L10N/Windfall/1.0/Dialogue/WFWindfallNQD-01 の変更点


FormID: 01003357	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	0	The trail of dead bodies you left on the path to peace will certainly complicate the rebuilding effort.	
FormID: 01003358	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	0	The rebellion is finally over. I have no doubt that in time, Windfall will once again be a fine city.	
FormID: 01003358	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	1	We owe it all to you. Thank you.	
FormID: 0105001C	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	0	Today Windfall is a commerce town and trade port. But some time ago, when the Varo Family took possession of it, it was a small farming community.	
__今のWindfallは商業街と貿易港です。ですが、かつてVaro Familyが所有権を得た頃は小さな農村でした。
FormID: 0105001C	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	1	The original town consisted of what is now the Wealthy Section. After it had taken control of Windfall, the Varo family discovered several mines.  	
__始まりの町は現在のWealthy Sectionから成り立ちました。Windfallを統治した後、Varo familyはいくつかの鉱山を発見したのです。
FormID: 0105001C	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	2	As people came seeking their fortune, the town began to grow. What is now the Commerce District was built to accommodate the influx of prospectors. 	
__人々が富を求めて来だしてから町は発展し始めました。現在のCommerce Districtと呼ばれる所は、探鉱者の流入に対応するために建てられたのです。
FormID: 0105001C	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	3	With the money the Varo family made from the mines, they had the docks expanded so they could moor the large trading ships used by the Empire.   	
__Varo familyが鉱山から稼いだお金で、彼らは帝国が使用する大きな交易船が停泊できるよう係留場を拡張させました。
FormID: 0105001C	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	4	Once the docks were built, Windfall quickly became an important trade port for the ships passing between Cyrodiil and Summerset Isle.	
__係留場が一度、建設されるとWindfallは急速にCyrodiilとSummerset Isle.を行き来する船のための重要な貿易港になりました。
FormID: 0105001C	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	5	This brought a migrant factor into Windfall's population, as people came looking for work on Windfall's docks or the ships that ported there. 	
FormID: 0105001C	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	6	These migrant workers quickly overwhelmed the city's services. Windfall was suddenly facing food and housing shortages due to the influx of people. 	
FormID: 0105001C	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	7	Unable to find lodging within Windfall, the migrant workers began building a community outside the City Gates, seemingly overnight. 	
__出稼ぎ労働者はWindfallの中に宿泊する所を見つけられず、一見一夜にしてCity Gateの外に共同体を建設し始めました。
FormID: 0105001C	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	8	The Varo family extended the ring wall to protect this community. This area became known as the Slums.  	
__Varo familyはこの共同体を保護するために外壁を広げました。この地区はSlumsと呼ばれるようになったのです。
FormID: 0105001D	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	0	Windfall was such a fine city at one time. But that bastard Brend has forgotten that everything he has was built on the backs of the peasants.	
FormID: 0105001E	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	0	Windfall was a fine city. That scum ozzing out of the Slums is ruinning it for everyone. Just who do they think they are?	
FormID: 0105001F	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	0	Windfall could be a great city. We just want the respect we deserve. The nobles may own most of Windfall, but it was our backs that built it. 	
FormID: 01050020	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	0	Windfall was such a fine city. Those ungrateful peasants are ruining it. They would have nothing if it weren't for us. We built this city.	
FormID: 01050021	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	0	Windfall is a commerce town and trade port. Its problems are none of my concern. The Legion is here simply to keep the peace. 	
FormID: 01050022	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	0	Windfall has the potential to be a great city again. But it must learn to treat its poor with the dignity and respect due every Man and Mer.	
FormID: 01050023	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	0	Windfall was a great city to live in. Once order is restored to the slums, the city will return to normal again.	
FormID: 01050024	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	0	Windfall used to be such a great city. The streets were busy, the shops thriving, the people friendly. Now look at it. It's a real shame. 	
