L10N/Windfall/1.0/QuestStages/WFMQ18S の変更点

FormID: 010518AF	WFMQ18S	0	0	
FormID: 010518AF	WFMQ18S	10	0	I have to find a needle in a haystack. Someone in town has seen the Varo Family Signet Ring. Somehow I will need to find that person. Maybe Ozkar or Frillia can help me again.
__無理難題を押しつけられてしまった。街の人々に聞き回り、Varo Family Signet RIng(Varo家の家紋指輪)の行方を知っている人を探さねばならない。またOzkarかFrilliaあたりに頼ってみようかと思う。
FormID: 010518AF	WFMQ18S	100	0	Searching Fracus's room without risking a confrontation is going to be difficult, to say the least. Are my skills up to that kind of challenge? Or should I see if I can convince Calacentia to get the ring for me?
FormID: 010518AF	WFMQ18S	110	0	I guess I'll just have to get the ring the old fashion way.
FormID: 010518AF	WFMQ18S	111	0	Calacentia has agreed to get the ring for me, if I acquire a key for her. Some choice; break into the Legion Headquarters and search it for a ring, or break into the Castle and search around the jail area for a key. The key used to belong to a smuggler. It might help my decision if I knew what the key was for. 
__Calacentiaは、鍵さえ手に入れられれば指輪を持ち出して来ても良いと約束してくれた。選択肢は2つある。Legion Headquartersに直接行って指輪を探すのが1つ。城の牢屋まで行き鍵を探すのがもう1つ。この鍵はもともと密輸業者が使っていたものとの事だ。どんな目的で使われていたのか分かればどちらの方法を取るかの良い判断材料になりそうだ。
FormID: 010518AF	WFMQ18S	112	0	Calacentia has agreed to get the ring for me, with conditions of course. She wants me to acquire a key that is likely in the Castle near the jail cells somewhere. The key opens a chest filled with a smuggler's payment. She didn't ask me to get the payment, just the key. I don't know where the chest is, so the key won't do me any good. Or will it?
FormID: 010518AF	WFMQ18S	120	0	I have the ring and Calacentia has the key. I only promised to produce the key. Fortunately, ensuring her the payment was never part of our deal. I can hardly be blamed if the payment is missing after all this time. I'd better show the ring to Stilus to make sure it is the real one. 
FormID: 010518AF	WFMQ18S	120	1	This looks like the ring I am looking for. I am sure Stilus is anxious to get a look at this ring. 
FormID: 010518AF	WFMQ18S	130	0	It's time to have a little talk with Fracus.
FormID: 010518AF	WFMQ18S	140	0	I had to kill Fracus. Stilus will not be pleased, but I had no alternative
FormID: 010518AF	WFMQ18S	140	1	I had to kill Fracus. Stilus will not be pleased, but I had no alternative. I also see no reason to tell Stilus the truth behind why Fracus kept the ring. I will leave Stilus with his illusions about Fracus. 
FormID: 010518AF	WFMQ18S	150	0	As expected Stilus is not happy about Fracus. Too bad, I did him a favor whether he realizes it or not. Had Fracus not kept the ring, none of this would have happened. With Fracus gone it will take the Legion time to realize what has happened, and longer still to replace a commander. Until then the Righteous can operate without worrying about Legion interference. Stilus has my next task ready.
FormID: 010518AF	WFMQ18S	160	0	I have persuaded Fracus to leave. Stilus will be happy with this outcome. I don't think I will tell Stilus the entire story though. Fracus was loyal and faithful to Alconius for many years. I see no need to ruin the man's name when he can cause no further harm. I will leave Stilus with his illusions about Fracus.
FormID: 010518AF	WFMQ18S	170	0	As expected, Stilus is not happy about Fracus. No time to worry about that now. Even Stilus realizes we have an opportunity if we move quickly. It will take the Legion time to realize what has happened, and longer still to replace a commander. Until then the Righteous can operate without worrying about Legion interference. Stilus has my task ready.
