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*AAS1BooksThiefBookBlades [#q576f258]

**原文 [#zff50b7e]
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<div align="center"><font face=1>Thief's Handbook: Blades<br>
by Slippery Jack<br>
<IMG src="Book/Punk Stevo - Thieves Guild HQ/SlipperyJackLogo.dds" width=200 height=266>
<div align="left">
Even a thief needs a good weapon. I know the guild frowns upon killing people on the job but there still are dangerous beasts, bandits, and necromancers to be slain and I'm sure you'll undertake other tasks that will require you to put your skills to use in a more violent way. It may be an odd job to make a little cash or exploring a cave and searching for valuable treasure. When you're in those situations, I'm sure you'll call upon all that stealthy ability that you've worked so hard to achieve. 
So, what kind of weapon is suited for a thief? We already know the bow should be in every thief's field kit but that's not going to do you any good in close quarters. You need to have a melee weapon too. Some swear by the mace but those things are heavy and messy. They're for barbarians, not us. You need a good blade. Nice and sharp, nothing too big or clumsy. A lot of thieves carry daggers but my advice is this; use a shortsword or longword. Daggers are fast but a standard dagger's speed simply isn't enough to compensate for both its lack of damage and lack of reach. On the other end of the scale, claymores and other two-handed weapons are too big to be sneaky. I wouldn't recommend them either. I use an extremely sharp, light-weight, custom-made katana. That thing cuts through limbs like they're made of butter and it's the perfect size for sneaking around. If you try out all the different types of weapons, you'll probably agree with me, but whatever your weapon of choice, make sure you know its strengths and weaknesses. 


**訳文 [#oc7752ae]
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<div align="center"><font face=1>Thief's Handbook: Blades<br>
by Slippery Jack<br>
<IMG src="Book/Punk Stevo - Thieves Guild HQ/SlipperyJackLogo.dds" width=200 height=266>
<div align="left">
Even a thief needs a good weapon. I know the guild frowns upon killing people on the job but there still are dangerous beasts, bandits, and necromancers to be slain and I'm sure you'll undertake other tasks that will require you to put your skills to use in a more violent way. It may be an odd job to make a little cash or exploring a cave and searching for valuable treasure. When you're in those situations, I'm sure you'll call upon all that stealthy ability that you've worked so hard to achieve. 
盗賊でも良い武器は必要です。I know the guild frowns upon killing people on the job but there still are dangerous beasts, bandits, and necromancers to be slain and I'm sure you'll undertake other tasks that will require you to put your skills to use in a more violent way. It may be an odd job to make a little cash or exploring a cave and searching for valuable treasure. When you're in those situations, I'm sure you'll call upon all that stealthy ability that you've worked so hard to achieve. 
So, what kind of weapon is suited for a thief? We already know the bow should be in every thief's field kit but that's not going to do you any good in close quarters. You need to have a melee weapon too. Some swear by the mace but those things are heavy and messy. They're for barbarians, not us. You need a good blade. Nice and sharp, nothing too big or clumsy. A lot of thieves carry daggers but my advice is this; use a shortsword or longword. Daggers are fast but a standard dagger's speed simply isn't enough to compensate for both its lack of damage and lack of reach. On the other end of the scale, claymores and other two-handed weapons are too big to be sneaky. I wouldn't recommend them either. I use an extremely sharp, light-weight, custom-made katana. That thing cuts through limbs like they're made of butter and it's the perfect size for sneaking around. If you try out all the different types of weapons, you'll probably agree with me, but whatever your weapon of choice, make sure you know its strengths and weaknesses. 


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