words,<br>
but don't count. Read!<p>
Its soon all over,<br>
now the last will come:<br>
Before the rhymes<br>
riddle last line along.<br> 
At least one hint, it<br>
vants to give you till,<br>
it all starts over, but<br>
last word is Bravil.  <br>
Auril <br>


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