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*本文 [#h3a46387]
**原文 [#y3c86431]
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Greetings Captain<br>
I recently had news of a Mariner, such as ourselves, who stumbled across a sizeable portal out at sea. This portal lead he and his Ship to the Realm of Sheogorath. The Shivering Isles. Apparently he's employed a Cartographer to mark down the details on a Map. According to my sources Reglius Tildus in Blackhorn has acquired a copy of this Map and has it for sale. A Pirate like yourself may find it interesting. <br>
Good luck Captain.
**訳文 [#n3f275f9]
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最近聞いた我々のような船乗りが、海のかなり大きなポータルに偶然遭遇したニュースです。このポータルは彼とその船をSheogorathの領域へ連れて行きました。Shivering Islesへ。見たところ、彼は地図製作者を雇い、詳細な地図を書き記したようです。BlackhornのReglius Tildusの情報によると、地図の写しを手に入れて、売り出し中だそうです。あなたのような海賊なら興味を示すのでは<br>
Good luck 船長