FormID: 010518AF	WFMQ18S	180	0	As expected, Stilus is happy about Fracus. The reward was nice, but I have no time to spend it now. Even Stilus realizes we have an opportunity if we move quickly. It will take the Legion time to replace a commander. Until then the Righteous can operate without worrying about Legion interference. Stilus has my task ready.
FormID: 010518AF	WFMQ18S	20	0	It seems Parius might know something. But how do I get it out of him? If I had more information, Parius might start to remember something useful.
FormID: 010518AF	WFMQ18S	250	0	
FormID: 010518AF	WFMQ18S	30	0	It seems Marvian might know something. But how do I get it out of him? The problem isn't getting him to talk, he does plenty of that. The problem is getting him to make sense. I simply need more information before Marvian's drunken rambling will be useful.
FormID: 010518AF	WFMQ18S	40	0	It's the first time the location has been referred to as a house. I wonder if that is enough extra information to prompt Parius' memory.
FormID: 010518AF	WFMQ18S	50	0	Parius wants a bottle of Cryodiil Brandy before he will tell me what he knows. And not just any bottle, he wants one from the Private Stock. That will be difficult to find, but not impossible. I am sure there will be some in the castle, somewhere. As a high-ranking Legion Officer, Fracus may have some.    
__話と引き換えに、PariusからCyrodiil Brandyを一瓶持ってくる事を要求された。それも普通のボトルでは駄目で、個人の秘蔵のボトルでないとお気に召さないとの事。困った話だ。しかし不可能なことではない。きっと城に行けばいくらか見つかるだろうし、どこか…Legionの高官、たとえばFracusなども持っているかもしれない。
FormID: 010518AF	WFMQ18S	50	1	Parius wants a bottle of Cryodiil Brandy before he will tell me what he knows. And not just any bottle, he wants one from the Private Stock. That will be difficult to find, but not impossible. I am sure there will be some in the castle, somewhere. As a high-ranking Legion Officer, Fracus may have a bottle. Felitia Benardius has that brother who handles the shipping for the Legion, I suppose she may have acquired some.  
__話と引き換えに、PariusからCyrodiil Brandyを一瓶持ってくる事を要求された。それも普通のボトルでは駄目で、個人の秘蔵のボトルでないとお気に召さないとの事。困った話だ。しかし不可能なことではない。きっと城に行けばいくらか見つかるだろうし、どこか…Legionの高官、たとえばFracusなども持っているかもしれない。Felitia Benardiusの兄弟がLegion宛の船荷を取り扱っているので、彼女に頼んでいくらかちょろまかす事は可能だろう。
FormID: 010518AF	WFMQ18S	60	0	The house is in the Slums. It isn't much, but at least it might be enough to answer Marvian's challenge. I wonder what drink he's going to demand.
FormID: 010518AF	WFMQ18S	70	0	Ok, if I bring Marvian some Flin, he'll tell me his secret. If he isn't slurring too much, I might even be able to understand him. Marvian thinks Julnino and Tubbia may have some. Maybe, maybe not. I might do better searching the home of a Dark Elf.
__Marvianは、Flinを持ってきたら秘密を話すと言った。彼があれほど前後不覚でなければもっと話も聞き取りやすいのに。彼の言葉によると、JulninoかTubbiaあたりが持っているかもしれないし、持っていないかもしれないとの事。Dark Elfの家を重点的に探してみるのが良さそうだ。
FormID: 010518AF	WFMQ18S	80	0	Finally, a name; Calacentia Romania. But what do I know about her? She supposedly saw the Varo Family Ring and she lives in the slums. That's about all I know, so far at least.
__Calacentia Romania!ようやく核心となる名前にたどり着いた。しかしどうやって彼女に会えば良いだろうか?彼女がVaro Family Ringを見つけた人物であり、Slumに住んでいるとの事だが。それだけしか手掛かりがない。
FormID: 010518AF	WFMQ18S	90	0	I have the information Stilus wanted I should let him know.

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