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**原文 [#n8e918b1]
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<font face=1><br>
<DIV align="center">The Mystery of<br>
Princess Talara, Part V<br>
By Mera Llykith<br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/b_60x61.dds" width=60 height=61>y what right do you arrest my father?" cried the Lady Jyllia. "What has he done?"<br>
"I arrest the King of Camlorn, the former Duke of Oloine, by my right as an Imperial Commanding Officer and Ambassador," said Lord Strale. "By the right of law of the Emperor of Tamriel which supercedes all provincial royal authority."<br>
Gyna came forward and tried to put her hand on Jyllia's arm, but she was coldly rebuffed.  Quietly, she sat down at the foot of the throne in the now empty audience chamber.<br>
"This young lady came to me, having completely recovered her memory, but the story she told was beyond incredible, I simply couldn't believe it," said Lord Strale. "But she was so convinced of it, I had to investigate.  So I talked to everyone who was here at the palace twenty years ago to see if there could be any truth to it.  Of course, at the time of the King and Queen's murder, and the Princess's disappearance, there was a full inquiry made, but I had different questions to ask this time.  Questions about the relationship between the two little cousins, Lady Jyllia Raze and the Princess."<br>
"I've told everyone over and over again, I don't remember anything at all about that time in my life," said Jyllia, tears welling up.<br>
"I know you don't.  There has never been a question in my mind that you witnessed a horrible murder, and that your memory lapse and hers," said Lord Strale, gesturing toward Gyna "Are both very real. The story I heard from the servants and other people at the palace was that the little girls were inseparably close.  There were no other playmates, and as the Princess's place was to be close to her parents, so the little Lady Jyllia was always there as well.  When the assassin came to murder the Royal Family, the King and Queen were in their bedroom, and the girls were playing in the throne room."<br>
"When my memory came back to me, it was like opening a sealed box," said Gyna solemnly. "Everything was so clear and detailed, like it all happened yesterday not twenty years ago.  I was on the throne, playing Empress, and you were hiding behind the dais, pretending you were in a dungeon I had sent you to.  A man I had never seen burst into the room from the Royal bedchamber, his blade soaked in blood.  He came at me, and I ran for my life.  I remember starting to run for the dais, but I saw your face, frozen in fear, and I didn't want to lead him to you.  So I ran for the window.<br>
"We had climbed on the outside of the castle before, just for fun, that was one of the first memories that came back to me when I was holding onto that cliff.  You and I on the castle wall, and the King calling up to me, telling me how to get down.  But that day, I couldn't hold on, I was trembling so much.  I just fell, and landed in the river.<br>
"I don't know if it was entirely the horror of what I had seen, or that combined with the impact of the fall and the coldness of the water, but everything just went blank in my mind.  When I finally pulled myself out of the river, many miles away, I had no idea who I was.  And so it stayed," Gyna smiled. "Until now."<br>
"So you are the Princess Talara?" cried Jyllia.<br>
"Let me explain further before she answers that, because the simple answer would just confuse you, as it did me," said Lord Strale. "The assassin was caught before he managed to escape the palace - in truth, he had to know he was going to be caught.  He confessed immediately to the murders of the Royal Family.  The Princess, he said, he had thrown out the window to her death.  A servant down below heard the scream, and saw something fly past his window, so he knew it to be true.<br>
