L10N/Blood_and_Mud_Dirt_Deluxe_Anglais/1.0/Books/BravilForgottenRealm の変更点

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<div align="left"><FONT color="000000"><p>
About the copies of Orios Vandren by Elsus Maribus obligated by the Cenus 2 A 389,  
<div align="center"><FONT face=5><FONT color="101010"> translated by Ma Syd Jun<p>

<div align="left"><FONT face=1><FONT color="000000"> Preface:<br>
Acknowledged has to be by the distributor of this print, that the text of the historian Orios Vandren, who describes the path of the so called ?Realm of Ruun?, is not based on any valid or actual supplies concerning any substantiate existence of any ?Realm? lead by a house of Vlanor and/or named ?Ruun?. Vandren has given at his time no evidences or secondary sources what could accredit the verity of such an existing realm. Such historical evidences or secondary drafts are missing till today! The personal notes of Vandren and his creative literal adornments to the transcription are more a prove of a creative essay than a profound account to any historical events.<br>

<div align="left"><FONT face=1><FONT color="552400">
First know then go in Vearmina?s realm,<br> 
One who has heard the blade?s lost call,<br>
Remember Namira, and Peryite'is being,<br> 
Before you follow the dragon?s roar,<p>

Follow the wyrm?s golden speeches, <br>
walk to his lightning shiny sung, <br>
sheltered the one from flames should be,<br>
who shelters wyrm?s warm, fresh tongue, <p>

On temple?s gate the ol? cheers welcome,<br>
awaits the stranger and his dark deed,<br>
Hails the mighty and his warm breath,<br>
He wants to bound round the cold steel,<p>    

The wise won?t pass, the fool succeeds,<br>
The patient fail, the fast exceed,<br>
Who chooses long, has chosen wrong,<br>
Who chooses fast, has long passed on.<p>

beware the guard, the old one, spare him,<br> 
his oath forbade him hospitality, <br> 
here in dark halls his home was made,<br> 
far away from warming fire gleam,<p> 

Who heard the blade shall follow her sung, <br>
Rush out the hero of his eternal rest<br>
Three up, two low, four from the side,<br>
Leads you out of the wyrm?s old nest,<p>

Three ancient words send on their journey,<br>
Will open the last barrier to the blades steel,<br>
Only ravens hunt greedy for shiny stones, <br>
Covered beneath dark cloth here, <p>

The first word send with all endurance,<br>
A long breath is here of need,<br>
The second speak with patience and stop,<br>
Who talks to fast, talks to much instantly,<p>

The third let drop from your lips in trust,<br> 
Blood is need to say the third,<br>
The answer follows prompt in darkness,<br>
Opens the blade last barrier, <br>

<div align="center"><FONT face=5><FONT color="101010">the following part is destructed and only retractable in some partitions... not translatable for me<p>

<div align="left"><FONT face=1><FONT color="552400">
Zwei Wege in Einem, der G?ter gedacht,<br>
auf sanftem Weg wandle, und  bleib unversehrt,<br>
Nun wem gedenkt der Klinge Klang?<br>
Der Weise folgt auch ihrem Weg. <br>


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