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*povssthelifeofriley [#h10b9169]
**原文 [#ka34e759]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が3つづつ。
<DIV align="center">The Life of Riley</div>
by Ace Riley and Casta Scribonia
<DIV align="left">
<font face=3>
[It is clear that two hands have been involved in the writing of this work. Sections which come very close to being a pornographic bodice-ripper alternate with turgid descriptions of the interiors of caves. One sentence catches your eye.]
The Crayfish Cave half way up the Corbolo River is an excellent source of treasure. The problem is that it is infested with foul creatures. I am a pretty intrepid adventurer but that foray cost me dear. I had put down my lucky gauntlets to open a chest when about three of those damned things attacked at once. I escaped with my life - just.
Bah! What are gauntlets. I can afford better ones now.
**訳文 [#y90800c5]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
<DIV align="center">The Life of Riley</div>
<DIV align="center">Rileyの人生</div>
by Ace Riley and Casta Scribonia
Ace Riley and Casta Scribonia 著
<DIV align="left">
<font face=3>
[It is clear that two hands have been involved in the writing of this work. Sections which come very close to being a pornographic bodice-ripper alternate with turgid descriptions of the interiors of caves. One sentence catches your eye.]
The Crayfish Cave half way up the Corbolo River is an excellent source of treasure. The problem is that it is infested with foul creatures. I am a pretty intrepid adventurer but that foray cost me dear. I had put down my lucky gauntlets to open a chest when about three of those damned things attacked at once. I escaped with my life - just.
Corbolo Riverの半ばまで上った所にあるCrayfish Caveは宝の優れた源である。問題なのは悪しきクリーチャーがはびこっているということだ。私はかなり恐れ知らずの冒険家だが、その訪問は高くついた。あの忌まわしきもの3体が一度に攻撃して来たとき、Chestを開けるためにLucky Gauntletを下に置いていたのだ。私は命からがら逃げ出した_-_まったく。
Bah! What are gauntlets. I can afford better ones now.