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**原文 [#lba8958c]
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Directed to all citizens of the Empire<br>
Written by High Chancellor Ocato<br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/k_61x61.dds" width=61 height=61>ings and Queens of our Empire's children, Counts and Countesses of our fair cities, City Watchmen and Guards of our people, and Subjects and Citizens of our grand alliance: On the 27th of Last Seed 3E 433, the Temple of the One lied dark for the first time in centuries.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/i_51x61.dds" width=51 height=61> regret to inform you that the Dragon Throne lies empty, and no heir remains to fill our highest office. With it vacant, and the Dragonfires extinguished, the Covenant with the Divines has been broken, and the barriers between Mundus and Oblivion have dissolved. Even as I speak, the Daedric forces of the Prince of Destruction have begun invading our homes and slaughtering our people in cold blood. Let it be known that the distance between our two realms - and the intricacy of the assassinations carried out upon the royal family - prove beyond a reasonable doubt that this attack was premeditated and unprovoked.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/i_51x61.dds" width=51 height=61>f anyone still doubts that the Daedra of Oblivion are our eternal enemies, look upon the city of Kvatch, within our own native Cyrodiil, and see the blood of the innocent plastered like paint upon the cobblestone, the charred and ashen remains of honest and hardworking people lying forgotten throughout the streets like children's toys, the desecrated  Akatosh Chantry,, the broken rubble that used to be the homes of our brothers and sisters, and banish all doubt from your mind.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/k_61x61.dds" width=61 height=61>now that this invasion is not confined to Cyrodiil. Earlier today, Oblivion Gates opened near the Skyrim-Hammerfell border, and Daedric warparties have already began their march towards the cities of Elinhir and Falkreath. Earlier today, Argonian scout parties in Black Marsh have reported Oblivion Gates opening near the city of Helstrom. Earlier today, the Daedra of Oblivion launched a full-scale attack on the city of Ald'ruhn in Vvardenfell, Morrowind, and already it has fallen. Despite their best efforts, the noble knights of House Redoran - as well as ordinary citizens, such as you and I - were brutally and mercilessly slain, and all that remains of Ald'ruhn is sandstone rubble.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>he forces of Mehrunes Dagon have, therefore, began a swift offensive extending throughout our Empire. The facts of the Daedric assaults upon us today speak for themselves. We understand more than anyone the implications of this - and the threat that it poses to our Empire, our people, and our children. Hostilities exist, and even now time runs short. Action must be taken, for there is no denying that our very way of life lies in grave danger.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/b_60x61.dds" width=60 height=61>ut may we always remember the dastardly nature of the onslaught standing against us - the cowardice that our enemy has shown in attacking our people unawares in the night is a display that would make Tiber Septim himself weep. But weep not for the fallen, and instead honor their memory, for the fallen heroes of Tamriel died honorably, on their feet, blades in hand! They deserve nothing less than our utmost respect and admiration!<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/a_70x61.dds" width=70 height=61>s High Chancellor - the closest thing to an Emperor our Empire has in this darkest hour - I have directed the Legion to prepare any and all measures for our common defense. But I will be the first to admit that I alone cannot protect us all - I am no Eternal Champion, no Hero of Daggerfall, no Nerevarine - for that mantle awaits the individuals ordained by the Gods to halt this attack. This is the time for heroes to be made or broken.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/a_70x61.dds" width=70 height=61>nd yet, even so, one hero alone cannot save us all. Just as Tiber Septim could not form an Empire without the aid of his loyal battlemage Zurin Arctus, just as the Eternal Champion could not defeat Jagar Tharn without Ria Silmane's ethereal aid, just as we must all band together to fight!<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/i_51x61.dds" width=51 height=61> will say this once, and listen well: If we cannot fight together, we will die alone.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/a_70x61.dds" width=70 height=61>ll must be as one. The Imperial Legion has opened its doors for all able-bodied men and women between the ages of 16 and 50, and emergency training centers have been established to prepare new recruits. I am not asking everyone to pledge their lives to the military - indeed, I know there are many unwilling or unable - but consider the welfare of your family and your children. If you cannot fight, you must still contribute! Send your prayers, your surplus food, your spare weaponry - fight in spirit, if not in body!