L10N/Origin_of_the_Mages_Guild/6/Books/omgletter2ivan の変更点

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*本文 [#df7046ce]

**原文 [#t735e010]
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Hello Ivan
The Oblivion gates that opened during the Oblivion crisis have given us our first real look at an Oblivion plane. To aid the Daedra Department, we have rebuilt your offices to look like a room from one of those Oblivion towers. 
A couple of battlemages got the Healing and Magicka wells you see in your new department from a gate that opened up near Skingrad. Other mages managed to secure other items, but we are still checking those are safe for use. 
The new summoning chamber should cut down on the number of accidents your department suffers when summoning Daedra. The Magical Barrier should prove to be a good distraction for any summoned Daedra, giving the summoner and the guards a few seconds to deal with any Daedra that the summoner cannot control.
Let me know if you need anything else.

**訳文 [#y9401af5]
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Oblivion crisis中に開いたOblivion gateによって、初めて我々は実際にOblivionを見ることが出来ました。Daedra研究科援助のため、あなたの研究室をOblivion towerの一室のように改築しました。
battlemage達がSkingrad近くに開いたゲートからHealingとMagicka Fountainを入手し、他のmage達がどうにかその他の物も設置しました。しかし、これらの物が安全かどうかは、まだ確認中です。


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