L10N/B.H.C.E./1.2/Books/CliffBroadsheetMQClosingOBGatesGuide の変更点


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**原文 [#hdfb2515]
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Closing Oblivion Gates for the Common Masses<br>
By Redara Alleius<br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/o_69x62.dds" width=69 height=62>ne must approach this simple task with an air of caution. The realms of Oblivion are indeed dangerous but by no means deadly to the common man or woman. You only need to know what to look for. We will explore a gate to Oblivion in this article and learn to close them.<br>
First, locating the fiery portal that is your door. To find these gates, one has only to take a brief walk in the countryside for they are numerous. Following the path of unfortunate forest animals and foresters is also a good means of locating one. You may note the sky begin to take on a reddish cast as you approach, this is typical and nothing to be concerned with.<br>
The average gate is usually guarded by several daedra of common variety. A quick run will see you past them and to the portal where you may enter the Oblivion realm unmolested.<br>
Once inside, survey the landscape around you before continuing. Your goal is the largest Citadel, easily identifiable by its glowing peak. Do not be perturbed by the fires and lava fields about you. They are as the fires of Red Mountain. Simply keep your distance and, as the Ashlander's say, don't go swimming in the red water.<br>
You will see many and varied forms of twisted plant life within a gate. Though the ingredients obtained are rare and sometimes useful, you must exercise caution when collecting them. Bloodgrass is simple, Harrada and Spiddal Stick require a bit more ingenuity on your part. We recommend a hasty retreat from the temperamental Harrada when collecting it.<br>
Navigating the tower will be your next step. A good rule of thumb is always head up. If you're going up, you're probably going in the right direction. You'll find any number of chambers within the citadel, some occupied by those pesky daedra. Deal with them with the ease of the seasoned adventurer and continue on your way.<br>
At the top of the tower, you'll find the chamber known as the Sigillum Sanguis. The goal of your search is here. Once you've climbed the ramps, you should see a glowing stone just waiting for you to take it. Lean out, being careful of course not to fall into the raw energy streaming up to it. That would be bad.<br>
Take the stone quickly, bouncing from hand to hand with caution as it may be hot and you'll soon be transported back to lovely Cyrodiil and the gate will be closed around you!
Now, if you didn't deal with the Daedra guarding the Cyrodiil side of the gate before heading in, you may want to run. Fast.<br>
Congratulations! You have now saved Cyrodiil from the invasion of Mehrunes Dagon! Or at least a small part of it anyway. May Akatosh bless the adventurer willing to undertake such a perilous journey in defense of our realm.<br>

**訳文 [#h7906c03]
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一般人でもできる、Oblivion Gate閉鎖<br>
記者 Redara Alleius<br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/o_69x62.dds" width=69 height=62>blivionの領域は確かに危険な場所である。この作業に向かう際には十分に注意して頂きたい。しかしながら、危険である事が即ち一般人にとって致命的であるというわけでは決してない。事前に必要な知識さえ得ていれば大丈夫だ。この記事では、Oblivionへの門の中を探索すると共に、それを閉じる方法をお伝えしたい。<br>
中に入ったら、先へと進む前に周囲の地形をチェックして欲しい。目指すべきは一番大きな塔だ、頂点が光っている事から容易に見分けられるだろう。辺りに広がる炎や溶岩を恐れる事なかれ、Red Mountainの火と何の違いもない物なのだから。ただ距離をとって、Ashlander達の忠告通り、赤い水の中を泳ごうとしなければ何の問題もない。<br>
門の内部では、ひねくれたような奇怪な植物を数多く見掛けるだろう。それらから採取できる素材は珍しく、中には役に立つ物もあるが、もし集めるつもりなら注意力を鍛えておく事だ。Bloodgrassの採取は簡単だが、HarradaとSpiddal Stickに関しては少々工夫が必要となる。Harradaの動きは予測しがたいので、採取は手早く行い、終わったらすぐさま離れる事をおすすめする。<br>
塔の最上階には、Sigillum Sanguisと呼ばれる部屋がある。そこが最終目的地だ。スロープを登って行けば、光を放つ石があなたによって取り去られるのを待っているだろう。身を乗り出す際には、当然の事だが、石へと流れ込むエネルギーの源流へと落ちてしまわないように気をつけよう。もしそうなれば命が危ない。<br>
おめでとう!これであなたもMehrunes Dagonの侵略からCyrodiilを守ったのだ!少なくとも、そのためにわずかなりとも貢献する事はできたはずだ。我らが国を守るため、この危険な旅へ挑まんとする冒険者に、Akatoshの祝福があらん事を。<br>

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