L10N/Windfall/1.0/Dialogue/WFMQ09S の変更点

FormID: 0105104D	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SStart	0	Right, now we come to the most important mission I have given you. 	
FormID: 0105104D	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SStart	1	You should know that there is one irritating detail that could completely scupper our attempt to dislodge that oaf Brend. 	
FormID: 0105104D	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SStart	10	No one seems to have thought of that and I suggest you give attention to the grave too. Be thorough.	
FormID: 0105104D	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SStart	11	I'm sure there must be something.	
FormID: 0105104D	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SStart	2	It is what, at first, may seem insignificant - a ring.  But it is far from insignificant.  It is the Family Signet Ring!	
__それは、一見さほど重要には見えないかも知れません。指輪です。しかしそれが重要でないと考えるのは全然違います。それはFamily Signet Ring(家章指輪)なのです!
__事情というのは指輪の事だ。一見、さほど重要とは思えないかもしれないな。しかし実際は全く軽視出来るものじゃない。Family Signet Ring(家章指輪)なんだ!
FormID: 0105104D	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SStart	3	Whilst it is not proof positive, anyone possessing the ring is in a strong position to claim rightful authority to govern Windfall.  	
FormID: 0105104D	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SStart	4	Obviously you and I could not use it as we have no possible claim on the title but Brend could! 	
FormID: 0105104D	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SStart	5	We must find that ring before his clowns do. The Count should have left it to his chosen heir on his death but it has disappeared. 	
FormID: 0105104D	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SStart	6	Of course we and they have sent minions to look for it, without success. It's why we need someone like you.	
FormID: 0105104D	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SStart	7	An adventurer, someone more imaginative. Surely the Count left some instructions but they have vanished too.	
FormID: 0105104D	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SStart	8	Find those instructions and bring them to me no matter what it says! The logical place to start looking is the manor keep.	
__遺言書を見つけたら、内容如何に関わらず俺の所に持ち帰って来い!順当に考えて、manor keep(邸宅)から調査を開始するのが良いだろう。
FormID: 0105104D	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SStart	9	That is where all attention has been concentrated up to now. Perhaps, though, he asked for the ring to be buried with him.	
FormID: 0105104E	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SStart	0	Have you found evidence of the ring?	
FormID: 01051050	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SNo	0	Then I suggest you get to it.	
FormID: 01051052	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SYes	0	Let me have the note.	
FormID: 01051054	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SConv1	0	It is the Count's handwriting.  And the chest was empty?  Those loyalist bastards have found it after all.	
FormID: 01051056	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SConv2	0	Oops? Exactly what does that mean?	
FormID: 01051058	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SConv3	0	How could you forget? This is not good. The note was important, especially with the ring missing.	
FormID: 01051058	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SConv3	1	How can I pass that on to the higher ups? [QUOTE]Well see, there's this guy and he said someone else should be Count.[QUOTE] 	
FormID: 01051058	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SConv3	2	Yeah, that will go over well. Maybe if you had the ring. That damned Knight scum must have gotten there first!	
FormID: 01051059	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SConv3	0	How could you forget? This is not good. The note was important, especially with the ring missing.	
FormID: 01051059	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SConv3	1	How can I pass that on to the higher ups? [QUOTE]Well see, there's this gal and she said someone else should be Count.[QUOTE] 	
FormID: 01051059	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SConv3	2	Yeah, that will go over well. Maybe if you had the ring. That damned Knight scum must have gotten there first!	
FormID: 0105105B	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SConv4	0	How could you lose it? This is not good. The note was important, especially with the ring missing.	
FormID: 0105105B	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SConv4	1	How can I pass that on to the higher ups? [QUOTE]See, there's this guy and he said someone else should be Count.[QUOTE] 	
FormID: 0105105B	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SConv4	2	Yeah, that will go over well. Maybe if you had the ring. That damned Knight scum must have gotten there first!	
FormID: 0105105C	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SConv4	0	How could you lose it? This is not good. The note was important, especially with the ring missing.	
FormID: 0105105C	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SConv4	1	How can I pass that on to the higher ups? [QUOTE]See, there's this gal and she said someone else should be Count.[QUOTE] 	
FormID: 0105105C	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SConv4	2	Yeah, that will go over well. Maybe if you had the ring. That damned Knight scum must have gotten there first!	
FormID: 0105105E	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SConv5	0	I told you before, no one else could use it. We'll just have to try to contain the potential damage.  	
FormID: 0105105E	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SConv5	1	I'll need to report this as soon as I can. I have no more missions for you just now but I'm recommending you to Elvetta.	
FormID: 0105105E	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SConv5	2	You can usually find her in her home. I understand there's plenty of work for someone like you there.	
FormID: 0105105E	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SConv5	3	Here's the payment for the last task. You'd have received more had you found the ring but there you are.	
FormID: 01051060	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SConv6	0	I told you before, no one else could use it. We'll just have to try to contain the potential damage.  	
FormID: 01051060	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SConv6	1	I'll need to report this as soon as I can. I have no more missions for you just now but I'm recommending you to Elvetta.	
FormID: 01051060	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SConv6	2	You can usually find her in her home. I understand there's plenty of work for someone like you there.	
FormID: 01051060	WFMQ09S	WFMQ9SConv6	3	Here's the payment for the last task. You'd have received more had you found the ring but there you are.


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