L10N/Windfall/1.0/QuestStages/WFMQ05S の変更点

FormID: 01050FCF	WFMQ05S	0	0	
FormID: 01050FCF	WFMQ05S	10	0	Marvel seems a very professional man if a little unfriendly. Odd they have not already planted a spy in the opposition camp but at least I'll get something out of it. All I have to do is locate one of Varo's Knights that wants to get out enough. I'd better ask around.
__あまり馴染みの無い人間から見るとMarvelは仕事一筋の男のように見える。まだ両陣営とも他方へスパイを送り込んでいないというのは不自然に思うが、少なくとも何かしらの成果は上げるつもりだ。脱退希望のVaro's Knightsのメンバーを1人見つければ良いだけの事だ。とりあえず聞き込みを開始しよう。
FormID: 01050FCF	WFMQ05S	100	0	I have acquired the ring that Corelius wanted. It looks like the ring he described, a lot like it. But it seems off a bit. It will simply have to do.
FormID: 01050FCF	WFMQ05S	110	0	I have a sponsor. I should report to Glavin Enteld.
__後援者を確保した。Glavin Enteldに伝えなければ。
FormID: 01050FCF	WFMQ05S	120	0	I had better inform Ventura that I have a place for Celeste. 
FormID: 01050FCF	WFMQ05S	125	0	I suppose I'd better escort Celeste to her new home.
FormID: 01050FCF	WFMQ05S	130	0	So, eventually I have sorted out a spy for the Righteous. I have a feeling I'm not going to find myself in funds though. But it is time to let Marvel know I have completed his task. 
FormID: 01050FCF	WFMQ05S	140	0	This is kind of what I expected. I am out the septims I spent on this job. Instead I am getting use of a room in the tavern. I guess I'll need to take what I can get for now. Marvel wants to discuss a funding problem next. Hopefully that will start putting some cash in my purse, instead of removing it. 
FormID: 01050FCF	WFMQ05S	20	0	Ventura Ariel. That may be the name I have been looking for. It sounds like she may have problems with the way things are run. That will suit my needs just fine.  
__Ventura Ariel。それが探していた人物の名前だ。彼女は何か問題を抱えているらしい。これは好都合かも知れない。
FormID: 01050FCF	WFMQ05S	25	0	Ventura Ariel. It cost rather a lot to get that name. I just hope it wasn't money wasted. 
__Ventura Arielという名前を聞き出すためにかなり自腹を切った。無駄な出費でなかった事を祈る。
__Ventura Arielという名前を聞き出すためにかなり自腹を切った。これが無駄な出費でなかった事を祈る。
FormID: 01050FCF	WFMQ05S	250	0	
FormID: 01050FCF	WFMQ05S	30	0	Ventura Ariel will become our informant if I can make the guy behave like a stalker and then find a room for rent. Better sort out the stalker first so Ventura can deal with him while I'm sorting out a room. I need to make him become more bothersome.
__その男がストーカーまがいの行為に及ぶよう仕向け、避難所になる部屋を借りる事が出来ればVentura Arielは我々の内通者になってくれるだろう。まずはストーカーの方から探そう。そうすればVenturaが彼に応対している間に避難所を探す事が可能だ。彼には今以上にうざったい男になってもらわなねばならない。
FormID: 01050FCF	WFMQ05S	35	0	Braccius Julius! Knight, Senior Councillor to Count Varo, and next in line if the Varo's don't produce an heir. This isn't just any admirer.
__まさかBraccius Juliusとは!彼はVaro伯爵に仕える騎士で、Senior Councillorの地位にある男だ。Varo家が後継者を決めなければ継承位を持つ身分だという。ただのファンや取り巻きの類かと思ったら、大物が引っ掛かってきた。
FormID: 01050FCF	WFMQ05S	40	0	I think I've sorted out the stalker. I feel sorry for Celeste. The way this guy was talking, she is about to get one huge pain in the rump. Of course, if she is actually interested in him, this whole thing is going to backfire. I'd better tell Ventura.
FormID: 01050FCF	WFMQ05S	50	0	I don't think Braccius will be quite so grateful to me once Celeste spurns his advances.  Now to find a lodging for the girl. Moving her to some place in the Wealthy Section won't fix the problem. Moving her to the Slums might reveal the true reason for the move. I guess it will have to be somewhere in the Commerce District.
__BracciusがCelesteを口説いて、それで冷たく拒絶されたとしたら、彼は私を恨むと思う。さあ、彼女の為に仮住まいを探さねば。Wealthy Sectionに連れて行っても解決にならないし、かと言ってSlumに連れて行ったら真相がばれてしまう。Comerce Districtで探すのが最適だろう。
FormID: 01050FCF	WFMQ05S	60	0	I'd best check out this Glavin Enteld.
__Glavin Enteldを探そう。
FormID: 01050FCF	WFMQ05S	70	0	How do I go about finding a patron for two unknown, would-be actors? Ozkar seems to know a lot.  I'll ask him.
FormID: 01050FCF	WFMQ05S	80	0	Corelius will sponsor the actors, but in turn he wants me to acquire a ring for him. The description he gave me was a Gold and Diamond ring. It sounds a lot like a wedding ring to me. Of course he doesn't want to pay for the ring, which could be a minor problem. I should check out Beelet's Gems to see if he has the ring before I make any further plans. 
__Coreliusが2人の後援者になってくれるとの事だ。しかしその代わりとして彼にある指輪を持って行かねばならない。Gold and Diamond ring(ダイヤモンドのあしらわれた金の指輪)だ。まるで結婚指輪みたいだと思う。もちろん彼は指輪の購入費用など出してくれない。些細な問題だが。とりあえずBeelet's Gemsに行って彼が話していた通りの指輪があるのかどうか確認しよう。どうやって手に入れるかはその後で考えればいい。
FormID: 01050FCF	WFMQ05S	90	0	Meradalor claims to have a ring that matches the description of the ring I am looking for. Unfortunately, he wants 500 septims for the ring. That is far more than I am willing to pay. Perhaps I should consider arranging a discount later tonight.  

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