FormID: 01050025	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallTopic	0	The city of Windfall was once a very prosperous town. I am sure it will be again once its current problems are resolved.	
FormID: 01050027	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	0	Windfall Island has a very clouded history. The current settlements are fairly recent in historic terms, and the older settlements are long gone.	
FormID: 01050027	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	1	The Island has been settled and abandoned many times. The city of Windfall is the largest and most populated settlement on the island. 	
FormID: 01050027	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	2	On the northern end of the island are some smaller settlements, but I don't know much about these. 	
FormID: 01050027	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	3	Some claim there are old ruins in the marshes to the west that are just crawling with undead. I don't believe it, but I have never been there.	
FormID: 01050027	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	4	Then there is the keep on the cliffs to the north. I don't know anything about it, and I don't want to. I just wish it wasn't there. 	
FormID: 01050028	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	0	Windfall Island is owned and administered by the Varo family. We provide for the welfare of the people, no matter how ungrateful they are. 	
__WIndfallはVaro familyにより所有、管理されています。彼らがどんなに恩知らずであっても、私たちは人々に快適な生活を与えます。
FormID: 01050029	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	0	Windfall Island is supposed to be under the control and protection of the Varo family. I guess that explains a lot, doesn't it?	
__WindfallはVaro familyの管理と保護下にあるべきです。これ以上の説明は無用だと思いますが?
FormID: 0105002A	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	0	Windfall Island is owned by the Varo family. They show little interest outside of the town and mines, which is why I chose this area for our coven.	
__WindfallはVaro familyによって所有されています。彼らは町と鉱山の他にはほとんど関心を示さず、それが我々の魔女の集会のためにこの地域を選んだ理由です。
FormID: 0105002B	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	0	I don't care what the official records say. My family has possessed the Eastern portion of this Island long before the Varo family arrived.	
__私は正史が何と言おうが気にしません。私のfamilyはVaro familyが来るずっと前からこの島の東部地方を所有していました。
FormID: 0105002B	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	1	Anyone who doesn't like it can try and remove me. And that includes the Varos.	
FormID: 0105002C	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	0	I don't care what the official records say. My family has possessed the Eastern portion of this Island long before the Varos arrived.	
__私は正史が何と言おうが気にしません。私のfamilyはVaro familyが来るずっと前からこの島の東部地方を所有していました。
FormID: 0105002D	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	0	Windfall Island provides a good safe haven for raiding the shipping lanes between Summerset Isle and Cyrodiil.	
__Windfall島はSummerset IsleとCyrodiil間の航路を襲うのに役立つ安全な避難所を与えてくれます。
FormID: 0105002E	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	0	There are several groups that call Windfall Island home. The Varo family allows people the freedom to live as they wish.  	
__Windfall島を故郷と呼ぶいくつかの集団がいます。Varo familyは彼らの願い通り、生きる自由を人々に認めています。
FormID: 0105002F	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	0	Windfall Island is home to several groups, many beyond the influence of the Varo family. 	
FormID: 01050030	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	0	The Varo family controls the western portion of Windfall Island, and Alexander controls the eastern portion of the Island. 	
__Varo familyはWindfall島の西側を管理しており、Alexanderは島の東側を管理しています。
FormID: 01050031	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	0	Technically this Windfall Island is the possession of the Varo family. But they lack the power to assert that influence. We are left alone here.	
__表向き、Windfall島はVaro familyの所有です。ですが、彼らはその影響を主張する力に欠けています。我々はここでひっそりと暮らしています。
FormID: 01050032	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	0	Windfall Island ain't much, but it's home. 	
FormID: 01050033	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	0	Windfall Island provides everything the city needs to prosper; food and game, mining, natural deep water for ports.	
FormID: 01050034	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	0	Windfall Island belongs to the Varo Family, and is home to the City of Windfall.	
