FormID: 010016E1 LoreDialogueQuest LoreBackground 0 I am an enforcer. There are rules. The boss makes the rules. I enforce them.
FormID: 010016E1 LoreDialogueQuest LoreBackground 1 You break the rules, and you don't get to live a long productive life. So don't break the rules.
FormID: 010016E2 LoreDialogueQuest LoreBackground 0 Guards keep the peace and chase down criminals.
FormID: 010016E2 LoreDialogueQuest LoreBackground 1 Each Imperial city has its own guards. Legion troopers can also be found patrolling the main roads.
FormID: 010016E2 LoreDialogueQuest LoreBackground 2 We collect fines and compensation, or drag you off to prison if you can't pay.
FormID: 010016E3 LoreDialogueQuest LoreBackground 0 I do a little of this, a little of that.
FormID: 010016E4 LoreDialogueQuest LoreBackground 0 I am a smith. I make, sell, and repair weapons and armor. I can tell you about the basic armor styles and weapon types.
FormID: 010016E4 LoreDialogueQuest LoreBackground 1 I can also tell you how to take care of worn weapons and worn armor, and sell you the armorer tools you need.
FormID: 010016E4 LoreDialogueQuest LoreBackground 2 I also repair weapons and armor, for a fee.
FormID: 01001D3A LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetableProductsAlkanet 0 They are fairly common flowers in the West Weald region. The flowers are usually found in groups of two to five and are normally near rocks.
__AlkanetはWest Wealdのどこにでもある花です。この花は通常2本から5本程度で岩の近くに群生します。
FormID: 01001D3B LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetableProductsAloe 0 They grow primarily in the Gold Coast region. The plants are often found in single or double groups and are usually found near the base of trees.
__Aloeは主にGold Goastに生えています。この植物は1本か2本程度にまとまっていることが多く、普通は木の根本近くに生えています。
FormID: 01001D3C LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetableProductsArrowroot 0 The plant grows in the Gold Coast and Nibenay Valley regions. It is often found growing in the open and alone.
__ArrowrootはGold CoastとNibenay Valleyに生息しています。ひらけた土地に一本だけ生えていることが多いようです。
FormID: 01001D3D LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetableProductsBergamot 0 There are actually two varieties of this plant, both of which yield the same ingredient.
FormID: 01001D3D LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetableProductsBergamot 1 The plants are very common outside Bravil and in the northern part of the Great Forest.
__この植物はBravilの周辺やGreat Forestの北側によく生えています。
FormID: 01001D3D LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetableProductsBergamot 2 They can also be found at lower concentrations in the Gold Coast and Nibenay Basin regions.
__Gold CoastやNibenay Basinのあたりでは、それほど見かけません。
FormID: 01001D3E LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetableProductsBlackberry 0 The largest concentrations of blackberry bushes are found in farms, but the bushes also grow in the wild in the West Weald region.
__Blackberryが一番群生している場所といえば、農場です。ですが、West Wealdなどでも野に生えるものがあります。
FormID: 01001D3F LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetableProductsBogBeacon 0 There are actually two varieties of the bog beacon plant, both of which yield the same ingredient.
__Bog Beaconは実は二種類ありますが、どちらも同じ素材が採取できます。
FormID: 01001D3F LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetableProductsBogBeacon 1 The plants are most common in the Blackwood region.
FormID: 01001D40 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetableP 0 There are actually six varieties of the cairn bolete mushroom, which differ in cap size.
__Cairn Boleteには、カサの大きさによって六種類ほどバリエーションがあります。
FormID: 01001D40 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetableP 1 All varieties yield the same ingredient. Cairn Bolete is most common in caves, but can also be found outside.
FormID: 01001D40 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetableP 2 You can find Cairn Bolete growing in caves. They're said to mark the place someone has died.
__洞窟でCairn Boleteが生えているところがあったら、そこは誰かが死んだ場所なのだそうです。
FormID: 01001D42 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetableProductsCairnBolete 0 They can be harvested from the many farms of Cyrodiil.
__Cairn Boleteなら、Cyrodiilにあるたくさんの農場で採取できますよ。
FormID: 01001D43 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetableProductsCinnabar 0 The Cinnabar Polypore mushroom is somewhat hard-to-find and primarily grows on the sides of trees in the West Weald region.
__Cinnabar Polyporeはちょっと見つけにくい植物ですが、主にWest Wealdの木のそばで見つけることができます。
FormID: 01001D43 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetableProductsCinnabar 1 There is a second variety of Cinnabar Polypore which is yellow in color and yields Cinnabar Polypore Yellow Cap.
