L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/QuestStages/LingBC17Endgame の変更点

FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	10	0	I will need to visit each of the Fighters Guild halls throughout Cyrodiil and attempt to convince the members to suppor the Blackwood Company instead. If they refuse to submit then I am to make sure that everyone inside that guild hall is killed. I should leave Chorrol until the last as Vilena Donton is a very powerful warrior. Once I have succeeded I will need to let Ajum-Kajin know.
__Cyrodiil全土のFighters Guild支部を訪れ、ギルド員たちにBlackwood Companyへと鞍替えするよう説得しなければならない。拒否する支部は皆殺しだ。しかしChorrolは最後に回すべきだろう。Vilena Dontonは屈強な戦士だ。全てを成し終えたら、Ajum-Kajinに報告しよう。
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	100	0	Under my leadership the Blackwood Company has replaced the Fighters Guild as the primary mercenary guild in Cyrodiil. Each former Fighters Guild hall that I was able to convince to join the Blackwood Company will now have a chest that will contain my share of that guild halls earnings for the week. Ajum-Kajin suggested that Ja'Fazir will act as my Commander and will run affairs from the Blackwood Company Hall in Leyawiin.
__私の先導により、Blackwood CompanyはFighters Guildを抑えて今やCyrodiil第一の傭兵ギルドとなった。説得が功を奏してBlackwood Companyに加入したFighters Guildの各支部からは、毎週稼ぎが上がって来る。私の取り分は専用チェストの中だ。Ajum-Kajinからは『Ja'Fazirを参謀とし、LeyawiinのBlackwood Company支部の経営を任せてみてはどうか?』との提案を受けた。
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	20	0	I was able to convince the Leyawiin guild hall to join us.
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	23	0	I wasn't able to convince the Leyawiin Fighters guild hall to join us. I will have to kill all of the members inside.
__Fighters GuildのLeyawiin支部は加入させられなかった。仕方が無い。内部の人間は皆殺しにせねば。
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	26	0	I've killed all of the Fighters Guild members in the Leyawiin guild hall.
__Fighters GuildのLeyawiin支部を皆殺しにした。
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	30	0	I was able to convince the Skingrad guild to join us.
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	33	0	I was unable to convince the Skingrad guild to join us. Now I'll need to kill all of the Fighters Guild members inside.
__Fighters GuildのSkingrad支部は加入させられなかった。仕方が無い。内部の人間は皆殺しにせねば。
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	36	0	All of the Fighters Guild members inside the Skingrad guild hall have been killed.
__Fighters GuildのSkingrad支部を皆殺しにした。
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	40	0	I was able to convince the Anvil guild hall to join us.
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	43	0	I was unable to convince the Anvil Fighters guild hall to join us, I'll have to kill them all now.
__Fighters GuildのAnvil支部は加入させられなかった。仕方が無い。内部の人間は皆殺しにせねば。
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	46	0	All of the members of the Anvil guild hall are dead.
__Fighters GuildのAnvil支部を皆殺しにした。
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	50	0	I was able to convince the Bruma Fighters Guild to join us.
__Fighters GuildのBruma支部を加入させる事に成功した。
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	53	0	I wasn't able to convince the Bruma Fighters Guild to join us. I'll have to kill all of the members inside now.
__Fighters GuildのBruma支部は加入させられなかった。仕方が無い。内部の人間は皆殺しにせねば。
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	56	0	All of the members of the Bruma Fighters Guild are now dead.
__Fighters GuildのBruma支部を皆殺しにした。
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	60	0	I was able to convince the Bravil guild to join us.
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	63	0	I wasn't able to convince the Bravil guild to join us. I'll have to kill all of the members inside now.
__Fighters GuildのBravil支部は加入させられなかった。仕方が無い。内部の人間は皆殺しにせねば。
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	66	0	All of the members inside the Bravil guild hall are now dead.
__Fighters GuildのBravil支部を皆殺しにした。
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	70	0	I was able to convince the Cheydinhal Fighters Guild to join the Blackwood Company.
__Fighters GuildのCheydinhal支部をBlackwood Companyへと加入させる事に成功した。
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	73	0	I wasn't able to convince the Cheydinhal Fighters Guild to join the Blackwood Company. I'll need to kill all of the members inside now.
__Fighters GuildのCheydinhal支部をBlackwood Companyに加入させられなかった。仕方が無い。内部の人間は皆殺しにせねば。
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	76	0	All of the members of the Cheydinhal Fighters Guild are now dead.
__Fighters GuildのCheydinhal支部を皆殺しにした。
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	79	0	I've dealt with all of the other guilds around Cyrodiil. Now to head to Chorrol and talk with Vilena Donton directly. She is a powerful warrior so I should make sure to prepare myself beforehand just in case.
__Cyrodiilのギルドも残す所あと1箇所のみ。さあ、Chorrolへと向かいVilena Dontonと直接対峙しよう。彼女は怖るべき戦士と聞く。もしもの場合に備えて万全の準備を整えておくべきだ。
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	80	0	Vilena Donton agreed to turn the Chorrol guild hall and along with it the rest of the Fighters Guild to my command. The Fighters Guild is gone, the Blackwood Company now takes its place. I will need to inform Ajum-Kajin of this good news.
__Vilena DontonはChorrol支部の鞍替えに同意し、残りのFighters Guild員も私の指揮下に入る事となった。Fighters Guildは終焉を迎え、Blackwood Companyの台頭が始まるのだ。この良い報せをAjum-Kajinに伝えねば。
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	83	0	Vilena Donton reacted violently to my threats due to my murder of her son Viranus. I'll need to kill her along with the rest of the members of the guild hall.
__彼女の息子Viranusを殺害した件を引き合いに出して脅しつけると、Vilena Dontonは激昂し襲いかかって来た。仕方が無い。彼女も他のギルド員も皆殺しだ。
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	86	0	All of the members of the Chorrol Fighters guild have been killed. The Fighters Guild is gone, the Blackwood Company now takes its place. I will need to inform Ajum-Kajin of this good news.
__Chorrol Fighters Guildのメンバーを全員殺害した。Fighters Guildは終焉を迎え、Blackwood Companyの台頭が始まるのだ。この良い報せをAjum-Kajinに伝えねば。
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	93	0	
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	95	0	Under my leadership the Blackwood Company has replaced the Fighters Guild as the primary mercenary guild in Cyrodiil. Each former Fighters Guild hall that I was able to convince to join the Blackwood Company will now have a chest that will contain my share of that guild halls earnings for the week. Ajum-Kajin has also offered to act as my Commander and will run affairs from Glademist Cave.
__私の先導により、Blackwood CompanyはFighters Guildを抑えて今やCyrodiil第一の傭兵ギルドとなった。説得が功を奏してBlackwood Companyに加入したFighters Guildの各支部からは、毎週稼ぎが上がって来る。私の取り分は専用チェストの中だ。Ajum-Kajinからは『自分が参謀となり、Glademist Caveから指揮を執ろう』との提案を受けた。
FormID: 01000CF6	LingBC17Endgame	98	0

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