__Windfall島は、Varo Familyが所有し、Windfallの街の本拠地です。
FormID: 01050035	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	0	The Island currently belongs to the Varo Family. But it is, and has always been, part of the Empire. Just like everything else. 	
__島は現在Varo Familyが所有しています。しかし、それは常に帝国の一部でした。まさに他の全てのように。
FormID: 01050036	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	0	Windfall Island sits between Cyrodiil and Summerset Isle, and is home to the City of Windfall. But there are other groups that call the Island home.	
__Windfall島はCyrodiilとSummerset Isleの間にあり、Windfallの街の本拠地です。しかし、島を故郷と呼ぶ他のグループがあります。
FormID: 0105003A	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	0	Windfall Island provides everything the town needs. There is game and land for food. In fact, I hear one of the old plantations still exists. 	
FormID: 0105003A	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	1	The deep water also makes for a good port for the large cargo ships. Many ships trading with Cryodiil dock here first.	
FormID: 0105003A	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	2	Good mines can be found on the island as well. That is one of the ways the Varo Family makes its fortune. 	
__また、島には良い鉱山を見かける事が出来ます。それはVaro Familyが一財産を作る方法の1つです。
FormID: 0105003A	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	3	They own and operate a gold mine on the north end of the island. There is also a small silver mine just outside of town. 	
__彼らは島の北端に金鉱(Gold Mine)を所有して、経営しています。また、小さいsilver mineが街のすぐ外にあります。
FormID: 0105003A	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	4	There is a second gold mine on the eastern end of the island just north of the marshes. The Varos own it, but have someone else operate it.	
FormID: 0105003A	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	5	Of course, none of the mines are operating since Brend alienated the workers. Serves him right. 	
FormID: 0105003B	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	0	Windfall Island is the property of the Varo Family, but their influence is felt most on the western half of the island. 	
__Windfall島はVaro Familyの土地ですが、彼らの影響力は島の西半分で最も強く感じられます。
FormID: 0105003B	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	1	In addition to the castle in Windfall, the Varos also have a small keep in the North-West corner of the island, by a small lake. 	
FormID: 0105003B	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	2	They use it mostly as a summer home and are hardly there anymore. The family's gold mine is also in the same general area. 	
__彼らは、ほとんど避暑地としてそれを使用し、それ以外はほとんど別の所にいます。Famiryの金鉱(Gold Mine)が同じ地域にあります。
FormID: 0105003B	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	3	Both these areas are off the main road, after a small rest area. After the rest area, the mine is the first right, and the keep is the first left.	
FormID: 0105003B	WFWindfallNQD	WFWindfallIslandTopic	4	The Varos also built the small rest area along the main road. People traveling along the road can safely spend the night there. 	
FormID: 0105003D	WFWindfallNQD	WFVaroFamily	0	The Varo family has ruled Windfall for several generations now. Currently, Brend Varo is the head of the family and ruler of Windfall. 	
__Varo familyは今や数世代の間、Windfallを統治しました。現在、Brend Varoは家長でありWindfallの統治者です。
FormID: 0105003D	WFWindfallNQD	WFVaroFamily	1	Count Alconius Varo had two sons, Brend and Stilus. Brend was the eldest and should head the family, but he need not rule Windfall.	
__Count Alconius Varoには2人の息子、BrendとStilusが居ました。Brendは兄であり、家族の上に立つはずですが、彼はWindfallを統治するに及びません。
FormID: 0105003D	WFWindfallNQD	WFVaroFamily	2	Stilus was more like his father and would make a better ruler for Windfall. Alconius knew that. He usually left Stilus to see after the city.  	
FormID: 0105003D	WFWindfallNQD	WFVaroFamily	3	It is surprising that Stilus is not here during these troubled times. He has not been seen in the City for a long time. 	
FormID: 0105003E	WFWindfallNQD	WFVaroFamily	0	The Varo family has ruled Windfall for several generations now. Currently, Brend Varo is the head of the family and ruler of Windfall. 	