__二つめの亜種があり、こちらは黄色くてCinnabar Polypore Yellow Capが採取できます。
FormID: 01001D44 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetableProductsCloud 0 The Clouded Funnel Cap mushroom is commonly found in high altitude regions and in Blackwood.
__Clouded Funnel Capは標高の高い地域やBloodwood周辺に生えています。
FormID: 01001D4E LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue1Columbine 0 It comes from the columbine plant, which is common in the West Weald region.
__Columbine Root Pulpは、West Wealdに生えるColumbineから採取できます。
FormID: 01001D4F LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue1Corn 0 You will find corn stalks at most farms.
FormID: 01001D50 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue1Dragon 0 The Dragon's Tongue Plant is most easily found just south of Bravil and in a few locations along the Panther River.
__Dragon's TongueはBravilの南、Panther River沿いの何箇所かを探せば、簡単に入手できるでしょう。
FormID: 01001D50 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue1Dragon 1 Some plants are also found throughout the West Weald region.
__West Wealdに生えていることもあります。
FormID: 01001D51 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue1Dryad 0 The Dryad's Saddle Polypore mushroom is found only in a few disparate locations. It is a very rare plant, actually.
__Dryad's Saddle Polyporeは、かなり限定された場所でしか採取できません。実はかなり希少な植物なんです。
FormID: 01001D51 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue1Dryad 1 Maybe I have some in my wares.
FormID: 01001D52 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue1Elf 0 The Elf Cup mushroom is found in the West Weald region.
__Elf CupはWest Wealdに生えています。
FormID: 01001D53 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue1Emetic 0 The Emetic Russula mushroom grows primarily in the West Weald region.
__Emetic Russulaは、主にWest Wealdに生えています。
FormID: 01001D54 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue1Fennel 0 Fennel is most common in the northern part of the Gold Coast region.
__FennelはGold Coastの北方で普通に見られる植物です。
FormID: 01001D55 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue1Flax 0 There are actually three varieties of flaxes. One with yellow flowers, one with red flowers, and one with blue flowers.
FormID: 01001D55 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue1Flax 1 Each of those hold the the same flax seeds. The plant is highly prolific in the West Weald region.
__どれも同じFlax Seedが採取できます。West Wealdにかなりたくさん生えていますよ。
FormID: 01001D56 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue1Fly 0 There are actually four varieties of this mushroom, all of which yield the same ingredient.
__実は、Fly Amanitaは四種類あるんですが、どれも同じ素材が採取できます。
FormID: 01001D56 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue1Fly 1 It is very common in cities, especially the Imperial City, and in the Great Forest region.
__街、とくにImperial Cityにごく普通に生えていますし、Great Forestでも見ることができます。
FormID: 01001D64 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue2Foxglove 0 Foxglove plants are very common in the Nibenay Valley region between the Silverfish and Panther Rivers.
__Foxgloveは、SilverfishとPanther Riverの間、Nibenay Valleyのあたりによく生えています。
FormID: 01001D66 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue2Garlic 0 Garlic clusters are generally found hanging in basements. I recommend you to buy them, though.
FormID: 01001D67 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue2Ginseng 0 The Ginseng plants can be found in the Gold Coast and Nibenay Valley regions.
__GinsengはGold CoastやNibenay Valleyに生えています。
FormID: 01001D67 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue2Ginseng 1 There are actually two varieties of this plant, one with yellow flowers and one with red flowers, both of which yield the same ingredient.
FormID: 01001D68 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue2Grapes 0 You'll find abundant grape vines in the vineyards outside Skingrad.
FormID: 01001D69 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue2Green 0 The green stain cup mushroom is common in the Blackwood region and can also be found in the Great Forest and Nibenay Valley regions.
__Green Stain Cupは、Blackwoodの周辺によく生えていますが、Great ForestやNibenay Valleyでも見られるそうです。
FormID: 01001D69 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue2Green 1 Do not mistake green stain cup caps with green stain shelf caps, which are similar in appearance but much rarer.
__Green Stain Cup Capを、Green Stain Shelf Capと間違えないように。一見似ていますが、かなり希少です。
FormID: 01001D69 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue2Green 2 The green stain shelf mushrooms tend to grow on the sides of trees and rocks, whereas the cup variety tends to grow on the ground.
__Green Stain Shelfは樹木や岩の側面に生えています。Cupの方は地表に生えているので見分けることができます。
FormID: 01001D6A LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue2Ladys 0 Lady's mantle plants are found in the Gold Coast region.
__Lady's mantleはGold Coastに生えています。
FormID: 01001D6B LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue2LadySmock 0 The lady's smock plant is found mostly in the West Weald region. You might come across some in the Great Forest and Nibenay Basin regions as well.
