L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgPDQ5TwoFaces-02 の変更点


FormID: 0313BE14	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	0	I am sorry, but this kind of knowledge is kept secret by the females of my kin.	
FormID: 0313BE14	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	0	I am sorry, but this kind of knowledge is kept secret by the females of my kin.
FormID: 0313BE15	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	0	Do you really think they would share this kind of knowledge with me? No, I don't think so.	
FormID: 0313BE16	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	0	I've left such thoughts behind me, I am sorry.	
FormID: 0313BE17	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	0	Don't dabble in it. Seriously. One of the best ways to get into big trouble. Metaphysical trouble.	
FormID: 0313BE18	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	0	Oh! I am sorry, but I cannot get you this book!	
FormID: 0313BE18	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	1	Please understand, M'kendri doesn't have it, and cannot get it. It's banned.	
__分かってください。 M'kendri はそれを持っておらず、手に入れることもできません。禁じられているのです。
FormID: 0313BE18	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	2	Not only by a religios authority even, but by the ancestor moth priests themselves! It must have rub them in the completely wrong way.	
FormID: 0313BE18	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	3	This cannot be only because it's a heresy, the ancestor moth priests don't care about that, but the way the heresy is concluded. It must be a very dangerous text.	
FormID: 0313BE19	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	0	I may be one of the most knowledgeable wizards in Cyrodiil, but this book - and its content - elude even me.	
FormID: 0313BE19	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	1	Know that the Heresy is said to be about the connection between the role of primal forces and their counterparts of various deities' spheres.	
FormID: 0313BE19	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	2	More I do not know myself.	
FormID: 0313C4FC	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	0	In my time I've read some heresies and forbidden texts. There were a lot more interesting ones than the Two Faces, like the original Real Barenziah.	
FormID: 0313C4FC	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	1	It's nonsense. I've forgotten most of it already. It's just not true. I mean, what's up with [QUOTE]to be immortal is to hate. Only love can die.[QUOTE]	
FormID: 0313C4FC	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	2	I'm still alive after so many years, and I don't exactly cook over with hate.	
FormID: 0313C4FD	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	0	A wonderful text!	
FormID: 0313C4FD	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	1	I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to share it, though.	
FormID: 0313C4FD	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	2	Just a hint, think about what I do. What love is for me. And what I feel and do to, uhm, participants of my lust.	
FormID: 0313C4FD	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	3	If you ask me, the heresy is spot on. Though maybe my visitors are better of not knowing.	
FormID: 0313C4FE	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	0	I fear you're in way over your head. If you ask, which you did, I say stop researching this subject any further.	
FormID: 0313C4FE	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	1	To begin with, to understand the Heresy is to understand what [QUOTE]subgradients[QUOTE] are. A pyramid scheme of existence in global. Dangerous knowledge. Able to make you go [QUOTE]poof[QUOTE].	
FormID: 0313C4FE	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	2	Keep your thoughts from it. Seriously.	
FormID: 0313C4FF	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	0	Useless writings, it cannot explain the magnificience of the Goblet of Flames!	
FormID: 0313C4FF	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	1	And who would ever think that Sithis is love? That's nuts! And nuts are no good.	
FormID: 0313C4FF	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	2	Shrooms are good however!	
FormID: 0313C500	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	0	Calculations shown that it won't be you who will have to take the hit from the revelation contained in the Heresy. It should be of no consequence to you. Others may not be so lucky.	
FormID: 0313C500	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	1	There is a nearly sixty percent chance of failure on your part however, which may save an existence.	
FormID: 0313C507	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	0	An insane text, clouding minds of mortals and immortals alike.	
FormID: 0313C507	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	1	Created by a kind of insanity that does not have a place in My Realm. It just makes all the creativity and antics go away. It makes the being go away.	
FormID: 0313C508	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	0	I've never read it, it's impossible to get the complete version anywhere.	
FormID: 0313C508	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	1	Only thing I heard is that it's analyzing the primal forces of Sithis and Auriel, linking them to feelings similar to their doing.	
FormID: 0313C508	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	2	I don't know what the fuss is about, but as said I've never read it.	
FormID: 0313C509	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	0	It's some kind of analogy, isn't it?	
FormID: 0313C509	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	1	I've heard it twists the meaning of live and death around, linking them to love and hate. And by doing so, to their respective governing deities.	
FormID: 0313C509	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	2	More I do not know. I was never able to aquire a version.	
FormID: 0313C50A	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	0	I will not deal with lies like this!	
FormID: 0313C50A	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	1	I can't believe anyone would ever fall for this nonsense!	
FormID: 0313C50A	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	2	Saying that my way of life means dieing, while the way of the demented means living? How utterly insane can you get?	
FormID: 0313C50B	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	0	I've heard the loveletter had something to do with it!	
FormID: 0313C50B	bgPDQ5TwoFaces	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	1	I just can't remember where I put it.

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