<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>hink of the consequences - if we cannot come together as one, what will the foul Daedra take from us next? Will they ravage Chorrol tomorrow? Or Dawnstar, or Balmora, or perhaps even the Imperial City itself? We have already lost hundreds of lives and homes - an inexcusable offense. I believe I interpret the will of us all when I say that not only must we destroy this treachery once and for all, but ensure that it never again endangers us!<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/n_63x62.dds" width=63 height=62>o longer can we allow old rivalries and foolish grudges distract us. We can see this as an opportunity to expand kingdoms and fuel territories, as we did in the War of Betony, or we can see this as an opportunity to overthrow our Empire, as the Camoran Usurper did - or, for the first time, we can come together, Khajiits and Argonians, Orcs and Dunmer, Imperials and Altmer - and working as one, with the might of our armies, the unwavering confidence of our people, and the limitless determination that defines us, we will inevitably triumph, for the Almighty Divines fight alongside us!<br>


**訳文 [#kf6916d5]
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<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/h_62x62.dds" width=62 height=62>igh Chancellor Ocato 筆<br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>emple of the Oneは今や光を失った。諸国の王と女王たち、栄えある帝国都市を治める伯爵たち、都市警備兵ならびに民の守り手たち、そして我らが帝国に連なる全ての臣民に告ぐ。3E 433年 Last Seedの月27日、これまで数世紀にわたり光を灯し続けたTemple of the Oneは闇に包まれた。<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/d_80x61.dds" width=80 height=61>ragon Throneの空位と皇位継承者の不在を諸君らに伝えねばならぬ事は痛恨の極みである。今やDivinesとの契約は絶たれ、OblivionとMundusとを隔てる障壁は破壊されてしまった。のみならず、破壊のPrinceに率いられた冷酷なDaedricの軍勢による市民の虐殺すら始まりつつある。2つの世界の距離の接近と皇家に対する度重なる暗殺。これらは偶発的な出来事ではなく、あらかじめ定められた計画の上に意図的に引き起こされた災難であると疑うに十分な理由がある。<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/o_69x62.dds" width=69 height=62>blivionのDaedra達が人類に対する永遠の仇敵であるという事実を認められぬ者は、Kvatchの惨状を目の当たりにするが良い。砂利の上には罪なき人々の真っ赤な血がさながらペンキのように撒き散らされている。黒こげになった焼死体や燃えかすが、さながら子供に飽きられた玩具のように打ち棄てられている。Akatosh教会は荒れ果て、かつて我らの兄弟姉妹が暮らしていた家々は瓦礫の山と化した。これらの様子を一目でも見れば誰しもがすぐに考えを改める事であろう。<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/c_59x61.dds" width=59 height=61>yrodiilだけが侵略の憂き目に遭っているのではない事も言い添えておこう。Skyrim-Hammerfell国境付近でもOblivion Gateが開かれ、Daedricの軍勢がElinhirやFalkreathといった街に進軍を始めたようだ。Argonianの斥候たちからの情報によると、Black MarshでもHelstrojmの街の近くにOblivion Gateが開かれたらしい。また、MorrowindのVvardenfell島でもAld'ruhnの街が一斉攻撃を受け陥落したとの事だ。誇り高きHouse Redoranの戦士たちも我らのような一般市民も区別なく、みな無慈悲な虐殺の犠牲となった。今やAld'ruhnは砂岩の廃墟となり果ててしまった。<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/m_65x62.dds" width=65 height=62>ehrunes Dagonの軍勢は帝国に向けて速やかに進軍を続けている。Daedraによる侵略は、もはや絵空事ではなく現実問題だ。国が、子供も含めた人命が、危険に晒されている。その事実は、かつてDaedraの脅威を思い描いた如何なる賢者よりも切実に、我々自身が身をもって理解し始めている。現実に敵は存在し、もはや一刻の猶予もない。脅威が明らかである以上、行動を起こす必要がある。<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>iber Septim帝も嘆き悲しんでおられる事だろう。敵は卑怯にも夜陰に乗じて安眠中の人々に襲いかかったのだ。都市の陥落そのものが悔しいのではない。その手に剣を握りしめ誇り高く命を散らしていった英雄達を思えばこそ涙があふれ出てくるのだ!彼らの尊き犠牲には最上級の賛辞と畏敬の念を捧げたいと思う!<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/h_62x62.dds" width=62 height=62>igh Chancellorという皇帝第一の側近たる地位にある者として、私はLegionに市民防衛の為あらゆる手段を以て当たるよう指示を出した。しかし、私一人の力では国民全員を守る事など不可能だ。この点は正直に認めざるを得ない。私はEternal Championではないし、Daggerfallの英雄でもなければNerevarineでもないのだ。この危機を食い止める為に神によって選ばれた英雄を待望する向きもあるが、あらかじめ申し上げておかねばなるまい。今は英雄が生まれる時代でもあるが、英雄が挫折する時代でもある。<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>iber Septim帝はこの国を造り上げたが、その背後にはZurin Arctusというbattlemageの助力があった。いかなる英雄であろうとも、一人の力で全てを救う事など不可能だ。Eternal ChampionもJager Tharn討伐の際はRia Silmaneの幽体の力添えを必要とした。私たちもそれにならい、全員で力を合わせて戦わねばならない!<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/i_51x61.dds" width=51 height=61>mperial Legionは16歳から50歳までの健康な男女であれば誰にでも門戸を開いている。皆の力を一つに合わせようではないか。新兵のための緊急の訓練所も開設された。もちろん、国民全員が兵士になるべきだなどと言うつもりは毛頭無い。兵士になる事を望まない人々や肉体要件を満たさない人々も相当数いる事は理解している。しかし、あなたの子供や家族達の幸福とは何かという事を今一度考え直してみて欲しい。もしも戦う事が不可能ならば、別の手段で貢献をする事だって可能なのだ!祈りを捧げて頂いても良いし、食料や予備の武器を供出して頂いても良い。肉体による戦闘ばかりが戦いなのではない。我々は魂で戦っているのだ。<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/d_80x61.dds" width=80 height=61>aedra達は次に我々から何を奪おうとするだろうか?明日破壊されるのはChorrolの街?それともDawnstar?Balmora?Imperial City?既に何百という人命が失われ、何百という家々が破壊された。許し難い暴挙だ。我々は断固たる意志でこの背徳を打破し、二度と繰り返させない事を誓う。<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/w_69x62.dds" width=69 height=62>ar of Betonyのような諸国の版図拡大の好機と見るか、Camoran Usurperのように帝国転覆の好機と見るか。または史上初めて、Khajiit・Argonian・Orc・Dunmer・Imperial・Altmerといった人種の垣根を越えた連帯を生み出す好機と見るか。それは我々次第だ。時代遅れの争いや馬鹿げた憎しみを抱き続けるのはもう止めにしようではないか。我々の揺るぎない自信と決意が帝国軍の力と合わされば勝利は固い。全能たるDivinesの加護は我らと共にあるのだから!<br>

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