L10N/Blood_and_Mud_Dirt_Deluxe_Anglais/1.0/Books/BravilMaSydjunsNote の変更点

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<div align="left"><FONT face=5><FONT color="000000">My dear friend,<br>
It is a gratefull joy to find you still in the wonderfull shape, as we met last time. We had serious sorrows concerning your health, Sire.<br>
Please enjoy the ladder as a gift of mine; as a little - 'contribution' to your venture. <p>
Please remind, that if you should have no more use for the blade, that I would be also gratefull enlightend to make you a fair offer as always for it. <br>
Further you should know, that our stocks on potions and lotions against any kind of plagues and diseases someone could catch while his journeys through dark labyrinths, is still at its finest.<br>
I am very sure, Sire, that we will meet again on one way or the other and we are looking onto our next congregation with a great amount of tension. <br>

With highest regardings,
Ma Syd Jun<br>


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