__Varo familyは今や数世代の間、Windfallを統治しました。現在、Brend Varoは家長でありWindfallの統治者です。
FormID: 0105003E	WFWindfallNQD	WFVaroFamily	1	But it is possible the family line is nearing an end. Count Alconius Varo had two sons, Brend and Stilus. 	
__しかし、家系が終わりに近づいているのかもしれません。Count Alconius Varoには2人の息子、BrendとStilusが居ました。
FormID: 0105003E	WFWindfallNQD	WFVaroFamily	2	Brend was the eldest, and should inherit the throne. But his wife, Acretia, had no children. She has not been seen since Count Alconius died.	
__Brendは兄であり、王座を引き継ぐはずです。しかし、彼の妻のAcretiaには、子供がいませんでした。Count Alconiusが亡くなって以来、彼女を見かけた者は居ません。
FormID: 0105003E	WFWindfallNQD	WFVaroFamily	3	Stilus was exiled by Count Alconius years ago and he hasn't been heard from since. I am not sure why he was exiled.	
__Stilusは数年前にCount Alconiusによって国外に追放され、彼の噂はそれ以来途絶えてしまいました。彼がなぜ国外に追放されたかは良く分かりません。
FormID: 0105003E	WFWindfallNQD	WFVaroFamily	4	The whole thing was very hush-hush. I don't think anyone but the family members know what really happened, except maybe the chamber maids.	
FormID: 0105003F	WFWindfallNQD	WFVaroFamily	0	Unfortunately Brend became ruler of Windfall when Count Alconius died. Alconius respected us, he treated us well. Brend ... *spits*.	
__Count Alconiusが亡くなった時、残念ながら、BrendはWindfallの統治者になりました。Alconiusは私たちを尊重し、私たちに良くしてくれました。Brendは・・・[唾を吐く]
FormID: 01050040	WFWindfallNQD	WFVaroFamily	0	The Varo family has ruled Windfall for several generations now. Brend Varo is the current ruler of Windfall. 	
__Varo familyは今や数世代の間、Windfallを統治しました。現在、Brend VaroはWindfallの統治者です。
FormID: 01050041	WFWindfallNQD	WFVaroFamily	0	Brend Varo is the current head of the family. Stilus, his brother, was exiled by Count Alconius years ago. Count Alconius just died recently. 	
__Brend Varoは現在の家長です。彼の弟のStilusは数年前にCount Alconiusにより国外に追放されました。Count Alconiusはついこの間、亡くなりました。
FormID: 01050043	WFWindfallNQD	WFRulerStilus	0	Stilus was not the oldest, Brend was. It would be unusual, but not unheard of, for a younger son to assume the throne. 	
FormID: 01050043	WFWindfallNQD	WFRulerStilus	1	It was really up to the Count. Traditionally, the Count would pass the Signet Ring to his chosen successor.	
__それは本当に領主次第でした。伝統的に領主は選ばれた後継者に認め印付きの指輪(Signet Ring)を渡すでしょう。
FormID: 01050043	WFWindfallNQD	WFRulerStilus	2	Whoever can produce the ring, is the Count. At least that is how the Empire will view it. 	
FormID: 01050044	WFWindfallNQD	WFRulerStilus	0	The Varo holdings are quite large, and include more than just Windfall. Perhaps Brend should head the family, and its holdings. 	
FormID: 01050044	WFWindfallNQD	WFRulerStilus	1	But Count Alconius always left Stilus in charge of the city whenever he left. Brend was rarely in the city, preferring to stay in the keep.	
__しかし、Count Alconiusは街を離れるときはいつもStilusに街の事を任せていました。Brendが街にめったにおらず、むしろ砦に居ることを好んでいました。
FormID: 01050044	WFWindfallNQD	WFRulerStilus	2	It was obvious Alconius intended that Stilus should run the city, regardless of who was Count. Brend has no ability for it.	
