L10N/The_Elder_Council/1.9/Dialogue/TecLoreMasterQuests-01 の変更点


FormID: 02036751	TecLoreMasterQuests	TecEmperors	0	Which of the Septims do you wish to hear about ?	
FormID: 02036753	TecLoreMasterQuests	TecTiberSeptim	0	In 2E 852 General Talos acting in the name of King Cuhlecain defeats the allied Nord and Breton Armies at the citadel of Sancre Tor.	
__2E 852年に、King Cuhlecainの名において動いていたTalos将軍が NordとBretonの同盟軍をSancre Torの要塞で破りました。
FormID: 02036753	TecLoreMasterQuests	TecTiberSeptim	1	Bringing the Skyrim Nords in to Tiber Septims army. Then later goes on to consolidate Colovian and Nibenean into the core of the Cyrodilic Empire. 	
__SkyrimのNordをTiber Septimは軍に加え、また後にColovianとNibeneanをCyrodilic Empireに組み込みました。 
FormID: 02036753	TecLoreMasterQuests	TecTiberSeptim	2	In 2E 854 now Emperor Cuhlecain of Cyrodiil is assassinated by a High Rock nightblade. 	
__2E 854にCyrodiil帝国のCuhlecain皇帝はHigh Rockのnightbladeに暗殺されました。 
FormID: 02036753	TecLoreMasterQuests	TecTiberSeptim	3	General Talos adopts the Cyrodilic name of Tiber Septim and assumes the title Emperor Tiber Septim. So starts the beginning of the third era. 	
__Talos将軍はCyrodilic名であるTiber Septimを名乗り、Emperor Tiber Septimを号しました。そしてこれが3rd eraのはじまりです。 
FormID: 02036753	TecLoreMasterQuests	TecTiberSeptim	4	Tiber Septim then sweeps through the kingdoms of Tamriel in a glorious bid for conquest in order to establish the Empire and its provinces. 	
__Tiber Septimは帝国とその栄光のためにTamrielを征服しました。 
FormID: 02036769	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecAntiochus	0	Antiochus was certainly one of the more flamboyant members of the usually austere Septim Family. He had numerous mistresses and nearly as many wives,	
__Antiochus帝は確かに、謹厳な者が多くを占める Septim 一族の中において、異彩を放つ1人でした。彼は数多くの愛妾と、ほぼ同数の妻を娶っていました。
FormID: 02036769	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecAntiochus	1	and was renowned for the grandeur of his dress and his high good humor. Unfortunately, his reign was rife with civil war, 	
FormID: 02036769	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecAntiochus	2	surpassing even that of his grandfather Uriel II.	
__それは彼の祖父、Uriel II世の御世をも上回るほどでした。
FormID: 02036769	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecAntiochus	3	The War of the Isle in 3E110, twelve years after Antiochus assumed the throne, nearly took the province of Summerset Isle away from Tamriel.	
__Antiochus帝が帝位を襲った12年後、第三紀110年の『The War of the Isle』では、Summerset Isle のほぼすべての郡がTamrielに叛きました。
FormID: 02036769	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecAntiochus	4	The united alliance of the kings of Summerset Isle and Antiochus only managed to defeat King Orghum due to a freak storm.	
__Summerset Isle の諸王連合と Antiochus 帝の同盟が King Orghum を討ち破ることができたのは、ただ大嵐のおかげでした。
FormID: 02036769	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecAntiochus	5	Legend credits the Psijic Order of the Isle of Artaeum with the sorcery behind the tempest. Kintyra II was crowned after her fathers death.	
__伝説は、嵐の背後には Artaeum 島の Psijic 騎士団の魔術があったと語っています。父の死後、Kintyra 2世が女帝として戴冠しました。
FormID: 0203676A	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecCassynder	0	As the only true blood relation of Pelagius and thus Tiber, he was pressed into accepting the throne.	
__ただ、Pelagius帝 そして Tiber帝の唯一正当な血筋であったために、彼は帝位を受けるよう迫られました。
FormID: 0203676A	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecCassynder	1	To no one's surprise, the Emperor Cassynder's reign did not last long. In two years he joined his predecessors in eternal slumber.	
