L10N/TradeandCommerce/1.4/ScriptMessages/data の変更点

FormID: 0100719C	AdmHireShopkeeperFemaleSCP			Message 	7	0	You have hired a shopkeeper
FormID: 0100719C	AdmHireShopkeeperFemaleSCP			Message 	12	0	You dont have enough money
__You dont have enough money
FormID: 0100787E	AdmStorageAccountSCP			Messagebox	6	0	There are currently %.0f items in storage, for a total value of %.0f Septims
__ただいまの商品在庫は %.0f 個 総額 %.0f Septimです
FormID: 01007F5C	AdmAAASellingScript			Message 	33	0	I have received a new trading report from my store
FormID: 0100863C	AdmTrigShopOfficeScp			Messagebox	15	0	You have hired a shopkeeper
FormID: 0100863C	AdmTrigShopOfficeScp			Messagebox	19	0	You dont have enough money to hire a shopkeeper
FormID: 0100863C	AdmTrigShopOfficeScp			Messagebox	50	0	You have hired a guard
FormID: 0100863C	AdmTrigShopOfficeScp			Messagebox	54	0	You dont have enough money to hire a guard
FormID: 0100863C	AdmTrigShopOfficeScp			Messagebox	66	0	This new decoration will increase the chances of selling quality items
FormID: 0100863C	AdmTrigShopOfficeScp			Messagebox	70	0	you dont have enough gold to order new decoration for your store
__伝説級の武具(legendary weapon and armors)を発注するにはお金が足りない
FormID: 0100863C	AdmTrigShopOfficeScp			Messagebox	84	0	This new armor and weapon stands will increase the chances of selling exquisite items
FormID: 0100863C	AdmTrigShopOfficeScp			Messagebox	89	0	You dont have enough gold to order quality weapons and armors
FormID: 0100863C	AdmTrigShopOfficeScp			Messagebox	102	0	This new armor and weapon stands will increase the chances of selling legendary items
FormID: 0100863C	AdmTrigShopOfficeScp			Messagebox	107	0	You dont have enough gold to order legendary weapons and armors
FormID: 0100863C	AdmTrigShopOfficeScp			Messagebox	118	0	This new armor and weapon stands will increase the chances of selling mythic items
FormID: 0100863C	AdmTrigShopOfficeScp			Messagebox	122	0	You dont have enough gold to order mythic weapons and armors
__神話の武器防具(mythic weapons and armors)を発注するにはお金が足りない
FormID: 01008D1D	AdmImprovDeco1SCP			Message 	8	0	I have purhased new decoration for my shop
FormID: 01008D1D	AdmImprovDeco1SCP			Message 	13	0	I dont have enough gold
FormID: 01008D3C	AdmTraderUpdate1SCP			Message 	9	0	Trade and Commerce mod has been updated
__Trade and Commerce modがアップデートされました
FormID: 01009AF5	AdmSellChanceLegendarySCP			Messagebox	36	0	The chance of each individual legendary item being sold each day is %.0f in 100.
FormID: 01009AF6	AdmSellChanceMythicSCP			Messagebox	8	0	The chance of each individual mythic item being sold each day is %.0f in 100.
__神話級の商品(mythic items)の売却確率は一日あたり  %.0f パーセントです
FormID: 01009AF7	AdmSellChanceCommonSCP			Messagebox	4	0	The chance of each individual common item being sold each day is %.0f in 100.
FormID: 01009AF8	AdmSellChanceQualitySCP			Messagebox	8	0	The chance of each individual quality item being sold each day is %.0f in 100.
__上質な商品(quality items)の売却確率は一日あたり  %.0f パーセントです
FormID: 01009AF9	AdmSellChanceAllSCP			Messageboxex	38	0	The chance of each individual item being sold each day are:| %.0f in 100 for Common Items| %.0f in 100 for Quality  Items| %.0f in 100 for Exquisite  Items| %.0f in 100 for Legendary  Items| %.0f in 100 for Mythic  Items| %.0f in 100 for Epic  Items
FormID: 0100B657	AdmCompatibilitySCP			Messagebox	61	0	Trade and Commerce: Open Better Cities detected, are you using chorrol as an open city?
