L10N/Blood_and_Mud_Dirt_Deluxe_Anglais/1.0/Books/BravilAurilsNote の変更点

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So you have solved the riddle. And that is good, my friend. <br>
I do not get rid of the feeling that ?the elder-one? has already stepped onto our trail. <br>
The house is ours now and my little hideout. A den and fort keeping the noses of the
local junk out of our ?little affair?. <br> As I came here they robbed my three times. <br> 
But I have made progressions.<br> You remember that I have talked to an expert who claimed that
the rocks the city is build on are called ?fake-stones? - and that you could dig them out with a shovel?<br>
He was right! <br>  The entrance is located now. Looks like an old shaft someone broke into the stone to supply that rat-town with a sewer system. Guess they raided him, too.<br>
Be careful, I will try to lead the ?elder-eyes? onto my being and travel south.<br>
There is a sweet local maid what felt for me. <br> Her name is Yana. <br>
One of that dumb, naive, village girls -  looking for a better living in the more civilised world.<br> 
She will serve me as company and d?or, if ?the elder-one? follows my path.<p> 

If you succeed I will know.<br> 

May Mephala be with you,<br>


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