L10N/The_Pirate_Isles/0.7/Dialogue/DSPICrewManage-02 の変更点


FormID: 0201330F	DSPICrewManage	DSPID3What	2	Then one day the Captain decided to assault a lonely village on an island out at sea.	
FormID: 0201330F	DSPICrewManage	DSPID3What	3	We came ashore at night, and slew half the village in their sleep before the alarm was raised.	
FormID: 0201330F	DSPICrewManage	DSPID3What	4	Unknown to us though, there was a powerful sorceror living there, he came forth in a wave of fire and lighting	
FormID: 0201330F	DSPICrewManage	DSPID3What	5	There was only four of us left in a moment, but luckily one of the crew, Miskiri, bless her soul, 	
__あっという間に俺達は4人だけになった。しかし幸運にも残ったクルーの一人 Miskiriがやりやがった、
FormID: 0201330F	DSPICrewManage	DSPID3What	6	managed to put an arrow into the damned wizards back.	
FormID: 0201330F	DSPICrewManage	DSPID3What	7	As we made off with the loot the wizard, lying in a pool of his own blood cursed us,	
FormID: 0201330F	DSPICrewManage	DSPID3What	8	[QUOTE]you will wear the form of a demon on your face, so all may know your nature[QUOTE]	
FormID: 02013313	DSPICrewManage	DSPID4Next	0	We took to sea, jubilant at our rich haul, and confident of refilling our crew at a pirate town.	
FormID: 02013313	DSPICrewManage	DSPID4Next	1	Alas, less than a day later all six of us were beset with wracking pain and spasms.	
FormID: 02013313	DSPICrewManage	DSPID4Next	2	When we came to, we had been changed, spouting horns and ashen skin, and eyes that burned like fire.	
FormID: 02013313	DSPICrewManage	DSPID4Next	3	Old One-eyed Bob lost it, and ran Miskiri through before we could stop him	
FormID: 02013313	DSPICrewManage	DSPID4Next	4	With only me and the Captain to sail the ship, we were destroyed by a storm, and i came too on this here island.	
FormID: 02013313	DSPICrewManage	DSPID4Next	5	Since then i've never put to sea again, no Captain will accept a cursed man aboard their ship	
FormID: 02013313	DSPICrewManage	DSPID4Next	6	Hiring a crew becomes more expensive when theres a cursed man aboard	
FormID: 02013313	DSPICrewManage	DSPID4Next	7	Many a sailor fears the curse would bring bad luck down on them	
FormID: 02013313	DSPICrewManage	DSPID4Next	8	Even when that cursed man fights as good as i do.	
FormID: 02013313	DSPICrewManage	DSPID4Next	9	... Ah to be splitting skulls and looting once more.	
__... ああ頭を裂きたい、もっと略奪したい。
FormID: 02013314	DSPICrewManage	DSPID4Curse	0	So true, damn magic and all that nonsense!	
FormID: 02013317	DSPICrewManage	DSPID5SadTale	0	Gah, begone then, and leave a poor man to his drink	
FormID: 02013318	DSPICrewManage	DSPID5Hire	0	Thanks me matie. But first ye be needing a ship	
FormID: 0201331A	DSPICrewManage	DSPID5Hire	0	Ye would? I would love to feel the salty wind on my face again.	
FormID: 0201331A	DSPICrewManage	DSPID5Hire	1	Ah to be looting and pillaging again!	
FormID: 0201331A	DSPICrewManage	DSPID5Hire	2	My captain, i pledge to shed the blood and take the lives of all who stand against you.	
FormID: 0201331A	DSPICrewManage	DSPID5Hire	3	And may all who sail the seas fear our wrath!	
FormID: 0201331B	DSPICrewManage	DSPIHireFirstMate	0	Alas ye be needing a ship. Come back to me when ye have one.	
FormID: 0201331C	DSPICrewManage	DSPIHireFirstMate	0	I would love to feel the salty wind on my face again!	
FormID: 0201331C	DSPICrewManage	DSPIHireFirstMate	1	Ah to be looting and pillaging again!	
FormID: 0201331C	DSPICrewManage	DSPIHireFirstMate	2	My captain, i pledge to shed the blood and take the lives of all who stand against you.	
FormID: 0201331C	DSPICrewManage	DSPIHireFirstMate	2	My captain, i pledge to 
shed the blood and take the lives of all who stand against you.	
FormID: 0201331C	DSPICrewManage	DSPIHireFirstMate	3	And may all who sail the seas fear our wrath!	
FormID: 02013892	DSPICrewManage	DSPID3Drunk	0	I think you should be moving on before i split you from head to toe.	
FormID: 0201541A	DSPICrewManage	GREETING	0	Ahoy captain, what can i do for ye?	
FormID: 02015970	DSPICrewManage	DSPICNothing	0	Aye captain, come to me if you need anything.	
FormID: 0201599D	DSPICrewManage	DSPICFight	0	Avast Captain, we need more salty sea dogs to take the ship out!	
___待ってくれ船長、もっと熟練の船乗り(salty sea dogs)にが必要です!
FormID: 0201599D	DSPICrewManage	DSPICFight	1	We need at least five scurvy dogs before we be seaworthy.	
__航海の前に5人以上の卑劣な船乗り(scurvy dogs)が必要ですよ。
FormID: 0201599E	DSPICrewManage	DSPICFight	0	Y'argh! Those words be music to me ears! Time to split some skulls and get rich!	
