L10N/B.H.C.E./1.2/Books/CliffBroadsheetMGNecromancersOnTheRiseReadOnly の変更点


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*本文 [#ede173de]

**原文 [#t9297c19]
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Increase in undead activity!<br>
By Pledora Lielle<br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/p_59x62.dds" width=59 height=62>lease note, dear citizens of the Empire, that this information is merely speculation and nothing has been confirmed by the Mages Guild authorities. <br>
It has been said and seen that strange phenomena are taking place in Cyrodiil. Citizens of the Imperial Province report uneasy sleep at night due to nightmares involving the undead. Some also say that they saw corpses of the recently deceased roaming the dark forests at night. There have been several reports of mysterious light rays going from the ground to the sky near remote caverns none dare approach.<br>
The Council of Mages has remained silent on the matter and no Mages Guild authorities want to comment on these events. In the meantime, The Black Horse Courier recommends you to stay at home at night and lock your doors and windows, especially if you live in a remote location far from the safety of the Legion. <br>
<DIV align="center">About the Necromancers <br>
<DIV align="left">According to the Empire,:?body and spirit are protected as property, and may not be used without permission of the owner, and public display of the living dead is widely prohibited. Mages may legally purchase corpses and souls for philosophical research, and may do with them as they wish in private without legal interference.?<br>
<DIV align="left">According to the Empire,:&#65533;body and spirit are protected as property, and may not be used without permission of the owner, and public display of the living dead is widely prohibited. Mages may legally purchase corpses and souls for philosophical research, and may do with them as they wish in private without legal interference.&#65533;<br>
- Legal Basics, published by the Empire.<br>
 Recently though, Arch-Mage Traven banished necromancy and necromancers from the Mages Guild. This decision deeply affected the Council of Mages and the ranks of the Mages Guild and the Arcane University. Indeed, half of the members of the Council of Mages resigned to their positions when Arch-Mage Traven announced his decision. <br>


**訳文 [#ue7a8293]
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Pledora Lielle 筆<br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/c_59x61.dds" width=59 height=61>yrodiilで、不審な出来事の目撃証言が相次いでいる。不死者に襲われる悪夢のせいで、Imperial Provinceの市民は眠れぬ夜を強いられているのだ。また、複数の目撃証言によると、最近亡くなった人物が夜の暗い森を徘徊しているとか、遠くの洞窟の近くで地面から立ち上る不気味な光が見えた(あまりに恐ろしく近くで見る事はかなわなかったとの事だが)といった情報も入って来ている。<br>
愛すべき帝国臣民の読者諸兄には予めお断りしておくが、これらの情報はあくまで推測の域を出ないのであり、決してMages Guildのお墨付きを得たものではない。その点、ご注意頂きたい。<br>
一方、The Council of Magesはこの件について依然として沈黙を続けており、Mages Guildのお偉方も一連の出来事について口をつぐんでいる。とりあえずの所、夜間の外出を控え、玄関や窓の施錠をしっかりしておくことをBlack Horse Courierとしてはお勧めしておく。僻地在住で、Legionの巡回の手が回らないような方は特に注意が必要であろう。<br>
<DIV align="center">Necromancerについて<br>
<DIV align="left">条文より引用:遺体ならびにその魂は正しく保護されなければならない。持ち主の許可なき利用や、公共の場で不死者を衆目に晒す行為は禁止されている。なお、魔術師には学術研究の為の購入が認められており、法に触れる事なく私的な研究に供する事が可能である。<br>
ただ、近年においてはArch-Mage Travenにより死霊術が禁止され、necromancer達もMages Guildから追放された。彼の決断はCouncil of MagesとMages GuildおよびArcane Universityにおける序列構成に大きく影響することとなった。実際、上記決定が下された時、Council of Magesのメンバーのおよそ半数がその地位を追われたのである。<br>

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