FormID: 01050045	WFWindfallNQD	WFRulerStilus	0	Brend was Alconius' oldest son. He became head of the family, and ruler of Windfall, when Alconius died. 	
FormID: 01050045	WFWindfallNQD	WFRulerStilus	1	Besides, Stilus is not here. He hasn't been seen in a long time. Why are we even discussing this?	
FormID: 01050046	WFWindfallNQD	WFRulerStilus	0	Whoever can produce the ring, is the Count. At least that is how the Empire will view it. 	
FormID: 01050048	WFWindfallNQD	WFExiled	0	I don't know exactly why Stilus was exiled, I wasn't there at the time. I heard it had something to do with Brend. 	
FormID: 01050048	WFWindfallNQD	WFExiled	1	There were some fights between Brend and Stilus. Bad fights, they were trying to kill each other. Count Alconius was afraid they might actually do it	
__BrendとStilusとの間でいくらかの諍いがありました。ひどい争いで、お互いを殺そうとしていました。Count Alconiusは彼らが実際にそうするかもしれないのを恐れていました。
FormID: 01050048	WFWindfallNQD	WFExiled	2	He exiled Stilus to separate the two for their own protection. But I don't know what the fights were about. Most likely there are very few who do.	
FormID: 01050048	WFWindfallNQD	WFExiled	3	The two brothers, Brend and Stilus, know. But Brend won't discuss it, and Stilus hasn't been heard from since he was exiled. 	
FormID: 01050048	WFWindfallNQD	WFExiled	4	I am sure Fracus knows. He was the Count's bodyguard at the time. He was extremely loyal to Alconius.	
FormID: 01050048	WFWindfallNQD	WFExiled	5	He is in town, commanding the Legion detachment stationed here. But he will never betray Alconius' confidence.	
FormID: 01050048	WFWindfallNQD	WFExiled	6	The only other person who might know is Merellia. She is the main chamber maid in the castle. 	
FormID: 01050049	WFWindfallNQD	WFExiled	0	That was bad time for the Varo family. Stilus had molested Brend's wife, Acretia. Brend flew into a rage when Acretia told him.	
__それはVaro familyにとって悪夢の時でした。StilusがBrendの妻、Acretiaにいたずらをしたのです。Acretiaが彼に伝えた時、Brendは猛烈に激怒しました。
FormID: 01050049	WFWindfallNQD	WFExiled	1	Brend gathered his friends and went after Stilus seeking blood. Apparently Stilus was forewarned. He gathered his friends and was well prepared.	
FormID: 01050049	WFWindfallNQD	WFExiled	2	I heard the battle was especially vicious. Many were hurt, it was a miracle that neither Brend nor Stilus were killed that day.	
FormID: 01050049	WFWindfallNQD	WFExiled	3	Poor Alconius. What could he do? He had to address Stilus' actions. Alconius never tolerated that kind of crime.	
FormID: 01050049	WFWindfallNQD	WFExiled	4	He also had to separate Brend and Stilus. They would have killed each other eventually. So Stilus was exiled. 	
FormID: 0105004A	WFWindfallNQD	WFExiled	0	I have told you all I know. You will need to ask Merellia. If anyone knows more about it, she will.	
FormID: 0105004B	WFWindfallNQD	WFExiled	0	It isn't my place to say this, but Stilus never struck me as the type of man to molest someone. 	
FormID: 0105004B	WFWindfallNQD	WFExiled	1	He wouldn't need to. He usually had to fend off the women. Maybe it was the forbidden fruit he was after. I don't know.	
FormID: 0105004B	WFWindfallNQD	WFExiled	2	Stilus tried to defend himself, but every time he tried to talk, he and Brend would start shouting at each other again. 	
FormID: 0105004B	WFWindfallNQD	WFExiled	3	With all the shouting and screaming, it was all very confusing. The whole thing sounded irrational to me. 	

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