L10N/Oblivion_Collectible_Cards/1.52/ScriptMessages/01 の変更点

FormID: 010272B5	SLBerdirsChestScript			Messagebox	6	0	If I want to get the card for Miria, I must put 2000 gold into the chest.
FormID: 010293F8	SLCard0DropScript			Message 	33	0	Please drop the item called DROP ME.
__「DROP ME」というアイテムをInventoryからDROPして下さい。
FormID: 010440FC	SLHamrysTombstoneScript			Messagebox	2	0	Here lies Hamrys the Faithful
FormID: 010455A2	SLSierraDeraniScript			Messagebox	231	0	You can now give your horse to Sierra.
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Message 	51	0	Press the 'sneak' key to cancel this mode.
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Message 	117	0	 
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Message 	118	0	 
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	120	0	A special item called 'DROP ME' was added to your inventory under misc items. Please NAVIGATE TO YOUR INVENTORY NOW AND DROP THIS ITEM to enable the view mode. Do not sit, swim, ride a horse, sneak or pull out your weapon until you drop this item.
__『DROP ME』という名の特別なアイテムがあなたのInventoryのMisc Item欄に追加されます。Collectible Cards Viewing機能を有効にする為に、Inventoryを操作してこのアイテムをDROP(捨てる)して下さい。DROP完了まで着座・水泳・乗馬・隠密・抜刀はしないで下さい。
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Message 	127	0	 
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Message 	128	0	 
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	136	0	You can't move the DROP ME item into another inventory. Pick up any card again.
__『DROP ME』を別のInventoryに移動させることは出来ません。もう一度カードを拾い上げて下さい。
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	138	0	From now on you can view any collectible card by picking it up from the ground and selecting an appropriate choice from menu. You can also view cards album.
__今後あなたは、カードを地面から拾い上げてメニューを選択することによりCollectible Cardを眺めることができ、menuから正しく選択する事が可能となります。また、アルバムを見る事も出来ます。
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	140	0	Please do not sit, swim, ride a horse, sneak or have your weapon out while dropping the DROP ME item. Pick up any card again.
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	148	0	The view mode is not enabled. To do it, revert to an inactive state (do not sit, swim, ride a horse, sneak or have a weapon out) and pick up any card again.
__view modeが無効です。inactive状態(着座・水泳・乗馬・隠密・抜刀していない状態)になり、カードを1枚、もう一度拾ってみて下さい。
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	202	0	Bad item.
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	228	0	What do you want to do with this card?
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	228	1	Pick it up
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	228	2	View and then pick it up
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	228	3	Put it in album
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	228	4	View and then put it in album
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	230	0	What do you want to do with this card?
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	230	1	Pick it up
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	230	2	View and then pick it up
FormID: 0101CABC	SLCardsQuestScript			Messagebox	45	0	A young lad, nearly out of breath and with an armful of fliers, runs up to you and shoves one of the fliers into your hand. He dashes off before you can protest. On the flier you see 'Furniture Catalogue'...
FormID: 0101CABC	SLCardsQuestScript			Messagebox	51	0	A special card called 'Thank You!' was added to your inventory. Enjoy!
__スペシャルカード「Thank You!」がインベントリに追加されました。楽しんで下さいね!
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	25	0	Select default action for real furniture:
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	25	1	Ask what to do.
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	25	2	Put furniture back in your inventory.
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	25	3	Manipulate furniture's door if any.
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	84	0	What do you want to do with this placeholder?
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	84	1	Grab and move (grab mode)
__Grab and move(掴んで動かす)(grab mode)
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	84	2	Fine-tune its position and angle
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	84	3	Replace it with real furniture
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	84	4	Put it back in your inventory
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	84	5	See quick help
__quick help(早見ヘルプ)を見る
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	84	6	Disable in-game help
__in-game help(ゲーム内ヘルプ)を無効にする
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	84	7	Nothing
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	86	0	What do you want to do with this placeholder?
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	86	1	Grab and move (grab mode)
__Grab and move(掴んで動かす)(grab mode)
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	86	2	Fine-tune its position and angle
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	86	3	Replace it with real furniture
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	86	4	Put it back in your inventory
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	86	5	See quick help
__quick help(早見ヘルプ)を見る
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	86	6	Enable in-game help
__in-game help(ゲーム内ヘルプ)を有効にする
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	86	7	Nothing
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	91	0	What do you want to do with this placeholder?
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	91	1	Grab and move (grab mode)
__Grab and move(掴んで動かす)(grab mode)
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	91	2	Fine-tune its position and angle
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	91	3	Fine-tune its vertical position
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	91	4	Replace it with real furniture
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	91	5	Put it back in your inventory
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	91	6	See quick help
__quick help(早見ヘルプ)を見る
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	91	7	Disable in-game help
__in-game help(ゲーム内ヘルプ)を無効にする
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	91	8	Nothing
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	93	0	What do you want to do with this placeholder?
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	93	1	Grab and move (grab mode)
__Grab and move(掴んで動かす)(grab mode)
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	93	2	Fine-tune its position and angle
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	93	3	Fine-tune its vertical position
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	93	4	Replace it with real furniture
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	93	5	Put it back in your inventory
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	93	6	See quick help
__in-game help(ゲーム内ヘルプ)を見る
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	93	7	Enable in-game help
__in-game help(ゲーム内ヘルプ)を有効にする
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	93	8	Nothing
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	98	0	Grab mode options:
__Grab mode オプション:
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	98	1	Fine-tune placeholder's distance
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	98	2	Normal grab mode
__Normal(通常の)grab mode
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	98	3	End grab mode
__grab modeを終了する
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	98	4	End grab mode & go to main menu
__grab modeを終了しmain menuに戻る
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	102	0	Do you want to put this furniture back in your inventory?
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	102	1	No
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	102	2	Yes
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	110	0	Do you want to copy vertical position of this furniture?
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	110	1	Yes
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	110	2	No
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	124	0	Can't place real furniture - placeholder has an invalid vertical angle. Please readjust it.
__家具実物を配置出来ません。 - placeholderが無効な垂直角度を指定しています。再調整して下さい。
FormID: 0106DC8B	SLFurnitureCatScript			Messagebox	215	0	In this mode you can fine-tune the placeholder's position and angle. The placeholder will move/rotate as you do the same. Press the RUN KEY to temporarily 'freeze it'. ACTIVATE the placeholder to end this mode.
__このmodeではplaceholderの位置と角度をfine-tune(微調整)出来ます。placeholderはあなたの操作に合わせて動いたり回転します。現在の状態で'freeze it(停止する)'際はRUN(走行)キーを押し、modeを終了する際はplaceholderをACTIVATEして下さい。

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