L10N/MTCThievesGrotto/4.1/Books/01NCheapGuideGalehaven の変更点


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**原文 [#yb3d5398]
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<font face=1><div align="center">ALESSIA OTTUS'<br>
<br><div align="left">
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/m_65x62.dds" width=65 height=62>y name is Alessia Ottus, and I'd like to tell you all about Galehaven.<br>
I find myself quite unequal to describing the insufferable wretchedness of the port town of Galehaven. However, if by some most unfortunate mischance you find yourself unavoidably bound to visit this vile place, I will attempt, at least, to offer some scrap of guidance, that you not be engulfed whole by its perfidy.<br>
I hardly need write at length on the vistas you will encounter upon entering Galehaven. Know only that you must meet with as rotting and unwholesome a sight as can be found in all of Tamriel. The ubiquitous red brick roof tiles of Anvil you will see corroded to a putrid grey, and every unsteady wooden surface you will find rime-eaten and slick with algae.<br>
Do not think to venture down any paths between the buildings, or find refuge under a quiet eve, for the beggars and thieves (those who have gambled their goods away and now seek to aquire recompense) have claimed every such spot and will likely murder you on sight.<br>
The land-owning citizens are scarecly any better than their street-dwelling neighbors, and you are as unlikely to find saftey within as without. The majority of the denizens are Wild Elves - and as wily and untrustworthy a selection as the race has ever produced. As the town is located on the border of Valenwood, the land rights have been so often contested between that province, and the Province of Tamriel, that Galehaven in its entirety has been given up, with no countship or court of law assigned to it from either power.<br> 
To take advantage of this lapse in the lawful order, rich criminals parading as dukes and barons sometimes erect a semblance of lordship in Galehaven, until they are usurped by their plotting peers. The current self-titled Baron has maintained his hold on the town rather longer than most. His mistress, I must confide with disgust, was a fair Lady of Valenwood, high in the nobility of that country, who cast off her rank and consequence, and was seduced into infamy.<br>
Galehaven offers few shops worth visiting. Perhaps one might expect to encounter some interesting rarity at Farland's Imports and Trade, some exotic proof of distant lands. But not so. The merchendise is purely mundane, and appears to consist chiefly of items looted by pirates, and antiques which are lent no charms by their obsolescence.<br>
Some few of the stores on the upper levels offer goods of an unexpected quality, as the patronship of rich criminals attracts the less compunctious master-crafstman. However, I will not reward the folly of these men and women by advertising their businesses further.<br>
The town bakery, too, is thought to offer a not unpalatable selection, as the self-titled baron is uncommonly fond of his pastry. Excellence can only be in proportion to its inspiration, however, and the sinful gluttony which maintains this establishment must be abjured wholly.<br>
Neither the Fighter's Guild nor the Mages Guild is stationed here. Rather, the Thieves Guild itself, may the Gods witness this insult, has the gall to operate openly, not fearing any lawful intervention. There is also The Sailor's Guild, an organization hardly any less disreputable as it is mostly run and inhabited by pirates.<br>
If you must seek to spend the night in Galehaven, wretched and unlucky soul, then the local tavern offers rooms somewhat less in disrepair than you might first imagine. Only request extra security from the proprietors, for there will be little enough safety in your repose, even so.
I hardly need inform the intelligent reader that there is no chapel in which to seek the balm of godly solace.<br>
I must sum up my account by urging any potential visitor to abandon whatever goal may wrongly (for it cannot be rightly) lead you to Galehaven. Seek, instead, to explore Anvil. Or indeed, rather travel not at all, than enter this violent and wholly vile place. You will find, I assure you, no "haven" here.
May the Nine protect you!

**訳文 [#q8b8648e]
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<font face=1><div align="center">ALESSIA OTTUS'<br>
<br><div align="left">
私の名はAlessia Ottus、そして、Galehavenについてあなたに話したいと思います。<br>
土地を持つ民は彼ら通りを居住とする隣人よりはいくらかましなだけで、外よりも中のほうが安全を見つけられるかは疑わしいと思う事でしょう。住民の大半がWild Elf達で - そして、これまで種族が引き起こした事と同様に狡賢く、その品揃えは信用できません。街はValenwoodの境界上に位置しているので、土地の権利をめぐってしばしばその州とTamriel州の間で争いが起こり、伯爵や法廷のどちらの権力も及ばないので、Galehavenはすっかり諦められました。<br>
合法的な地位の者がこの堕落を利用するために、DukeやBaronを誇示する金持ちの犯罪者が、 時々、彼ら同様の輩の企みよって僣称されるまでGalehavenの支配にも似た物を打ち立てます。現在の自称Baronは他の者達よりも多少長く街を支配し続けています。私が嫌気を持って打ち明けざるを得ない、彼の愛人は、美しいLady of Valenwoodで、この国の貴族の中でも高貴な者がその地位と重要性を投げ捨て、そして悪名に唆されるのです。<br>
Galehavenは訪れる価値のある店はほとんどありません。もしかしたらFarland's Imports and Tradeはまれな何らかの興味深いものに遭遇する期待できる物の1つかもしれず、いくつかの遠方の大陸の証になる異国の物。そうでない物等。商品は純粋にありふれたものであり、海賊によって略奪された物で主に構成されているように見え、それらの朽ちた魅力の無さに一役買っている骨董品達だ。<br>
Fighter's GuildもMages Guildもここには有りません。むしろ、Thieves Guildそのものが法的な介入も恐れず、公然と運営しているのが苛立たしく、神がこの侮辱を目撃しますように。また、Sailor's Guildがあり、同様にほとんど評判が悪くない組織は海賊により大部分が運営され、居住しています。<br>

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