__誰にとっても不思議なことではありませんでしたが、Cassynder 帝の御世は長くは続きませんでした。 二年で彼は永遠の安息のうちに、先祖のもとに旅立ったのです。
FormID: 0203676A	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecCassynder	2	Uriel Lariat, Cassynder's half-brother reigned next.	
__Cassynder帝の異父弟 Uriel Lariat が次の帝位につきました。
FormID: 0203676B	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecCephorus	0	Cephorus' reign was marked by nothing but war. By all accounts, he was a kind and intelligent man, but what Tamriel needed was a great warrior. 	
__Cephorus帝の治世はただ戦争のみによって記憶されています。 誰にとっても彼は温厚かつ聡明な男性でした、しかし Tamriel が必要としたものは偉大な戦士だったのです。
FormID: 0203676B	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecCephorus	1	Fortunately he was just that. 	
FormID: 0203676B	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecCephorus	2	It took an additional ten years of constant warfare for him to defeat his sister Potema. 	
__続く十年、彼の姉 Potemaを破るために彼は絶えることなく戦争を続けました。
FormID: 0203676B	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecCephorus	3	The so-called Wolf Queen of Solitude who died in the siege of her city-state in the year 137. Cephorus survived his sister by only three years. 	
FormID: 0203676B	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecCephorus	4	He never had time during the war years to marry, so it was his brother, Magnus who assumed the throne. 	
FormID: 0203676C	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecCephorusII	0	Cephorus II had foes that demanded more of his attention than Andorak.	
FormID: 0203676C	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecCephorusII	1	A man who called himself the Camoran Usurper led an army of Daedra and undead warriors on a rampage through Valenwood.	
__Camoran Usurperと自称する男がDaedraと不死の戦士達からなる軍団を先導し、Valenwoodで暴動を引き起こしました。
FormID: 0203676C	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecCephorusII	2	Conquering kingdom after kingdom. Few could resist his onslaughts, and as month turned to bloody month in the year 3E249, few even tried. 	
__近隣の王国は次から次へと蹂躙され、彼の軍団の襲来に対抗できる国家はほぼ存在しませんでした。そして3E249年のbloody month(血染めの月)の頃には、大多数が抵抗を試みる事さえしなくなりました。
FormID: 0203676C	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecCephorusII	3	Cephorus II sent more and more mercenaries into Hammerfell to stop the Usurper's northward march.	
FormID: 0203676C	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecCephorusII	4	But they were bribed or slaughtered and raised as undead. The destruction of the forces of the Usurper had little do with the efforts of the Emperor.	
FormID: 0203676C	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecCephorusII	5	The result was a great regional victory and an increase in hostility toward the seemingly inefficacious Empire. 	
FormID: 0203676C	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecCephorusII	6	Cephorus II  son, Uriel V took the throne next.	
FormID: 0203676D	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKatariahI	0	Some who do not mark the end of the Septim bloodline with the death of Kintyra II consider this Dark Elf woman the true mark of its decline.	
__KintyraII世の崩御によるSeptim家の血の断絶をそれほど重視しない人達の考えでは、このDark Elfの女性の登場こそが凋落を引き起こした真の元凶であるとされます。
FormID: 0203676D	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKatariahI	1	Her defenders, on the other hand, assert that even though Katariah was not descended from Tiber, 	
FormID: 0203676D	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKatariahI	2	the son she had with Pelagius was, so the imperial chain did continue. 	
FormID: 0203676D	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKatariahI	3	Despite racist assertions to the contrary, Katariah's forty-six-year reign was one of the most celebrated in Tamriel's history. 	
FormID: 0203676D	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKatariahI	4	Uncomfortable in the Imperial City, Katariah travelled extensively throughout the Empire such as no Emperor ever had since Tiber's day.	
__Imperial Cityでの暮らしにうんざりしたKatariahは帝国全土を巡って旅をしました。それは、Tiber帝の時代以来どの皇帝も成し得なかったほど大規模な旅行でした。
FormID: 0203676D	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKatariahI	5	She repaired much of the damage that previous emperor's broken alliances and bungled diplomacy had created. 	
