L10N/Battle_for_Morrowind/1.4/QuestStages/01LANinv の変更点

FormID: 010078B4	01LANinv	10	0	In Fort Snake I met a Dunmer general from Morrowind who wants to free his country from the Imperials. I agreed to fight at his side for the freedom of his country, but to trust me he wants me to bring him five helmets of the Imperial Legion.
__Fort Snakeで故国Morrowindの帝国からの解放のため戦っているというDunmerの将軍と会った。私は彼の力になる事にしたが、信用に足る人間である事を示すためにはImperial Legionの兜を5つ取って来なくてはならない。
FormID: 010078B4	01LANinv	100	0	General Vlarys told me to go to the Imperial City south gate. Once there we will discuss the details of his attack plan.
__Vlarys将軍からImperial City南門まで向かうよう指示を受けた。進攻作戦の詳細は現地で説明されるだろう。
FormID: 010078B4	01LANinv	110	0	General Vlarys wants me to enter the Imperial City and head to the Imperial Palace. Once there I have to catch Ocato and force him to sign the agreement that will give back to Morrowind its freedom. I can probably find him either in the Elder Council Chambers or in his Private Chambers.
__Vlarys将軍からの指令はImperial CityのPalaceに突入し、Ocato首相の身柄を拘束のうえMorrowind解放協定に調印させるというものだ。首相はElder Councilの議場か私室のどちらかに居ると思われる。
FormID: 010078B4	01LANinv	120	0	I forced Ocato to sign the agreement to free Morrowind from the yoke of the Empire. In exchange for that I conceded that Bruma will be returned to the Imperials.
FormID: 010078B4	01LANinv	130	0	I forced Ocato to sign the agreement to free Morrowind from the yoke of the Empire. In exchange for that Ocato asked that Bruma be returned to the Imperials, I denied his request. Bruma will remain a Dunmer town from now on.
FormID: 010078B4	01LANinv	140	0	General Vlarys thanked me for everything I have done and said that if I will ever go to Morrowind in the future I should pay him a visit. He also rewarded my prowess with 5000 gold pieces and the title of Champion of Morrowind.
__Vlarys将軍から感謝の言葉をもらった。もしも私がMorrowindへ訪れる事があったら必ず彼の元へと立ち寄って欲しいとの事だ。また報酬として5000goldとChampion of Morrowindの称号が与えられた。
FormID: 010078B4	01LANinv	20	0	In Fort Snake I have met a Dunmer general who wanted to lead an army from Morrowind to the conquest of Cyrodiil. Useless to say that I could not allow this foolish plan to be accomplished. I killed him and doing so I probably saved the lives of many innocent people.
__Fort SnakeでCyrodiilへの侵略を企むMorrowindの軍勢を発見し、それを率いるDunmerの将軍と会った。愚かな戦いは止めねばならなかった。私は彼を倒したが、これが無辜の市民の命を救う事につながったのだと思いたい。
FormID: 010078B4	01LANinv	35	0	I got the five helmets of the Imperial Legion for General Vlarys. I should bring them to him.
__Imperial Legionの兜を5つ手に入れた。Vlarys将軍の元へ持って行こう。
FormID: 010078B4	01LANinv	40	0	In Fort Snake I met a Dunmer general who wanted to lead an army from Morrowind to the conquest of Cyrodiil. Luckily I managed to talk him into stopping his foolish plan. Probably today I have saved the lives of many innocent people.
__Fort SnakeでCyrodiilへの侵略を企むMorrowindの軍勢を発見し、それを率いるDunmerの将軍と会った。幸運な事に彼を説得し、愚かな戦いを止める事に成功した。きっとこれで多くの命が救われたはずだ。
FormID: 010078B4	01LANinv	50	0	General Vlarys ordered me to go to a village north of the Imperial City and kill all the people living there. I tried to convince him of the iniquity of the task, but he replied that it's a necessary evil. The name of the town is Greystone. 
__Vlarys将軍は私にImperial Cityの北にある村落の襲撃と住民の皆殺しを命じた。あまりに酷いと彼に嘆願したが、将軍は[QUOTE]これは必要悪なのだ[QUOTE]と言って聞かない。…目指す村の名はGreystoneだ。
FormID: 010078B4	01LANinv	60	0	I have killed all the people living in Greystone, now I should report back to general Vlarys. May the gods have mercy of my bloody soul...
FormID: 010078B4	01LANinv	65	0	I spoke to the people in Greystone and explained that if they will not hide for sometime they will die like the inhabitants of the nearby village. Luckily they followed my advice. I will tell Vlarys that I have killed them.
FormID: 010078B4	01LANinv	70	0	General Vlarys told me to go to Bruma. His army is besieging the town. Once there I have to speak to Captain Hlaalu in order to know the details of their attack plan.
__Vlalrys将軍からBruma行きの指示を受けた。現地では友軍が攻城戦を繰り広げているとの事。Captain Hlaaluに話しかけ、作戦の詳細を聞き出そう。
FormID: 010078B4	01LANinv	80	0	Captain Hlaalu told me to enter Bruma through the east gate and head to Castle. I have to catch the Countess and force her to surrender the town to general Vlarys' army. She must give me the key to Bruma. 
__Captain HlaaluからBruma東門より街に入り、城へと向かうよう頼まれた。女伯を拘束し、Vlarys将軍に降伏させるようにしなければならない。彼女からBrumaの鍵を奪う事も忘れてはならない。
FormID: 010078B4	01LANinv	90	0	We managed to conquer Bruma. The Dunmer Soldiers will now patrol the streets in town. I should go back to Fort Snake and report about our success.
__辛くもBrumaの攻略に成功した。今やこの街はDunmer軍の庇護下にある。Fort Snakeに戻り、戦勝の報告をすべきだろう。
FormID: 010078B4	01LANinv	93	0	General Vlarys told me that because of an accident that happened to his last shipment of weapons from Morrowind I have to go to Gloomy Cave and  get some weapons from a local smuggler.
__Vlarys将軍からトラブルに見舞われたとの話を聞いた。Morrowind本土からの武器の補給についてのトラブルだ。Gloomy Caveへ行き密輸商人から武器を入手せねばならない。
FormID: 010078B4	01LANinv	96	0	I have General Vlarys' weapons, I should bring them to him as soon as possible.
FormID: 010078B4	01LANinv	97	0	General Vlarys told me that as soon as the count of Cheydinhal knew about the fall of Bruma he decided to send an army in order to free it. The army is now camped halfway between Cheydinhal and Bruma. I have to find it and destroy it. General Vlarys suggested to use a skirmish strategy.
FormID: 010078B4	01LANinv	98	0	I have managed to destroy the army from Cheydinhal. Now I should go back to general Vlarys and report my success.

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