__ヤッホー! その言葉は音楽のように心地よい!髑髏を引き裂いて、金持ちになる時間がきた!
FormID: 0201599E	DSPICrewManage	DSPICFight	1	I'll set a course for the shipping lanes.	
FormID: 020159A0	DSPICrewManage	DSPID5Hire	0	Ye would? I would love to feel the salty wind on my face again.	
FormID: 020159A0	DSPICrewManage	DSPID5Hire	1	I hear you already have a first mate though. Come back to me if your first mate becomes fish food.	
FormID: 020159A1	DSPICrewManage	DSPIHireFirstMate	0	Ye would? I would love to feel the salty wind on my face again.	
FormID: 020159A1	DSPICrewManage	DSPIHireFirstMate	1	I hear you already have a first mate though. Come back to me if your first mate becomes fish food.	
FormID: 02016453	DSPICrewManage	DSPICFFront	0	Aye-aye Captain. To battle!	
FormID: 02016454	DSPICrewManage	DSPICFBack	0	Aye-aye Captain. To battle!	
FormID: 02017840	DSPICrewManage	aaaJNFDSPISimyanFallout	0	Excellent, thankyou very much Captain.	
FormID: 02017841	DSPICrewManage	aaaJNFDSPISimyanFollow	0	Certainly.	
FormID: 02017842	DSPICrewManage	aaaJNFDSPISimyanGoHome	0	If you should need me I shall be at the Stone Circle.	
__もし私を必要とするなら、Stone Circleに居るでしょう。
FormID: 02017843	DSPICrewManage	aaaJNFDSPISimyanWait	0	Certainly. I shall remain here until your return.	
FormID: 020180AE	DSPICrewManage	DSPICFight	0	You been hitting the skooma captain? We are already on the high Seas!	
FormID: 0201D7CC	DSPICrewManage	GREETING	0	Avast ye landlubber!	
FormID: 0201F7E4	DSPICrewManage	aaaJNFDSPISimyanAttire	0	What Clothing would be suitable Captain?	
FormID: 0201F7E6	DSPICrewManage	aaaJNFDSPISimyanArmour	0	Yes Captain.	
FormID: 0201F7E8	DSPICrewManage	aaaJNFDSPISimyanHardWearing	0	Yes Captain.	
FormID: 0201F7EA	DSPICrewManage	aaaJNFDSPISimyanNormalWear	0	Yes Captain.	
FormID: 0201F963	DSPICrewManage	DSPIHireFirstMate	0	I could accept such an offer, but on one condition,	
FormID: 0201F963	DSPICrewManage	DSPIHireFirstMate	1	I request two hundred septims and a bottle of Tamika Vintage 415.	
__Tamika Vintage 415と200septimくれるならいいですよ。
FormID: 0201F966	DSPICrewManage	DSPIHHelonNo	0	Well find someone else to pilot your ship then.	
FormID: 0201F967	DSPICrewManage	DSPIHHelonYes	0	Before you do any accepting you'll need the goods.	
FormID: 0201F968	DSPICrewManage	DSPIHHelonYes	0	Excellent i shall head to your ship now. You won't regret it.	
FormID: 0201F969	DSPICrewManage	DSPICFight	0	As you wish Captain, I'll set a course for the shipping lanes.	
FormID: 0201F96A	DSPICrewManage	DSPIHireFirstMate	0	It would appear you already have a first mate. Maybe another time.	
FormID: 0201F96B	DSPICrewManage	DSPIHireFirstMate	0	You'd need a ship first...	
FormID: 0201F96C	DSPICrewManage	GREETING	0	Greetings, what could a talented sailor and the finest archer on the sea do for you?	
FormID: 0201F96E	DSPICrewManage	DSPICFight	0	Ah Captain, we are already on the high Seas...	
FormID: 0201F96F	DSPICrewManage	DSPICFight	0	Alas Captain, we need more crew to take the ship out	
FormID: 0201F96F	DSPICrewManage	DSPICFight	1	We need at least five scurvy dogs before we be seaworthy.	
FormID: 02025ECE	DSPICrewManage	DSPIHireFirstMate	0	Yeah sure, you saved me from the strange realm.	
FormID: 02025ECE	DSPICrewManage	DSPIHireFirstMate	1	I don't think i'll try skooma ever again.	
FormID: 02027EFA	DSPICrewManage	DSPIHireFirstMate	0	After you rescued me from the skooma place, i'd be happy too	
FormID: 02027EFA	DSPICrewManage	DSPIHireFirstMate	1	But first you need a ship.	
FormID: 02027EFB	DSPICrewManage	DSPIHireFirstMate	0	Alas captain ye already have a first mate i hear.	
FormID: 02027EFC	DSPICrewManage	GREETING	0	Ah if it isn't my saviour, looking for a first mate for ye ship?	
FormID: 0202B108	DSPICrewManage	DSPICFight	0	Ah Captain, we are already on the high Seas...	
FormID: 0202B109	DSPICrewManage	DSPICFight	0	Alas Captain, we need more crew to take the ship out	
FormID: 0202B109	DSPICrewManage	DSPICFight	1	We need at least five scurvy dogs before we be seaworthy.	
FormID: 0202B10A	DSPICrewManage	DSPICFight	0	As you wish Captain, I'll set a course for the shipping lanes.	

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