FormID: 0203676D	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKatariahI	6	The people of Tamriel came to love their Empress far more than the nobility did.	
FormID: 0203676D	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKatariahI	7	Katariah's death in a minor skirmish in Black Marsh is a favorite subject of conspiracy minded historians. 	
__KatariahはBlack Marshで勃発した小規模な紛争で亡くなりましたが、陰謀史観の歴史家はこの出来事について論ずるのを好むようです。
FormID: 0203676D	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKatariahI	8	For instance, of a disenfranchised branch of the Septim Family and their involvement with the skirmish was a revelation indeed.	
FormID: 0203676D	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKatariahI	9	Cassynder assumed the throne after his mother.	
FormID: 0203676E	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKintyra1	0	Kintyra was the former Queen of Silvenar.	
FormID: 0203676E	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKintyra1	1	Her reign was blessed with prosperity and good harvests, and she herself was an avid patroness of art, music, and dance.	
FormID: 0203676E	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKintyra1	2	Her son Uriel I was crowned after her death.	
FormID: 0203676F	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKintyraII	0	The story of Kintyra II, heiress to her father Antiochus' throne, is certainly one of the saddest tales in imperial history. 	
__Antiochusの皇帝位を引き継いだKintyra II世の物語は帝国における最も悲しい話の一つである事は確実で有ります。
FormID: 0203676F	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKintyraII	1	Her first cousin Uriel, son of Queen Potema of Solitude, accused Kintyra of being a bastard, 	
FormID: 0203676F	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKintyraII	10	The third and final attack was a siege of the Imperial City itself,	
__三度目の、そして最後の攻撃はImperial Cityへの侵攻にまで及びました。
FormID: 0203676F	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKintyraII	11	occurring after the Elder Council had split up the army to attack western High Rock and eastern Morrowind. 	
__Elder CouncilがHigh Rock西部とMorrowind東部に軍勢を分散させた直後の事でした。
FormID: 0203676F	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKintyraII	12	The weakened government had little defence against Uriel's determined aggression, and capitulated after only a fortnight of resistance.	
FormID: 0203676F	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKintyraII	13	Uriel took the throne that same evening and proclaimed himself Uriel III, Emperor of Tamriel. 	
__Urielが帝位を継承し、彼はその日の内に自らをTamriel皇帝Uriel III世と名乗るようになりました。
FormID: 0203676F	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKintyraII	14	The year was 3E 121. Thus began the War of the Red Diamond. 	
__そして3E 121年、Red Diamondの戦いが始まりました。
FormID: 0203676F	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKintyraII	2	alluding to the infamous decadence of the Imperial City during her father's reign.	
__彼女の父の治世の頃のImperial Cityの破廉恥なる怠惰なる様をほのめかしつつ、です。
FormID: 0203676F	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKintyraII	3	When this accusation failed to stop her coronation,	
FormID: 0203676F	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKintyraII	4	Uriel bought the support of several disgruntled kings of High Rock, Skyrim, and Morrowind, and with Queen Potema's assistance,	
__UrielはPotema女王の助けの下、High RockやSkyrim、Morrowindの帝国に不満を抱いている何人かの王達の支持を金で手に入れました。
FormID: 0203676F	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKintyraII	5	he coordinated three attacks on the Septim Empire. The first attack occurred in the Iliac Bay region, which separates High Rock and Hammerfell.	
__彼は組織的な3度に渡る攻撃をSeptim帝国に仕掛けました。High RockとHammerfellに挟まれるIliac Bayの領域において最初の攻撃が成されました。
FormID: 0203676F	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKintyraII	6	Kintyra's entourage was massacred and the Empress taken captive.	
FormID: 0203676F	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKintyraII	7	For two years, Kintyra II languished in an Imperial prison before she was slain in her cell under mysterious circumstances. 	
__Kintyra II世はImperial prisonで2年間みじめな幽閉生活を送り、そのまま獄中で謎の死を遂げています。
FormID: 0203676F	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKintyraII	8	The second attack was on a series of Imperial garrisons along the coastal Morrowind islands. 	