__Lady's Smockは主にWest Wealdに生えています。Great ForestやNibenay Basinでも同じように生えているのを目にするかもしれません。
FormID: 01001D6C LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue2Leek 0 Leek plants are found only on some farms in Cyrodiil.
FormID: 01001D6D LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue2Lettuce 0 Lettuce plants are found mostly at several farms across Cyrodiil.
FormID: 01001D6E LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue2Mandrake 0 They are common in the western part of Colovian Highlands. There might be some in the Gold Coast region and near Bravil as well, but they are rarer.
__Mandrakeは、Colovian Highland西部でよく見られます。Gold CoastやBravil近辺にも生えていますが、あまり多くはありません。
FormID: 01001D6F LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue2Milk 0 The milk thistle plant is found in mountainous regions and in the Gold Coast region.
__Milk Thistleは、山岳部やGold Coastに生えています。
FormID: 01001D79 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue3Lavender 0 Lavender is common in the Nibenay Basin region but there is also occasionally high concentrations throughout the Heartlands.
__LavendarはNibenay Basinで普通に見られる植物ですが、Heartlandで稀に群生していることもあります。
FormID: 01001D7A LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue3Monkshood 0 Monkshoods are widespread throughout the Heartlands and the Nibenay Basin.
__MonkshoodはHeartlandとNibenay Basinに幅広く分布しています。
FormID: 01001D7B LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue3MorningGlory 0 Morning glory flowers are found sporadically in the West Weald and Heartland regions. They are most commonly found growing on the sides of walls.
__Morning GloryはWest WealdやHeart landにときどき生えています。とはいえ、一番よく見かけるのは壁面に生えているものでしょう。
FormID: 01001D7B LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue3MorningGlory 1 There are actually eight varieties of this plant. Four with blue flowers and four with purple flowers; all of which yield the same ingredient.
FormID: 01001D7C LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue3Motherwort 0 The motherwort plant grows widely throughout Cyrodiil and can be found in every region except Blackwood and the Gold Coast.
__MotherwortはCyrodiil全土に幅広く生育し、BlackwoodとGold Coastを除く全ての地域に生えています。
FormID: 01001D7C LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue3Motherwort 1 Note that that there are two varieties of this plant, both of which yield the same ingredients.
FormID: 01001D7D LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue3Nightshade 0 Nightshade plants are common in the West Weald region.
__NightshadeはWest Wealdに生えています。
FormID: 01001D7E LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue3Peony 0 The peony plant is common in the West Weald region.
__Peonyは、West Wealdでよく見られる植物です。
FormID: 01001D7F LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue3Potato 0 There are several farms across Cyrodiil that grow potatoes.
FormID: 01001D80 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue3Primrose 0 Primrose flowers are found sporadically in the West Weald, Heartland and Nibenay Valley regions.
__Primroseは、West Weald、Heartland、Nibenay Valleyなどで見られる植物です。
FormID: 01001D80 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue3Primrose 1 There are actually two varieties of this plant. One with pink flowers and one with purple flowers. They both offer the same ingredient.
FormID: 01001D81 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue3Pumpkin 0 You might be able to find some growing on several farms across Cyrodiil. I can't tell you which ones though.
FormID: 01002459 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue6 0 Wisp Stalk Caps and Wormwood Leaves.
__Wisp StalkとWormwood Leafですかね。
FormID: 01002460 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue4Radish 0 Radishes are only found in the soil of several farms.
FormID: 01002461 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue4Redwort 0 Those flowers come from the plant [QUOTE]Domica Redwort[QUOTE], which can be hard to find.
__Redwortの花は[QUOTE]Domica Redwort[QUOTE]に由来しています。めったに見つけられません。
FormID: 01002461 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue4Redwort 1 They are widespread in the West Weald but at a low density. A few isolated clusters of the flower can be found in Blackwood along the Panther River.
__West Weald全土に分布していますが、生えている株の密度は低い場合が多いです。Panther River沿いのBlackwoodにぽつんと咲いていることがあります。
FormID: 01002462 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue4Sacred 0 They grow mostly in shallow water like in ponds, lake shores and ocean shores. They are found all around Cyrodiil.
__Sacred Lotusは、池、湖畔、海岸などの浅瀬に分布しています。Cyrodiil全域で見ることができますよ。
FormID: 01002463 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue4Somnalius 0 They grow in the Great Forest region and can also be found in several other areas.