FormID: 0100B657	AdmCompatibilitySCP			Messagebox	61	1	Yes
FormID: 0100B657	AdmCompatibilitySCP			Messagebox	61	2	No
FormID: 0100B657	AdmCompatibilitySCP			Message 	66	0	Trade and Commerce: The store has been relocated for compatibility with Better Open Cities Chorrol
FormID: 0100B657	AdmCompatibilitySCP			Message 	75	0	Trade and Commerce: The store has been relocated for compatibility with Better Cities Chorrol
FormID: 0100DF67	AdmToolWeeklyExpensesSCP			Messagebox	20	0	This store has no expenses, there is no need to use this (Upkeep Features are disbled)
FormID: 0100DF6B	AdmUpkeepSCP			Message 	17	0	Trade and Commerce: Its Sundas, Tomorrow this week's expenses and taxes are due
FormID: 0100DF6B	AdmUpkeepSCP			Message 	25	0	Trade and Commerce: Weekly taxes have been paid
FormID: 0100DF6B	AdmUpkeepSCP			Message 	29	0	Trade and Commerce: Weekly taxes have been paid
FormID: 0100DF6B	AdmUpkeepSCP			Message 	34	0	Trade and Commerce: There was not enough gold to pay all taxes
FormID: 0100DF6B	AdmUpkeepSCP			Messagebox	45	0	You owe the office of imperial commerce %.0f septims more than the maximum %.0f septims allowed, your store has been closed until you pay your taxes. An envelope for sending your tax money is on your desk
FormID: 0100DF6B	AdmUpkeepSCP			Messagebox	62	0	There was not enough gold to pay your shopkeeper's wage, without a shopkeeper your store must close. You can rehire her from your desk
FormID: 0100DF6B	AdmUpkeepSCP			Message 	80	0	There was not enough gold to pay your guards's wage. You can rehire him from your desk
FormID: 0100E63F	AdmToolExpenseGoldSCP			Messagebox	25	0	This store has no expenses, there is no need to use this (Upkeep Features are disbled)
FormID: 0100E63F	AdmToolExpenseGoldSCP			Messagebox	30	0	Currently there are %.0f Septims in the expense account. So far the income this week is %.0f septims, this generates %.0f septims in taxes. The store owe's %.0f septims from unpaid taxes. This Week ends in %.0f days. How much gold do you want to deposit? 
FormID: 0100E63F	AdmToolExpenseGoldSCP			Messagebox	30	1	1,000
FormID: 0100E63F	AdmToolExpenseGoldSCP			Messagebox	30	2	5,000
FormID: 0100E63F	AdmToolExpenseGoldSCP			Messagebox	30	3	10,000
FormID: 0100E63F	AdmToolExpenseGoldSCP			Messagebox	30	4	50,000
FormID: 0100E63F	AdmToolExpenseGoldSCP			Messagebox	30	5	Take Away
FormID: 0100E63F	AdmToolExpenseGoldSCP			Messagebox	30	6	Cancel
FormID: 0100E641	AdmUpdate2SCP			Messagebox	5	0	Trade and Commerce updated to version 1.2
FormID: 0100E644	AdmToolPayTaxesSCP			Messagebox	16	0	This store has no expenses, there is no need to use this
FormID: 0100E644	AdmToolPayTaxesSCP			Messagebox	21	0	Currently %.0f Septims from taxes are owed to the office of imperial commerce, in order for your store to operate you must pay your taxes
FormID: 0100E644	AdmToolPayTaxesSCP			Messagebox	21	1	Pay
FormID: 0100E644	AdmToolPayTaxesSCP			Messagebox	21	2	Cancel
FormID: 0100E644	AdmToolPayTaxesSCP			Messagebox	34	0	You have payed your taxes, but you still need to hire a shopkeeper to reopen your store
FormID: 0100E644	AdmToolPayTaxesSCP			Messagebox	38	0	You dont have enough gold to pay the %.0f septims owed
FormID: 0100ED1A	AdmUpdate3SCP			Messagebox	4	0	Trade and Commerce updated to version 1.3
FormID: 0100ED1F	AdmEmployeeGuardMain			Messagebox	23	0	This guard is trained as a warrior (Level %.0f), he is equally skilled in blades and blunt weapons and he favors heavy armor, currently you pay him %.0f Septims each week for his services.
FormID: 0100ED1F	AdmEmployeeGuardMain			Messagebox	23	1	Orders
FormID: 0100ED1F	AdmEmployeeGuardMain			Messagebox	23	2	Acces Inventory
FormID: 0100ED1F	AdmEmployeeGuardMain			Messagebox	23	3	Dismiss
FormID: 0100ED1F	AdmEmployeeGuardMain			Messagebox	23	4	Cancel
FormID: 0100ED1F	AdmEmployeeGuardMain			Messagebox	63	0	The guard can stand watch at several places in the store, he may also accompany you in your travels
FormID: 0100ED1F	AdmEmployeeGuardMain			Messagebox	63	1	Accompany Me
FormID: 0100ED1F	AdmEmployeeGuardMain			Messagebox	63	2	Guard the Store
FormID: 0100ED1F	AdmEmployeeGuardMain			Messagebox	63	3	Guard my Office
FormID: 0100ED1F	AdmEmployeeGuardMain			Messagebox	63	4	Guard the Basement
FormID: 0100ED1F	AdmEmployeeGuardMain			Messagebox	63	5	Wait Here
FormID: 0100ED1F	AdmEmployeeGuardMain			Messagebox	63	6	Forget It
FormID: 0100ED1F	AdmEmployeeGuardMain			Message 	113	0	Your guard has died, you may hire a new one
FormID: 010101AD	AdmUpdate4SCP			Messagebox	4	0	Trade and Commerce updated to version 1.4

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