FormID: 0203676F	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecKintyraII	9	The Empress' consort Kontin Arynx fell defending the forts. 	
__女王の配偶者であるKontin Arynxは砦の防衛戦のさなか、命を落としました。
FormID: 02036770	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecMagnus	0	The Emperor Magnus was already elderly when he took up the imperial throne,	
FormID: 02036770	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecMagnus	1	and the business of punishing the traitorous kings of the War of the Red Diamond drained much of his remaining strength.	
__そして、彼の治世の大部分がRed Diamondの戦いにて裏切った王たちの処刑に費やされました。
FormID: 02036770	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecMagnus	2	 His son Pelagius III took the throne next.	
__その後、彼の息子Pelagius III世が次の皇位を継承しました。
FormID: 02036771	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecmartin	0	The shortest reign of any Septim goes to Martin Septim whos reign lasted days rather than years. 	
__最も在位期間の短いSeptimの皇帝はMartin Septimです。彼の治世は1年どころか数日しか続きませんでした。
FormID: 02036771	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecmartin	1	Yet in those few days he saved Tamriel from a daedric invasion and closed shut the jaws of Oblivion that his father had spoke about. 	
FormID: 02036771	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecmartin	2	At the moment of his death he was transformed in to the Avatar of Akatosh and that Avatar can still be seen at The Temple of the One. 	
__死の瞬間、彼はAkatoshの化身へと姿を変えました。その雄姿は今でもTemple of the Oneで見ることが出来ます。
FormID: 02036772	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecMorihatha	0	Morihatha finished the job her brother had begun, and made the Imperial Province a true government under the Empress (and later, the Emperor).	
FormID: 02036772	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecMorihatha	1	Outside the Imperial Province, however, the Empire had been slowly disintegrating.	
FormID: 02036772	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecMorihatha	2	Open revolutions and civil wars had raged unchallenged since the days of her grandfather Cephorus II. 	
__革命と市民戦争の口火が切られました。それは彼女の祖父Cephorus II世の治世以来の大規模なものとなりました。
FormID: 02036772	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecMorihatha	3	Carefully coordinating her counterattacks, Morihatha slowly claimed back her rebellious vassals, always avoiding overextending herself. 	
FormID: 02036772	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecMorihatha	4	Though Morihatha's military campaigns were remarkably successful, her deliberate pace often frustrated the Council.	
FormID: 02036772	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecMorihatha	5	One Councilman, an Argonian who took the Colovian name of Thoricles Romus, furious at her refusal to send troops to his troubled Black Marsh,	
__Council評議員の一人に、Thoricles RomusというColovian風の名前で知られたArgonianの男がいましたが、彼は故郷Black Marshの危機に際して派兵を拒んだMorihatha帝に激怒しました。
FormID: 02036772	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecMorihatha	6	is commonly believed to have hired the assassins who claimed her life in 3E 339.	
__3E 339年に彼女は暗殺者の凶刃に倒れる事となりましたが、後ろで糸を引いていたのは彼であるというのが大方の見解です。
FormID: 02036772	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecMorihatha	7	Romus was summarily tried and executed, though he protested his innocence to the last.	
FormID: 02036772	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecMorihatha	8	Morihatha had no surviving children so Eloisa's 25-year-old son Pelagius was thus crowned Pelagius IV.	
__Morihathaには子がいませんでしたので、Eloisaの息子Pelagiusが戴冠しPelagius IV世を名乗るようになりました。
FormID: 02036773	TecLoreMasterQuests	tecPelagius	0	Pelagius reign was short, lasting less than 3 years before he was assassinated by the Dark Brotherhood as he knelt at prayer at the Temple of the One
__Pelagiusの治世は短く、3年と続きませんでした。彼はTemple of the Oneで祈りをささげていた時にDark Brotherhoodの手によって暗殺されました。
__しかしPelagiusの治世は短く、3年と続きませんでした。彼はTemple of the Oneで祈りをささげていた時にDark Brotherhoodの手によって暗殺されました。

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