__SomnaliusはGreat Forestに生えていますが、他の地域に生えないというわけではないようです。
FormID: 01002464 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue4SteelBlue 0 They come from the steel-blue entoloma mushrooms, which are common in the Great Forest of central Cyrodiil.
__Steel Blue Entolomaから採取できます。Cyrodiil中央部のGreat Forestによく生えていますよ。
FormID: 01002464 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue4SteelBlue 1 There are many samples that can be gathered in County Chorrol.
FormID: 01002465 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue4Stinkhorn 0 They come from the Stinkhorn plant, which is a mushroom found primarily in the Blackwood Forest.
FormID: 01002466 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue4StJahn 0 The St. Jahn's Wort plant is found in the Great Forest, Blackwood and Gold Coast regions.
__St. Jahn's WortはGreat Forest、Blackwood、Gold Coastに分布しています。
FormID: 01002467 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue4Strawberry 0 They are mostly found on several farms of Cyrodiil. You can also find some bushes growing wild in the West Weald region.
__Cyrodiilの農場によく生えています。West Wealdであれば、野生に生えているものを見つけることもあるかもしれません。
FormID: 01002468 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue4Summer 0 These mushrooms are mostly found in the Great Forest region. They also grow around the Silverfish and Panther rivers and around Lake Canulus.
__Summer Boleteは主にGreat Forestで見ることができます。SilverfishとPanther River、Lake Canulusの周辺にも分布しています。
FormID: 01002472 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue5Tiger 0 Actually, this ingredient comes from two different plants : Tiger Lily and Lily of the Valley.
__実は、Tiger Lilyから採取できる素材は、別の植物、Lily of the Valleyからも採取できるのです。
FormID: 01002472 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue5Tiger 1 These flowers are both found in the Great Forest, Blackwood and Gold Coast regions.
__どちらもGreat Forest、Blackwood、Gold Coastに生えています。
FormID: 01002473 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue5Tinder 0 The caps come from the [QUOTE]Tinder Polypore[QUOTE] mushrooms, which are common in the Valus Mountains and also present in the Jerall Mountains.
__Tinder Polyporeのカサは、[QUOTE]Tinder Polypore[QUOTE]から採取できます。Valus Mountainsに生えているのが主ですが、Jerall Mountainにも残っています。
FormID: 01002474 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue5Tobacco 0 They can only be found growing on a few of Cyrodiil's farms.
FormID: 01002475 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue5Tomato 0 They are found growing around several farms of Cyrodiil.
FormID: 01002476 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue5Viper 0 The leaves come from the viper's bugloss plant, which grows abundantly in the Great Forest region and in the West Weald region.
__Viper's Buglossの葉はViper's Buglossから採取できます。Great ForestとWest Wealdに豊富に分布しています。
FormID: 01002477 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue5WaterHyacinth 0 The nectar comes from the water hyacinth plant, which is frequently found growing in shallow water like ponds, lake shores and ocean shores.
__Water Hyacinth Nectarは、Water Hyacinthから採取できます。池、湖畔、海岸などの浅瀬によく見られます。
FormID: 01002477 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue5WaterHyacinth 1 There are actually two varieties of this plant, both of which yield the same ingredient.
FormID: 01002478 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue5Watermelon 0 You can find watermelon vines growing in several farms.
FormID: 01002479 LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue5WheatGrain 0 It's the wheat stalk. It is grown only in several farms.
__Wheat Grainは小麦の茎の部分です。農園でのみ栽培されています。
FormID: 0100247A LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue5WhiteSeed 0 The pods come from the Goldenrod plant, which grows in the Gold Coast region.
__White Seed Podは、Goldenrodから採取できます。Gold Coastに分布していますよ。
FormID: 0100247D LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue6Wisp 0 Those caps come from the wisp stalk mushrooms, which are only found growing inside caves.
__Wisp Stalk Capは、Wisp Stalkから採取できます。洞窟などの内部にのみ生育するようです。
FormID: 0100247D LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue6Wisp 1 There are actually five varieties of this plant, all of which yield the same ingredient. They differ in size.
FormID: 0100247E LoreDialogueQuest LoreIngredientsVegetablesContinue6Wormwood 0 The leaves come from the Wormwood plant, which grows sporadically in the Jerall Mountains.
__Wormwoodの葉はWormwoodから採取できます。Jerall Mountainにぽつぽつと生えています。
FormID: 01002598 LoreDialogueQuest LoreRaceImperial 0 I'm proud to be an Imperial.
FormID: 01002598 LoreDialogueQuest LoreRaceImperial 1 Through our legions and rule of law, we've brought peace and civilization to the provinces of Tamriel.