L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povssWillLetter の変更点


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*povssWillLetter [#s43ea58f]

**原文 [#fa8eb62c]
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Hi Will,
I'm afraid I have sent you on a wild goose chase. Well, you know how unreliable  the friar can be after his mid morning barrel of wine. It seems he misread his notes. It's the Akaviri locket that is in Castle Bruma. The Indigo locket that we are looking for was apparently last heard of stolen by marauders who operate out of Fort Scinia. That's a bit south east of Cheydinhal but you can leave your stuff in Bruma and go back for the Akaviri locket if you have the time.
Good luck
John Little


**訳文 [#f914cd74]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
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Hi Will,
I'm afraid I have sent you on a wild goose chase. Well, you know how unreliable  the friar can be after his mid morning barrel of wine. It seems he misread his notes. It's the Akaviri locket that is in Castle Bruma. The Indigo locket that we are looking for was apparently last heard of stolen by marauders who operate out of Fort Scinia. That's a bit south east of Cheydinhal but you can leave your stuff in Bruma and go back for the Akaviri locket if you have the time.
どうも君を無駄な探索に送ってしまったようだ。まあ、午前中にワインの樽を飲み干した後の修道士がいかに当てにならないか君も知っているだろう。彼はメモを読み間違えたのだろう。Bruma CastleにあるのはAkaviri locketだ。我々が探しているIndigo locketは、どうやらFort Sciniaで仕事をしている略奪者によって最近盗まれたらしい。それはCheydinhalのやや南東にある。だが君の持ち物はBrumaに残しておいて、Akaviri locketについては時間があるときに戻ればいい。
Good luck
John Little


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