L10N/Blood_and_Mud_Dirt_Deluxe_Anglais/1.0/Books/BravilBookOuttakes の変更点

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<div align="left">Zaubereihandbuch<br>
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Blood & Mud <p>


Blood & Mud was finished as Blood&Mud I - Bravil Scum on 5th  of May in four days after the previous version was not playable with existing save-games.<p>

It included: <br>
Alyshia&Sylvia (preformed by Sandra Waris & Lessian Cainesir), <br>
Riia (Sophie Hermanns) <br>
Marwen (Bjorn Maschmeier), <br>
Ma Syd Jun (Ryan O.Hershey), <br>
Ygor & Sayjiid (Wolfgang Lennart Prokoph). <br> 
King Ardan (Simon Phoenix) <p>

At this time not all interiors were intended, it should apply a little changing to Bravil, a small quest and leave enough room for other modders or players. <p>

Because of his Morrowind experiences Ryan used to say to the voice-actors: If we get 500 Downloads, we can be very happy and should we get 1000 then we can start thinking about a second part. <p>

On the first day of release Blood&Mud had 750 downloads, on the second over 1000 and in the upcoming weeks over 5000 still rising, before released on all four major German forums on the net. <p>

For a second part, there was no quest-line and no character ideas. Blood&Mud was simply not intended to have a second part, but  because of the tremendous player feedback and the pushing  voice-actors Blood&Mud II - Bloodscripts was developed. <p>

Sandra Guetting was pulled by her boyfriend Bjorn Maschmeier to the project and both spoke nearly all Bravilian characters:<br>
Yana, Nanya, Melyssa (Sandra Guetting), <br> 
Ansol, Torro, Ordan (Bjorn Maschmeier), <br>
Oron (Wolfgang Lennart Prokoph) <br>
Ranzan Jun (Sandra Waris) <p>

Benjamin ?Septic? Gore gave Blood&Mud an internet-home and joined in for supporting the player-questions on the net. <p>

After done Bloodscripts to finish the series with a third part was quiet logical. The PCAction jumped in what was the only Game-Magazine ever interested in Blood&Mud and released it so far on five prints asked for a special magazine-version. <p>

With the intention of releasing two versions of  Blood&Mud and having an editorial deadline, Ryan asked some of Germany?s Top-Modders to give a little distribution of their art to the players of the Blood&Mud series. Septic and Ryan had answered by this time over 5000 PMs, forum-posts and mails, so Trial was intended to focus more onto the quest and just finishing Bravil. <br>
Whelp (Dunkelwasser aka Dark-Water), Lazarus (Warcry), Damian Mantis (Weapon Set), Thunderbird (Artefacts of the Ancestors) and Jounk (Runes&Stones) came along and brought little gifts to Blood&Mud players. <p>

Trial was released on November 17th in the net and came with a special magazine-version on November 21st  and a huge voice-acting content: <p>

Ma Syd Jun & Andrion (Ryan O.Hershey) <br>
King Ardan (Simon Phoenix) <br>
Nuun (Lessian Cainesir) <br>
Jafiir (Wolfgang Lennart Prokoph) <br>
RuunPriest & Andria & Jainy (Sandra Guetting) <br>
Herold & Guards (Bjorn Maschmeier) <br>
Female Guards (Sophie Hermanns)<br>
Aina & Castle Women (Sandra Waris)  <p>

So Blood&Mud was done:  220 MB full of special content<p>

In the end of November Ryan said ?goodbye? to the German community to retire from modding. Two weeks later someone requested onto Bethesdas Game-Site a translation of an ?awesome german mod? - And Blood&Mud was going to become English. <p>

In January all three mods were released as a pack named: Blood&Mud Dirt Deluxe 
The last work-over before the translation. <p>

By this time, Blood&Mud was downloaded over 50.000 times from the net and released on eight magazines while over 7500 PMs, forum-posts and mails were answered. And all rising.<p>

Blood&Mud Dirt Deluxe Anglais<p>

For Blood&Mud Dirt Deluxe Anglais DWS came onboard to help in translating the huge amount of characters while Gorkon who already did the B&M-Trial-EV-Fix so that Blood&Mud was playable with the English version for German players to change the final ESP from German to English.<p>

Three more voice actors moved in: Paulo Simons, Luthien Elensar and Janine Dalisda <p>

With that fresh  staff  and the release of Tales from the Realm of Ruun - Quest Mod in the back (and the great critics given from Game-Magazines) the work on the English Version of Blood&Mud started on the 1st of May. <p>


Alyshia&Silvia (Sandra Guetting) <br>
Melyssa (Luthien Elensar) <br>
Aina (Sandra Waris) <br>
Yana (Luthien Elensar) <br>
JainyTessaly (JanineDalisda) <br>
Ranzan Jun (Sandra Guetting) <br>
Nanya (Luthien Elensar) <br>
Highpriest (Sophie Hermanns) <br>
Nanya (Sandra Guetting) <br>
Nuun (Lessian Cainesir) <p>

Oron (Wolfgang Lennart Prokoph) <br>
Ansol (BjornMaschmeier) <br>
Ygor (RyanO.Hershey) <br>
Sayjiid (Wolfgang Lennart Prokoph) <br>
Jafiir (RyanO.Hershey) <br>
Marwen (BjornMaschmeier) <br>
Torro (Paulo Simons) <br>
Ordan (BjornMaschmeir)<br>
MaSydJun (RyanO.Hershey) <p>

Dialogs, Quests, Leveldesign, Scripts, Music, AI et cetera: Ryan O.Hershey<p>

Did you know?<p>

If you pull down Marwen?s hood you will see Micky Rouke from SinCity<p>

MaSydJun is a blend of the trader from ResidentEvil4 and Wato from StarWars <p>

Melyssa and Torro performing a SinCity-Dialog every Tuesday and Thursday on front of Melyssa?s house. <p>

If you look into the Dictionary of Ruun you can translate Rammstein Songs <p>

Ranzan Jun is the reason for why Nirn-Root became so seldom. Check out her basement. <p>

 If you change your race to Argonian or Kaijit at Jafiir?s he has different dialog lines <p>

If you change your sex Captain Ansol talks different to you <p>

?It?s a stake un-taken? was translated from ?Es ist wieder ein Pfahl frei? <p> 

The eldest known Blood&Mud player is 69 years old<p>

The youngest known MaSydJun fan is 8 years old. His favourite word is ?Sire?.<p>

The average age of Blood&Mud players is 25 <p>

The whisteling skull was/is used as cell-phone-melody<p>

The quests of Blood&Mud were played as table-top-role-games <p>

Ryan insists that every Blood&Mud mod was first released on PlanetOblivion and the Download-Section had to be done by Moderator: Bretone <p>

That Blood&Mud was hosted as a quest-mod was a mistake because it existed no ?city-or landscaping? download-category on PlanetOblivion. Ryan still demands that it is a city-mod. <p>

That behind Blood&Mud stands a modding-team became a rumour, caused by Katan of TheElderScrolls.Info introduced the mod Blood&Mud with the credit: ?Ryan and team ?, meaning the voice actors.<p> 

Blood&Mud was printed on 11 Million DVDs<p>

Blood&Mud was the only Oblivion mod appeared in a ?Killer-Game?- magazine-print because of its dangerous name<p>

You are the reason why we have done Blood&Mud and thank you so much we had a great time creating it for you<p> 


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