L10N/The_Duelists/0.93/Dialogue/aaDialogueEgill の変更点


FormID: 010411EE	aaDialogueEgill	GREETING	0	What are you doing in my house? Did you put this garbage in here?	
FormID: 010411F5	aaDialogueEgill	GREETING	0	May the best man win!	
FormID: 010411F2	aaDialogueEgill	aaEgill1	0	There is no mistake. I inherited this property from my great uncle Olof, who lived here long before that silly countess came to power!	
FormID: 010411F3	aaDialogueEgill	aaEgill2	0	She can do nothing! There is only one way to solve this.	
FormID: 010411F3	aaDialogueEgill	aaEgill2	1	I propose a trial by combat - your claim against mine. Whoever is left standing retains possession of the house. This is the law of the Nords.	
__戦いで決めようじゃないか - 俺とお前の主張、どっちが正しいか。生き残った方がこの家の所有権を手にする。これがNordの法さ。
FormID: 010411F4	aaDialogueEgill	aaEgill3	0	Meet me at the road sign east of town, where the road forks.	


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