"It was not for several hours that little Lady Jyllia was found by her nursemaid Ramke hiding behind the dais, coated with dust, shivering with fear, and unable to speak at all.  Ramke was very protective of you," Strale said, nodding to Jyllia. "She insisted on putting you to your room right away, and sent word the Duke of Oloine that the Royal Family was dead, and that his daughter had witnessed the murders but survived."<br>
"I'm beginning to remember a little of that," said Jyllia, wonderingly. "I remember lying in bed, with Ramke comforting me.  I was so muddled and I couldn't concentrate.  I remember I just wanted it all to be play time still, I don't know why.  And then, I remember being bundled up and taken to that asylum."<br>
"It'll all come back to you soon," Gyna smiled. "I promise.  That's how I began to remember.  I just caught one detail, and the whole flood began."<br>
"That's it," Jyllia began to sob in frustration. "I don't remember anything else except confusion.  No, I also remember Daddy not even looking at me as I was taken away.  And I remember not caring about that, or anything else."<br>
"It was a confusing time for all, so particularly so for little girls.  Especially little girls who went through what you two did," said Lord Strale sympathetically. "From what I understand, as soon as he received the message from Ramke, the Duke left his palace at Oloine, gave orders for you to be sent to a private sanitarium until you'd recovered from your ordeal, and set to work with his private guard torturing the assassin for information.  When I heard that, that no one but the Duke and his personal guard saw the assassin after he gave his initial confession, and that no one was present but the Duke and his guards when the assassin was killed trying to escape, I thought that very significant.<br>
"I spoke with Lord Eryl, who I knew was one of those present, and I had to bluff him, pretending I had more evidence than I did.  I got the reaction I was hoping for, though it was a dangerous gambit.  At last he confessed to what I already knew to be true.<br>
"The assassin," Lord Strale paused, and reluctantly met Jyllia's eyes, "Had been hired by the Duke of Oloine to kill the Royal Family, including the Princess as heir, so that the crown might be passed to him and to his children."<br>
Jyllia stared at Lord Strale, aghast. "My father -"<br>
"The assassin had been told that once the Duke had him in custody, he would be paid and a prison break would be arranged.  The thug picked the wrong time to be greedy and try to get more gold.  The Duke decided that it would be cheaper to silence him, so he murdered him then and there, so the man would never tell anyone what really happened," Lord Strale shrugged. "No tragic loss as far as murders go.  In a few years' time, you returned from the sanitarium, a little shaken but back to normal, except for a complete absence of memory about your childhood.  And in that time, the former Duke of Oloine had taken his brother's place as the King of Camlorn. It was no small maneuver."<br>
"No," said Jyllia, quietly. "He must have been very busy.  He remarried and had another child.  No one ever came to visit me in the sanitarium but Ramke."<br>
"If he had visited and seen you," said Gyna. "This story might have turned out very differently."<br>
"What do you mean?" asked Jyllia.<br>
"This is the most amazing part," said Lord Strale. "The question has long been whether Gyna is the Princess Talara.  When her memory returned, and she told me what she remembered, I put several pieces of evidence together.  Consider these facts.<br>
"The two of you look remarkably alike now after twenty years of living very different lives, and as little girls and constant playmates, you looked nearly identical.<br>
