FormID: 01051CA6 WFMQ21S 0 0
FormID: 01051CA6 WFMQ21S 10 0 My urgent mission is to find Brend's long lost wife? What, in the name of the Nine, does that have to do with this rebellion? Oh well, such is my task, I may as well do it as best I can.
FormID: 01051CA6 WFMQ21S 100 0
FormID: 01051CA6 WFMQ21S 20 0 April's request doesn't sound all that easy. But one thing is clear, if there is a clue in the book it has to be a specific copy of the book and one that can't have been opened for years. Perhaps the best place to start is at one of the stores as April suggested. I think I can rule out most of the specialty stores. There are a few general stores, Reginald's Pawnshop, and Idellia's Pawnshop, come to mind. I suppose it's possibly in Varnius Outfitter's, but I doubt it.
__Aprilの要求に応えるのは容易ではなさそうだ。しかし、もしも本の中に手掛かりがあるとすれば、その本は長年ページをめくられぬまま保たれているので間違いない。手始めにAprilの挙げた店を探してみるのが得策だろう。専門店のいくつかはあらかじめ除外して良さそうだ。となると雑貨店は数軒しかない。Reginald's PawnshopにIdellia's Pawn Shopあたりだろうか。Varnius Outfitter'sも候補と言えば候補だが、たぶん無いと思われる。
FormID: 01051CA6 WFMQ21S 30 0 I have a key. But a key to what? Perhaps April has some idea, this might be what she was looking for. I will talk to her.
FormID: 01051CA6 WFMQ21S 40 0 Well, April's information was not very useful. I can see nothing for it but to drag my way along the beachhead of the marshes. Hopefully I'll find something quickly, otherwise I could be doing this for days.
FormID: 01051CA6 WFMQ21S 50 0 This must be the ?nest egg' that April is looking for.
FormID: 01051CA6 WFMQ21S 50 0 This must be the �nest egg' that April is looking for.
FormID: 01051CA6 WFMQ21S 60 0 Looks like I'm going to the Lonely Escort. Acretia should be there somewhere.
__Lonely Escortに行けという事のようだ。Acretiaもそこで見つかるはず。
FormID: 01051CA6 WFMQ21S 70 0 Acretia did not seal the letter and I have glanced at it. Somehow I do not think Bend is going to be very happy about it.
FormID: 01051CA6 WFMQ21S 80 0 I will wait until he has cooled down. In the mean time I will see Glorvin as he suggested. If memory serves, he lives above Gelt's old place. He can sometimes be found talking around the lamp post.