L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgMQ4MirCorrup-02 の変更点


FormID: 0310ECED	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup	0	Researching the fate of lost cities? Your Grace should take a look at Vitharn, if that is what catches your interest.	
FormID: 0310ECED	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup	1	Mir Corrup is of little consequence to the Isles. As the worldeater shivered, some people went insane and entered our domain. Though they came mostly from the Iliac Bay, not from Mir Corrup.	
__Mir CorrupはIslesとはあまり関わりがございません。かつてWorldeaterの巻き起こした振動により、狂気に駆られた人々が我らが領域に入り込んで来た事はありましたが、彼らの多くはIliac Bay出身であり、Mir Corrup出身ではありませんでした。
FormID: 0310ECEE	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup	0	There were some fine men that came from Mir Corrup. Best thing was they were always bathed and clean. Which is a nice diversion. Well, at least they were clean when they came into my world.	
__Mir Corrup出身のいい男なら、何人かいたわね。いつもお風呂に入って清潔にしてくれていたのが何より素敵だったわ。まあ、少なくとも綺麗な体で私の腕の中に飛び込んで来てくれたからね。
FormID: 0310ECEE	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup	1	A couple of decades ago they stopped coming. Maybe they put madness on the death penalty list? Poor souls.	
FormID: 0310ECF0	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup	0	If there is something like the very example of a boring story, then it is Mir Corrup's fate. I hate being bored to sleep.	
__ものすごく退屈な語をしてみろって言われたら、私ならMir Corrupの末路について話すわね。本当、退屈で眠ってしまいそうな話よ。
FormID: 0310ECF0	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup	1	If you ever sacrifice your body and being to me, then I may feel obliged to satisfy your hunger for knowledge. Until then I won't divulge in arcane boredom.	
FormID: 0310ECF1	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup	0	It's a boring story! Oh well. You're really pushing my patience. Just because you've spent a night with me, doesn't mean I'm going to read bedtime stories for you. Boring, boring, boring!	
FormID: 0310ECF1	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup	1	Are you sure you don't want another ride?	
FormID: 0310ECF1	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup	2	Oh well, if you insist: In Tamriel's west the Dragon broke, and as it's pieces were put together, some things went missing. Mir Corrup was one of them.	
__ふんっ。まあいいわ…。どうしてもと言うなら話すわよ。かつてTamrielの西部でDragon Breakがあって、散り散りだった諸国が統一された際に様々なものが失われたの。Mir Corrupもまた、そうして失われたものの一つ。
FormID: 0310ECF1	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup	3	What a waste! If I had known what was going to happen, Vrjekka and myself could have had a lot of fun. Just imagine an orgy with an entire city.	
FormID: 0309F521	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup1	0	None of our concerns or doings. This world is defined by decay and corruption. Mortal limitations, not applying to us.	
FormID: 0309F52E	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup1	0	As I said, I don't know. I remember a famine. In the last months we had to pick the forest clean of berries and mushrooms. I even recall hunting rats.	
FormID: 0309F52E	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup1	1	It was a hard time. And then it was... gone. Simply erased.	
FormID: 0309F52E	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup1	2	I can go back to the place where my house once stood, and I see only rock and grass.	
FormID: 0309F51E	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup2	0	They were undone by the Jills. All save the chantry of their master. It alone decayed through His sphere.	
FormID: 0309F520	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup3	0	Tainted lesser et'ada in servitute of a tainted greater et'ada. They have no power over us, so we remained.	
__汚れたGreater Et'Ada(高位神)の隷属である汚れたLesser Et'Ada(下位神)。彼らには我々に対する支配力が無い、だから我々は残った。
FormID: 0309F520	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup3	1	AUREAL AE DAEDROTH!	
FormID: 0309F526	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup3	0	Some aedric beings if I recall correctly, but I'm no expert when it comes to the divine.	
FormID: 0309F526	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup3	1	They are pretty esoteric terms to begin with. Mostly used to explain the mending of time.	
FormID: 0309FC12	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup3	0	They mend history when it's shattered, preventing a plunge into the dawn.	
FormID: 0309FC14	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup3	0	I am sorry, but I've got no idea what you're talking about.	
FormID: 0309FC15	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup3	0	Alright, alright, alright. Considering that you're somewhat of our spearhead against Oblivion please take this.	
FormID: 0309FC15	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup3	1	Be aware though that this is a compilation of very secret documents. Sharing them with the public is punishable by death. Do not even talk with anybody about it. Understood? Good.	
FormID: 0310ECEB	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup3	0	Oh! Every practitioner of chronomagic knows about them. They're an obstacle when changing the flow of time. They're not present here, Lord Sheogorath keeps them away.	
__時間を操る魔術を修めた人なら誰でも知っておりますよ。彼らは時の流れの変化を妨げる役割を果たしているのです。まあ、この世界には現出しませんけれどね。Lord Sheogorathが追い払っておりますから。
FormID: 0310ECEC	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup3	0	Oh! Every practitioner of chronomagic knows about them. They're an obstacle when changing the flow of time. They're not present here, Your Grace keeps them away.	
FormID: 0310ECEF	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup3	0	Powerless beings, unable to bring order to their very domain. Powerless in the realms of Oblivion, too. They just keep bleak secrets from the eyes of Mundus' mortals.	
FormID: 0309F52A	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4RaPoFoundCity	0	That's why you've asked? Hrmpf. Alright.	
FormID: 0309F52B	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4RaPoScholarInt	0	Don't let [QUOTE]scholar interest[QUOTE] take you records from our archives.	
FormID: 0309FC18	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup4	0	As I said, I do not know.	
FormID: 0309FC18	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup4	1	I'm not even quite sure in what timeframe it disappeared.	
FormID: 0309FC18	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup4	2	And really, I've got so much to do, I don't have time to search for that, too.	
FormID: 0309FC18	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup4	3	If I were you though, I'd think about what may have happened around the same time as Mir Corrup disappeared. In that there could lie the answer. A war perhaps? Another visit of Mehrunes Dagon?	
__もしも私があなたの立場だったら、Mir Corrupの消失と同時に他で何が起きたのかについて考えると思います。おそらく答えはそこにあるのではないかと。戦争でもあったんでしょう?当時にもMehrunes Dagonの侵攻があったとか?
FormID: 0309FC18	bgMQ4MirCorrup	bgZMQ4MirCorrup4	4	I. Do. Not. Care.


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