"At the time of the assassination, the murderer who had never been there before, only saw one girl on the throne, who he assumed to be his quarry.<br>
"The woman who found Lady Jyllia was her nursemaid Ramke, a creature of unstable mind and fanatical devotion to her charge - the type would never accept the possibility that her beloved little girl had been the one who disappeared.  The nursemaid was the only single person who knew both Princess Talara and the Lady Jyllia who visited you while you were in the sanitarium.<br>
"Finally," said Lord Strale, "Consider the fact that when you returned to court from the sanitarium, five years had past, and you had grown from a child to a young lady.  You looked familiar, but not quite the same as your family remembered you, which is only natural."<br>
"I don't understand," cried the poor girl, her eyes wide, because she did understand.  Here memory was falling together like a terrible flood.<br>
"Let me explain it like this," said her cousin, wrapping her in her arms. "I know who I am now.  My real name is Jyllia Raze.  That man who was arrested was my father, the man who murdered the King - your father.  YOU are the Princess Talara."<br>

**訳文 [#ne8bac6b]
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<font face=1><br>
<DIV align="center">The Mystery of<br>
Princess Talara, Part V<br>
Mera Llykith著<br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/b_60x61.dds" width=60 height=61>「何の権利があって、私のお父様を逮捕なさったのです!?」Lady Jylliaは叫んだ。「お父様が何をしたと言うのですか!?」<br>
Lord Straleは言った。
「この若き御婦人が私のところにやってきた時には、彼女はすっかり記憶を取り戻していました。しかし、彼女が語ってくれた物語は全くもって信じがたいものでした。私にも、簡単には飲み込めない程に」Lord Straleは言う。「しかし、彼女の確信は強いものでしたから、私は調査を始めねばなりませんでした。そして、その物語を証だててくれるかも知れない、この宮殿で二十年前に働いていた人々の全員に聞き込みを行ってみました。もちろん、国王と王妃が殺害されて姫が行方不明になった当時にも、充分な調査は為されていました。しかし今度は、別の質問をぶつけてみたのです。つまり、二人の幼い従姉妹、Lady Jyllia Razeと王女殿下の関係についての質問です」<br>
「何度も言ったでしょう? その当時のことはまったく覚えてないって」涙を浮かべながらJylliaは答える。<br>
「承知しております。あなたが恐ろしい虐殺を目撃したことも、それに、あなたと彼女の」Lord StraleはGynaの方を示してみせる。「記憶が失われてしまったことも、決して疑うつもりはございません。どちらも、まったくの事実です。宮殿に居る召使や他の人達から聞いた話ですがね、その少女たちは何時でも一緒だったそうです。他に遊び友達も居なかったし、姫も両親の近くにも居られたし、だから、いつも二人は一緒だったのです。暗殺者が王族を葬ろうと訪れた時には、国王と王妃は寝室に、その少女たちは玉座の間で遊んでおりました」<br>
「その前に、更に説明させて下さい。その疑問への回答自体は単純なものですが、あなたは本当に取り乱してしまうでしょうから。私のように、ね」Load Straleは言う。「その暗殺者は、宮殿から逃げおおせる前に捕えられました。実際のところ、そうなることは分かっていたのでしょうね。すぐに彼は王族の殺害を自白しました。彼が言うには、姫を窓から投げ捨て殺したのです。その下に居た召使は、彼女の叫び声を聞いていますし、何かが窓越しに落ちていくのを目撃しています。だから、その召使には、彼の話が本当だと分かったのです」<br>
「そのようね」Jylliaは失望感を覚えてすすり泣き始めた。「頭が混乱するようなことばかり思い出すの。いやよ、どうしてパパったら、連れて行かれる私のことを見ようとさえしていなかったの? そのことでも、他のことでも、心配なんてしていなかったのね」<br>
「そんな時には、誰でも戸惑ってしまうものです。小さな女の子たちが酷く取り乱してしまうように。とりわけ、その女の子たちが、あなた方のような体験をした後では」Load Straleは同情の念を浮かべる。「私の知るところでは、あなたの父上はRamkeから報を受けると直ぐに、Oloineの自分の宮殿を出発して、あなたが苦難から立ち直るまで私有の療養所に入れておくよう取り計らいました。それから、手勢の衛兵を使って、拷問によって暗殺者から情報を引き出そうとしたのです。私の聞くところによれば、公爵と彼の護衛兵を除いては、先程の告白を終えた後の暗殺者に会った者は居ませんでした。そして、公爵と彼の護衛兵を除いては、その暗殺者が逃げ出そうとして殺害された、その現場に居合わせた者は居ませんでした。思うに、これは非常に重要です」<br>
「暗殺者は…」そこで言葉を止めたLoad Straleは、渋々ながらJylliaの瞳を捉えて続けた。「後継者たる姫を含む王族を殺害するために、Oloine公爵が雇い入れたものでした。彼と、彼の子供たちが王冠を受け継ぐように」<br>
Jylliaは驚きに眼を見開いてLoad Straleを見つめた。「お父様が……」<br>
「聞くところでは、その暗殺者は、いちど公爵の下に拘留されて報酬が支払われてから、脱獄の手筈が調えられることになっていたそうです。しかし、その悪党は欲を張りすぎて更なる金をせしめようとしたのです。そのため、黙らせてしまった方が安上がりであると踏んだ公爵は、その場で彼を殺しました。そして、その男が誰かに真相を伝えることは決して無くなったのです」Load Straleは肩を竦めてみせる。「しかし、不幸中の幸いというものです。それから数年の内に、あなたは療養所から戻ってきました。少女時代の記憶がスッポリと抜け落ちているという点を除いては、やや不安定ながらも普通の調子に戻って。その間に、先のOloine公爵は、Camlorn国王という兄の地位を手に入れていました。決して、ちょっとした計略というものではなかったのです」<br>
「これは非常に驚くべきところですが」Load Straleは言う。「Gynaが本当にTalara姫であるのか、それには長らく頭を悩ませてきました。彼女の記憶が戻って、それを私に教えてくれてから、私は幾つかの証拠を組み合わせてみました。次の事実を、よく考えてみて下さい」<br>
「最後に」Load Straleは言った。「療養所から宮廷に戻った時には、五年の歳月が流れて、あなたは子供からうら若き貴婦人となっていたという事実を、よく考えてみて下さい。あなたの家族にとって、あなたの姿は懐かしいものであるけれど、当然ながら、必ずしも昔の記憶に一致するものではなかったのです」<br>
「こういうことよ」その少女の従姉妹は、彼女を自分の両腕で抱きしめた。「もう、私は自分が誰であるか知っているわ。私の本当の名前は、Jyllia Raze。あの逮捕された男こそ私の父親、そして暗殺された国王陛下があなたの父親。そう、あなたがTalara姫なのよ」<br>

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